Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Handbook of North American Indians /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Sturtevant, William C.
Publisher Smithsonian Institution : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.,
Year Published 1978
Stock Number 047-000-00406-3 (v.4)
OCLC Number 13240086
ISBN 9780160803888; 0160803888; 9780160775116; 0160775116; 0160045835; 9780160045837; 0160045800; 9780160045806; 0160045789; 9780160045783; 0160203902; 9780160203909; 0160045746; 9780160045745; 0160045770; 9780160045776; 0160045797; 9780160045790; 0160045819; 9780160045813; 0160495148; 9780160495144; 0160504007; 9780160504006; 0160723000; 9780160723001; 0160045754; 9780160045752; 0160487749; 9780160487743; 087474184X; 9780874741841; 0874741858; 9780874741858; 0874741866; 9780874741865; 0874741874; 97
Subjects Indians of North America--Encyclopedias ; Eskimos--Encyclopedias ; North America--Native races ; Nordamerika ; Indianen ; Eskimo's ; Grupos Etnicos (Em Geral) ; Indiens--Amerique du Nord ; Inuits ; Native Americans ; Indianer ; Indians, North American
Additional Subjects Indians of North America ; Eskimos
Internet Access
Description Access URL
The Alumni and Friends Memorial Book Fund Home Page
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ENAM  E77.H25 2001 v.13 Region 7 Library, Kansas City, KS 08/02/2002 DISPERSAL
ERAM  E77.H25 v. 4, 8 (2 c.), 9 (2 c.), 10 Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA 07/30/2014
ESAM  E77.H25 vols. 2-7, 17 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 08/20/2009
Collation volumes <2-15, 17; in 16> : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm
Series has been suspended due to lack of funds and death of editor. Volumes 1, 16, and 18-20 remain unpublished. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. With the suspension of publication, the following volumes remain unpublished: v. 1. Introduction -- v. 16. Technology and visual arts -- v. 18-19. Biographical dictionary -- v. 20. Index.
Contents Notes
Encyclopedic summary of prehistory, history, cultures and political and social aspects of native peoples.