Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radioactive wastes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1978 Atlantic 3800-meter radioactive waste disposal site survey : sedimentary, micromorphologic and geophysical analyses / 1983
1996 meeting of the national technical workgroup on mixed waste thermal treatment. 1996
A monitoring program for radionuclides in marketplace seafoods / 1988
A review and evaluation of principles used in the estimation of radiation doses associated with deep sea disposal of low-level radioactive waste / 1989
A review of radiation exposure estimates from normal operations in the management and disposal of high-level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel / 1980
A risk assessment of the use and reuse of NORM-contaminated waste. 1992
A Study of deep ocean currents near the 3800m low-level radioactive waste disposal site : May 1984 - May 1986 / 1988
A survey of packaging for solidified low-level radioactive waste. 1978
A workshop on issues pertinent to the development of environmental protection criteria for radioactive wastes : [proceedings] / 1977
Above ground gamma ray logging of Edgemont, South Dakota and vicinity / 1980
Accelerating cleanup : paths to closure. 1998
ACCOUNTING model for PRESTO-EPA-POP, PRESTO-EPA-DEEP, and PRESTO-EPA-BRC codes : methodology and users manual / 1987
Actinides in the environment : a symposium sponsored by the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology at the centennial meeting of the American Chemical Society, April 9, 1976 1976
Airborne Radioactive Emission Control Technology. Volume I. 1980
Airborne Radioactive Emission Control Technology. Volume II. 1980
Airborne Radioactive Emission Control Technology. Volume III. 1980
Alternative Disposal Concepts for High-Level and Transuranic Radioactive Waste Disposal. 1979
An analysis of low-level solid radioactive wastes from LWRs through 1975 / 1977
An Evaluation of techniques for ocean disposal of soils containing naturally occurring radionuclides (FUSRAP wastes) / 1990
An SAB report : review of EPA's approach to screening for radioactive waste materials at a Superfund site in Uniontown, Ohio / 1994
Analysis and Evaluation of a Radioactive Waste Package Retrieved from the Atlantic 2800 Meter Disposal Site. 1979
Analysis of Effluents and Environmental Samples from Uranium Mills and of Biological Samples for Uranium, Radium, and Polonium. 1963
Analysis of ocean current meter records obtained from a 1975 deployment off the Farallon Islands, California / 1983
Analytical Procedures for the Determination of Strontium Radionuclides in Environmental Materials. Aquatic Environment Protection: Analytical Methods. 1989
Annual report. EPA review of radiation protection activities. 1975
Annual Review (1959) of Literature on Radioactive Wastes. 1960
Annual Review of Literature (1952) on Radioactivity Pertaining to Radioactive Wastes. 1953
Assessment for future environmental problems : ocean dumping / 1984
Assessment of technologies for the remediation of radioactively contaminated Superfund sites. 1990
Assessment of the loss of radioactive isotopes from waste solids to the environment. Part 1, background and theory / 1974
Atomic energy, radioactive waste management agreement between the United States of America and France, signed at Paris July 26, 1983. 1985
Available methods of solidification for low-level radioactive wastes in the United States / 1976
Awards Register Grants Assistance Program. Volume II. Awards During the 2nd Half of FY 1975 Listing State and Local Assistance Awards. 1975
Awards Register Grants Assistance Programs. Showing Projects Awarded in Fiscal Year 1973. 1974
Awards Register Grants Assistance Programs. Volume I. Listing Awards During the First Half of FY 1976, Except State and Local Assistance Awards. 1976
Awards Register, Grants Assistance Programs of EPA; Awards During the 1st Half of FY 1976. Volume II. Listing State and Local Assistance Awards. 1976
Awards register, grants assistance programs. 1975
Awards Register. Grants Assistance Programs. Volume I. Listing Awards During the Transition Quarter (July-September) of FY 1976, Except State and Local Assistance Awards. 1977
Awards Register. Volume I. Grants Assistance Programs. Showing Projects Awarded in Fiscal Year 1974. 1974
Awards Register: Grants Assistance Programs. Volume I. Listing Awards During January-June of FY 1976, Except State and Local Assistance Awards. 1976
Awards Register: Grants Assistance Programs. Volume II. Listing Awards During January-June of FY 1976, Listing State and Local Assistance Awards. 1976
Background document for capacity analysis for land disposal restrictiopns, phase III : Universal treatment standards and treatment standards for organic toxicity characteristic wastes and other newly listed wastes (final rule). 1994
Background Document for Third Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Third Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity. Volume 1. Executive Summary. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. 1990
Background Document for Third Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Third Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity. Volume 2. Chapter 3. 1990
Background Document for Third Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Third Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity. Volume 3. Chapter 4. Appendix A-Appendix I. 1990
Background information document : final rule for high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes. 1985
Background information document : low-level and NARM radioactive wastes : draft environmental impact statement, volume 1. 1988
Background information document for amendments to 40 CFR, Part 191 : environmental standards for the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high level and transuranic radioactive wastes. 1993
Beneficial Uses Program. Progress Report for Period Ending June 30, 1976. 1976
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for mercury-containing wastes D009, K106, P065, P092, and U151 : final. 1990
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