Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Carcinogens)

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Select Item Title Year Published
(32) P-Adduct Assay: Comparative Recoveries of Structurally Diverse DNA Adducts in the Various Enhancement Procedures. 1988
(32)p-Adduct Assay: Principle and Applications to Carcinogen-Exposed Animal and Human DNA. 1987
1, 3-butadiene : cancer, mutations, and adducts. 2000
1,1-Dichloroethylene : health advisory / 1987
1,2-Dibromoethane Causes Rat Hepatic DNA Damage at Low Doses. 1986
1-Chloromethylpyrene: A Reference Skin Sensitizer and Genotoxin. 1990
13-week subchronic toxicity studies : direct blue 6, direct black 38, and direct brown 95 dyes. 1978
1981 Buffalo, New York, area sediment survey (BASS) / 1984
2, 4-diaminoanisole (4-methoxy-m-phenylenediamine) in hair and fur dyes. 1978
2,4,6-trichlorophenol : Expert evaluation of published research studies on the carcinogenicity and toxicity of selected chemicals / 1978
2002 Edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories / 2002
2004 Edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories. 2004
2006 edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories / 2006
2008 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) National Analysis. 2009
2009 edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories / 2009
2011 edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories / 2011
24-month chronic inhalation toxicity and carcinogenicity study with ethylene in albino rats : report of audit / 1982
32P-Adduct Assay: Comparative Recoveries of Structurally Diverse DNA Adducts in the Various Enhancement Procedures. 1988
32P-Postlabeling DNA Adduct Assay: Cigarette Smoke-Induced DNA Adducts in the Respiratory and Nonrespiratory Rat Tissues. 1990
7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-Deoxyribonucleoside Adduct Formation 'in vivo': Evidence for the Formation and Binding of a Monohydroxymethyl-DMBA (Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene) Metabolite to Rat Liver DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid). 1982
A bibliography for lead. 1986
A cancer risk-specific dose estimate for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. 1988
A preliminary assessment of the environmental impacts from oil shale developments / 1977
A retrospective view of the value of short-term genetic bioassays in predicting the chronic effects of diesel soot / 1986
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : research request no. 3/ SRI International ; prepared for United States, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic Substances ; Project Officer: James Darr. 1978
Accumulation of Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Crankcase Oil. 1988
Acenaphthene : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Acetamide, dimethylcarbamyl chloride, and related compounds : carcinogenicity and structure activity relationships : other biological properties : metabolism : environmental significance / 1982
Achieving a Transmission Electron Microscopy Clearance Criterion at Asbestos Abatement Sites in New Jersey. 1988
Acrolein : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Acrylonitrile / 2002
Activation and deactivation of compounds in relation to toxicity 1980
Addendum to the Health assessment document for chromium / 1986
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogen assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride) / 1985
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride) / 1985
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1985
Addendum to the health assessment document for tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) : updated carcinogenicity assessment for tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene, PERC, PCE). 1986
Addendum to the health assessment document for trichloroethylene : updated carcinogenicity assessment for trichloroethylene. 1987
Advances in Health Risk Assessment for Systemic Toxicants and Chemical Mixtures: An International Symposium. 1985
Aflatoxin Bl Induced Hepatic Neoplasia in Great Lakes Coho Salmon. 1988
Age-Dependent Lung Dosimetry of Radon Progeny. 1988
Air pollution and cancer in man proceedings of the Second Hanover International Carcinogenesis Meeting held in Hanover, 22-24 October, 1975 / 1977
Air pollution aspects of organic carcinogens / 1970
Air pollution aspects of organic carcinogens / 1969
Air Pollution Assessment of Benzene. 1976
Air pollution assessment of carbon tetrachloride / 1976
Air Pollution Assessment of Cresols. 1976
Air Pollution Assessment of Ethylene Dibromide. 1976
Air Pollution Assessment of Ethylene Dichloride. 1976
Air Pollution Assessment of Tetrachloroethylene. 1976
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