Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Testing and Evaluation of On-Farm Alcohol Production Facilities.
Author Kuby, W. ; Markoja, R. ; Nackord, S. ;
CORP Author Acurex Corp., Mountain View, CA. Energy and Environmental Div.;Industrial Environmental Research Lab.-Cincinnati, OH.
Year Published 1984
Report Number FR-80-69/EE; EPA-68-03-2567; EPA-600/6-84-008;
Stock Number PB84-215789
Additional Subjects Ethyl alcohol ; Biomass ; Farms ; Environmental surveys ; Field tests ; Performance evaluation ; Sampling ; Air pollution ; Water pollution ; Fuels ; Chemical analysis ; Sites ; Design criteria ; Process charting ; Alcohol fuels ; Solid wastes ; Liquid wastes
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB84-215789 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 100p
Ethanol is the most important of biomass derived fuels in the short term. The bulk of the production will come from large (20 to 600M gallons/year) units with the remainder being produced on-farm in small (less than 6,000 gallons/year) units. The on-farm production of alcohol presents a unique problem in that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had no data available by which it could evaluate the possible impacts of a very large number of these facilities. This report gives the results of a sampling and analysis program conducted to characterize the air emissions, water effluents, and solid residuals from two on-farm ethanol production processes sampled in June 1980. Several recommendations, including acid neutralization and effluent ponding, are recommended to minimize the impacts.