Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Indians North American)

Select Item Title Year Published
American Indian Myths and Legends / 1984
An indigenous peoples' history of the United States / 2014
As long as grass grows : the indigenous fight for environmental justice, from colonization to Standing Rock / 2019
Braiding sweetgrass / 2013
Cancer mortality among native Americans in the United States : regional differences in Indian health, 1984-1988 and trends over time, 1968-1987 / 1991
Conducting health research with Native American communities / 2014
Earth medicine, earth foods : plant remedies, drugs, and natural foods of the North American Indians / 1972
Exposure to PCBs from hazardous waste among Mohawk women and infants at Akwesasne / 1995
Growing up Native American 1995
Handbook of North American Indians / 1978
Health transitions in Arctic populations / 2008
Medicine trail : the life and lessons of Gladys Tantaquidgeon / 2000
Memories come to us in the rain and the wind : oral histories and photographs of Navajo uranium miners & their families. 1997
Plants used by the Great Lakes Ojibwa / 1993
Reference encyclopedia of the American Indian / 1974
Regional differences in Indian health 1990
Searching, teaching, healing : American Indians and Alaskan natives in biomedical research careers : proceedings of a conference / 1986
State of the knowledge : Inuit public health, 2011 / 2011
The Native North American almanac : a reference work on Native North Americans in the United States and Canada / 1994
The Navajo people and uranium mining / 2007
The Navajo people and uranium mining / 2006
The people : Indians of the American Southwest / 1993
Traditional plant foods of Canadian indigenous peoples : nutrition, botany, and use / 1991
Wastelanding : legacies of uranium mining in Navajo country / 2015
Wild rice and the Ojibway people / 1988
Yellow dirt : an American story of a poisoned land and a people betrayed / 2010

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