Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Uranium ores)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A basic technique and models for determining exposure rates over uranium-bearing soils / 1982
A preliminary report on the stratigraphy of the uranium-bearing rocks of the Karnes County area, south-central Texas, 1957
Above Ground Gamma Ray Logging for Locating Structures and Areas Containing Elevated Levels of Uranium Decay Chain Radionuclides. 1978
Above ground gamma ray logging of Edgemont, South Dakota and vicinity / 1980
Alteration and mineralization associated with sandstone uranium occurrences, Morton Ranch area, Wyoming / 1984
Assessment of environmental aspects of uranium mining and milling / 1976
Bibliography and index of Wyoming uranium through 1973 / 1981
Catahoula Formation of the Texas Coastal Plain : depositional systems, composition, structural development, ground-water flow history, and uranium distribution / 1977
Determination of Acid-Soluble, Acid-Insoluble, and Total Uranium in Silicate Ores. 1970
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category. 1978
Draft environmental impact statement for standards for the control of byproduct materials from uranium ore processing (40 CFR 192). 1983
Environmental analysis of the uranium fuel cycle. 1973
Environmental Aspects of Uranium Mining and Milling in South Texas. 1975
Estimated Average Annual Radon-222 Concentrations Around the Former Uranium Mill Site in Shiprock, New Mexico. 1978
Exploration of vanadium region of western Colorado and eastern Utah 1946
Final environmental impact statement for standards for the control of byproduct materials from uranium ore processing (40 CFR 192). 1983
Gamma Radiation Surveys at Inactive Uranium Mill Sites. 1975
Geochemistry and radioactivity in the Powhatan area, Virginia 1988
Geology and mineralogy of copper-uranium occurrences in the Picture Rocks and Sonestown quadrangles, Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, Pennsylvania / 1984
Geology and technology of the Grants uranium region / 1975
Geology and uranium occurrences of the northern half of the Lehighton, Pennsylvania, quadrangle and adjoining areas 1963
Glossary of uranium- and thorium-bearing minerals : a list of uranium- and thorium-containing minerals, with data on composition, type of occurrence, chemical classification, and synonymy / 1967
Micronuclei in Epithelial Cells from Sputum of Uranium Workers. 1990
Mineral resources and the environment, supplementary report reserves and resources of uranium in the United States / 1975
Miscellaneous data and information collected during the radiation surveys at the former Monument Uranium Mill site (1974-1975) / 1978
National uranium resource evaluation : areas identified as favorable but with insufficient basis for estimation of potential uranium resources / 1977
National uranium resource evaluation : areas in which potential uranium resources have been estimated / 1977
Occurrences of uranium in Carbon County, Pennsylvania / 1954
Outdoor radon study (1974-1975) : an evaluation of ambient radon-222 concentrations in Grand Junction, Colorado / 1977
Population risks from uranium ore bodies / 1980
Proceedings of Governors' Conference on Health Hazards in Uranium Mines Held in Denver, Colo., 16 Dec 60. 1961
Process and Waste Characteristics at Selected Uranium Mills. 1962
Radiation survey of dwellings in Cane Valley, Arizona and Utah : for use of uranium mill tailings / 1975
Radiological Content of Colorado River Basin Bottom Sediments, August 1960-August 1961. 1963
Radiological survey at the inactive uranium mill site near Riverton, Wyoming / 1977
Radium removal from uranium ores and mill tailings / 1975
Radium-226, uranium and other radiological data from water quality surveillance stations located in the Colorado River Basin of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, January 1961 throug June 1972. 1973
Radon concentrations around the L-Bar uranium mill site. 1988
Reconnaissance for radioactive minerals in Washington, Idaho, and Western Montana, 1952-1955 / 1958
Redistribution of Accessory Elements in Mining and Mineral Processing. Part II. Uranium, Phosphate, and Alumina. 1979
Regulatory impact analysis of final environmental standards for uranium mill tailings at active sites. 1983
Relationships between geology, equivalent uranium concentration, and radon in soil gas, Fairfax County, Virginia 1988
Report on an investigation of ground water pollution : Grants-Bluewater, New Mexico / 1957
Response to comments : ground-water protection standards: SAR 1166. 1989
Sandstone depositional models for exploration for fossil fuels 1980
Some uranium occurrences in West Texas / 1956
Stream Surveys in Vicinity of Uranium Mills. I. Area of Grand Junction, Colorado - August 1960. 1961
Stream Surveys in Vicinity of Uranium Mills. II. Area of Moab, Utah - August 1960. 1961
Summary of ground-water quality impacts of uranium mining and milling in the Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico / 1975
Summary of ground-water quality impacts of uranium mining and milling in the Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico / 1975
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