Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Indians of North America)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Retained by the people" a history of American Indians and the Bill of Rights / 1994
18th Annual Region 9 tribal/EPA conference : October 20-22, 2010 / 2010
1994 supplement, American Indian law deskbook 1994
1995 supplement, American Indian law deskbook 1995
1998 Financial responsibility compliance deadline for Indian tribes that own underground storage tanks on Indian lands : final rule. 1994
50 ways to make your world a better place / 1990
500 nations / 2004
500 nations : an illustrated history of North American Indians / 1994
A compilation of Indian treaty fishing rights cases / 1992
A decade of tribal environmental health research : results and impacts from EPA's extramural grants and fellowship programs. 2014
A fish consumption survey of the Umatilla, Nez Perce, Yakama, and Warm Springs tribes of the Columbia River Basin. 1994
A Guide To Federal Grant Resources for Community Organizations, Tribal Organizations And Tribal Governments / 1996
A Guide to hazardous waste management at tribal health care clinics / 2008
A guide to the Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest / 2010
A history of Indian policy / 1973
A river ran wild : an environmental history / 1992
A Tribal guide to the Section 319(h) nonpoint source grant program. 1994
Aboriginal communities and non-renewable resource development / 2001
Aboriginal land use and occupancy studies in Canada 2003
Acoma, people of the White Rock / 2002
Affiliation and differentiation : intertribal interactions among the Makah and Ditidaht Indians / 1987
Agency proposes to authorize hazardous waste mangement [sic] to Indian tribes. 1996
Alaska Native cultures and issues : responses to frequently asked questions / 2010
Alaska Native Health Board's O & M project yearbook : your guide to ideas, tips and solutions for water and sewer systems management, operation and maintenance in rural Alaska / 2000
Alaska natives & the land / 1968
Alaska natives and American laws 2002
Alaska natives and American laws 1984
All our relations : native struggles for land and life / 1999
America's Fascinating Indian Heritage. 1978
American Indian : prehistory to the present / 1980
American Indian education guide. 2001
American Indian energy resources and development 1980
American Indian history : five centuries of conflict & coexistence / 2004
American Indian law : cases and materials / 1991
American Indian law deskbook 1998
American Indian law deskbook / 2004
American Indian law in a nutshell 1994
American Indian law in a nutshell 2004
American Indian law in a nutshell / 1988
American Indian law in a nutshell / 1998
American Indian law in a nutshell / 2015
American Indian law in a nutshell. 2009
American Indian materials in the federal depository libraries of Oklahoma 2002
American Indian Myths and Legends / 1984
American Indian policy : self-governance and economic development / 1994
American Indian policy in the twentieth century / 1985
American Indian report. 1985
American Indian tribal governments / 1993
American Indian tribes of Montana and Wyoming / 1978
American Indian water rights and the limits of law 1991
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