Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Gamma Radiation Surveys at Inactive Uranium Mill Sites.
Author Douglas, Richard L. ; Hans, Jr., Joseph M. ;
CORP Author Office of Radiation Programs, Las Vegas, Nev.
Year Published 1975
Report Number ORP/LV-75-5;
Stock Number PB-250 675
Additional Subjects Uranium ores ; Radioactive contaminants ; Environmental surveys ; Radioactive wastes ; Gamma rays ; Mines ; Tailings ; Air pollution ; Water pollution ; Soils ; Sampling ; Mine wastes ; Uranium mines ; Air pollution sampling ; Water pollution sampling ; Western Region(United States)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-250 675 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 97p
This report presents the results of gamma radiation surveys conducted by the Office of Radiation Programs at twenty inactive uranium mill sites in the Western United States. The purpose of these surveys was to measure the extent to which radioactive material had been spread into the environment from the sites by the action of wind and/or water erosion, and by milling activities. The results indicate that hundreds of acres of land exclusive of the tailings piles have been contaminated to above-background levels. Some of the contaminated land is private, off-site property. Survey techniques were developed to locate the spread radioactive materials and to estimate the gamma exposure rates resulting from them. These measurements were complicated by the presence of direct gamma radiation from the tailings piles. Iso-exposure rate lines were located around each site and plotted on site maps to facilitate site decontamination decisions.