Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A description and critique of soil and water conservation programs in Washington County, Wisconsin / 1982
A history of land application as a treatment alternative / 1979
A water quality model for a conjunctive surface-groundwater system / 1974
Accelerated Conservation Tillage Demonstration Program 1981-1985. 1987
Agricultural environmental management systems : farm management for improving your environmental and economic bottom line. 2002
Agricultural environmental management systems : farm management for improving your environmental and economic bottom line. 2002
Agricultural insecticide runoff effects on estuarine organisms : correlating laboratory and field toxicity tests, ecophysiology bioassays, and ecotoxicological biomonitoring / 1994
Agricultural Land Preservation in Region 5 1984
Agricultural resources and environmental indicators / 1994
Agricultural resources and environmental indicators, 1996-97 / 1997
Agricultural runoff and reservoir drawdown effects on a 2760-hectare reservoir / 1982
Agricultural runoff management (ARM) model version II : refinement and testing / 1977
Agricultural sector benefits analysis for ozone : methods evaluation and demonstration / 1984
Alluvial Valley Floors in East-Central Montana and Their Relation to Strippable Coal Reserves - A Reconnaissance Report. 1977
Ammonia Emission Factors from Swine Finishing Operations. 2001
Analysis of a Land Disposal Damage Incident Involving Hazardous Waste Materials. Dover Township, New Jersey. 1976
Anhydrous Ammonia Theft. Chemical Safety Alert. 2000
Animal agriculture concentrated animal feeding operations : CAFO permit requirements - general. 1999
Animal agriculture concentrated animal feeding operations : CAFO permit requirements - Sheep. 1999
Application of sewage sludge to cropland : appraisal of potential hazards of the heavy metals to plants and animals. 1976
Application of Sludges and Wastewater on Agricultural Land: A Planning and Education Guide. 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Soil Erosion Potential of Reclaimed Agricultural Lands. 1980
Assessment of promising forest management practices and technologies for enhancing the conservation and sequestration of atmospheric carbon and their costs at the site level / 1991
Bangladesh 1983
Basin Model: Economic Sector. 1971
Best management practices for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1978
Biological confinement of genetically engineered organisms 2004
Bottomland Hardwoods in the Tifton-Vadalia Upland of Georgia: A Conceptual Model for Ecological Risk Assessment. 1993
CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) : the tragedy of industrial animal factories / 2010
Case Studies on the Impact of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) on Ground Water Quality. 2012
Characterization of Leaded Fuel Needs and Use Task 2 Topical Report. 1985
Chloride Pollution of the Great Lakes. 1983
Clear Creek interceptor project : Metro District, Commerce City, Colorado / 1981
Climatic Classification and Future Global Redistribution of Agricultural Land. 1993
Combined treatment of liquid wastes from industrial swine farms using BLWRS 1983
Community supported agriculture handbook : a guide to starting, operating or joining a successful CSA. 1998
Comparison of Rain-Related Phosphorus and Nitrogen Loading from Urban, Wetland, and Agricultural Sources. 1981
Compendium of Federal financial assistance programs : targeting programs for state and local ground-water protection. 1990
Compliance Assistance EPA/USDA Projects - Livestock : Focus on Livestock Compliance Assistance Project. 1999
Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and their effect on water pollution. 1996
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal record-keeping and reporting requirements?. 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for beef cattle and veal calf CAFOs?. 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for horse and sheep CAFOs? 2002
Concentrated animal feeding operations final rulemaking : date extension. 2007
Conference on Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater through Forest and Cropland : prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : [papers] / 1974
Conservation Tillage and Conventional Tillage: A Comparative Assessment. 1982
Contingency Planning with Aerial Photography and Geographic Information Systems. 1984
Control of water pollution from cropland / 1975
Costs and water quality impacts of reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution : an analysis methodology / 1979
Crop protection handbook 2011 / 2011
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