Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Liquid wastes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Risk assessment of waste oil burning in boilers & space heaters : final report. 1984
A standard procedure for cost analysis of pollution control operations / 1979
Activated Sludge Treatment of Selected Aqueous Organic Hazardous Waste Compounds. 1989
Aerosols Generated by Liquid Sludge Application to Land. 1981
Air stripping of aqueous solutions. 1991
Alternative control techniques document : volatile organic liquid storage in floating and fixed roof tanks / 1994
Alternatives for hazardous waste management in the organic chemical, pesticides and explosives industries 1977
An Evaluation of pristine lignin for hazardous waste treatment / 1987
Analysis of a Land Disposal Damage Incident Involving Hazardous Waste Materials. Dover Township, New Jersey. 1976
Analysis of the Expected Economic Impacts of the Proposed UIC Regulations. 2009
Analytical method : the analysis of by-product chlorinated biphenyls in commercial products and product wastes, revision 2 / 1985
Applicability of petroleum refinery control technologies to coal conversion / 1978
Application of Pulse Combustion to Incineration to Liquid Hazardous Waste. 1994
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes : Background report 4. comparison of risks from land-based and ocean-based incineration. Volume 2 appendices / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes : summary and conclusions / 1985
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices, rubber and plastics industry : plastic materials and synthetics industry / 1978
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices, Rubber and Plastics Industry. Appendices. 1978
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices, Rubber and Plastics Industry. Executive Summary. 1978
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices, Rubber and Plastics Industry. Rubber Products Industry. 1978
Assessment of Innovative Techniques to Detect Waste Impoundment Liner Failures. 1984
Associated Waste Report: Completion and Workover Wastes. 2000
Associated Waste Report: Crude Oil Tank Bottoms and Oily Debris. 2000
At-sea incineration of organochlorine wastes onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1977
At-sea incineration, evaluation of waste flow and combustion gas monitoring instrumentation onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1979
Audit of the Vulcanus Incineration Ship Prior to the August 1982 PCB Burn, Mobile, Alabama. 1983
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 4, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 3). 1992
Barrel and Drum Reconditioning Industry Status Profile. 1981
Beneficial Uses Program. Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 1976. 1976
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F001-F005 spent solvents : volume 2 / 1986
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K086 (ink formulation equipment cleaning wastes) : final. 1990
Characterization of hazardous waste sites : a methods manual / 1983
Characterization of hazardous waste sites : a methods manual : volume III, available laboratory analytical methods / 1984
Chemical Characterization and Monitoring Studies of Effluents from Emerging Fossil Fuel Processes. 1976
Chemical Waste Management, Inc. PO*WW*ER (Trade Name) Evaporation-Catalytic Oxidation Technology. Technology Evaluation Report. Volume 1. 1992
Chemical Waste Management, Inc. PO*WW*ER (Trade Name) Evaporation-Catalytic Oxidation Technology. Technology Evalution Report. Volume 2. 1993
Closed Cycle Textile Dyeing: Extended Evaluation of Full-Scale Hyperfiltration Demonstration. 1984
Collaborative study of the toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP). 1987
Collaborative study of the toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP). {Microfiche} 1987
Combustion of Hazardous Waste. 1987
Companies that Generate, Treat, Dispose or Recover Hazardous Waste. 1991 Annual Report. 1993
Comparison of Air Pollutant Emissions from Vaporizing and Air Atomizing Waste Oil Heaters. 1983
Compendium on Low and Non-Waste Technology, Monographs 1-20. 1982
Compendium on Low and Non-Waste Technology, Monographs 21-46. 1982
Components identified in energy-related wastes and effluents {microform} / 1982
Concentration technologies for hazardous aqueous waste treatment / 1981
Constructed wetlands for animal waste treatment : a manual on performance, design, and operation with case histories / 1997
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