Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : nitroaromatics /
Author Howard, Philip H. ; Santodonato, Joseph ; Saxena, Jitendra ; Malling, Judith ; Greninger., Dorothy
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Howard, Philip H.
Kover, Frank.
CORP Author Syracuse Research Corp., N.Y. Center for Chemical Hazard Assessment.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Toxic Substances.
Publisher Office of Toxic Substances, United States Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 1976
Report Number EPA 560-2-76-010; 68-01-2999; TR-76-573; EPA-68-01-2999
Stock Number PB-275 078
OCLC Number 15710934
Subjects Nitroaromatics ; Environmental pollutants--Toxicity
Additional Subjects Nitro compounds ; Aromatic compounds ; Chemical compounds ; Environmental surveys ; Nitrobenzenes ; Monitoring ; Metabolism ; Concentration(Composition) ; Carcinogens ; Toxicology ; Marketing ; Chemical industry ; Manufacturing ; Photochemistry ; Oxidation ; Mutagens ; Chemical properties ; Physical properties ; Utilization ; Chemical reactions ; Trends ; Substitutes ; Storage ; Cargo transport ; Byproducts ; Accidents ; Materials handling ; Explosives ; Pesticides ; Monitoring ; Fungi ; Yeast ; Algae ; Regulations ; Standards ; Biodeterioration ; Volatility ; Transport ; Drugs ; Industrial hygiene ; Public health ; Epidemiology ; Birds ; Mammals ; Microorganisms ; Plants(Botany) ; Bacteria ; Path of pollutants ; Bioaccumulation ; Toluene/dinitro ; Benzene/chloro-nitro ; Toluene/trinitro ; Phenol/nitro
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJED  EPA 560-2-76-010 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 06/18/1999
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 560-2-76-010 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
NTIS  PB-275 078 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation xxi, 600 pages : illustrations, map ; 28 cm
This report considers the large number of chemicals which contain at least one nitro substituent on an aromatic ring. Approximately 250-300 chemicals are listed as commercial nitroaromatic compounds. However, only about 40 compounds are produced or consumed annually in quantities over 500,000 pounds and perhaps another 50-100 compounds exceed 100,000 pounds. Nitroaromatic compounds are used as pesticides, perfumes, explosives, and chemical intermediates. This report focuses upon the non-pesticidal nitroaromatics. Because of the large number of compounds considered in this report, comprehensive information on individual compounds could not be developed. However, adequate information is available to provide priorities for further study and research. Production volume, uses, environmental fate, monitoring, and biological effects were considered. In general, nitroaromatic compounds appear to be fairly persistent and exhibit either hematologic or metabolic effects at high levels of exposure. Most of the large-volume nitroaromatics have not been screened for carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic effects.
Prepared for the Office of Toxic Substances, Environmental Protection Agency. "EPA 560-2-76-010." "PB 275 078." Cover title. Includes bibliographical references (pages 549-600). "TR 76-573." "June 1976."