Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog
RECORD NUMBER: 12 OF 17Main Title | Environmental hazard assessment of liquid siloxanes (silicones) / | |||||||||||||||||||||
Author | Howard, P.H. ; Durkin, P. R. ; Hanchett., A. | |||||||||||||||||||||
CORP Author | Syracuse Univ. Research Corp., N.Y. Life Sciences Div.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Office of Toxic Substances. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Publisher | Office of Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, | |||||||||||||||||||||
Year Published | 1974 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Report Number | EPA 560/2-75-004; SURC-TR-74-572.2; EPA-68-01-2202 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Stock Number | PB-247 778 | |||||||||||||||||||||
OCLC Number | 41993525 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Subjects | Siloxanes--Environmental aspects ; Silicones--Environmental aspects | |||||||||||||||||||||
Additional Subjects | Siloxanes ; Silicones ; Pollution ; Reviews ; Toxicology ; Public health ; Waste disposal ; Physical properties ; Industrial plants ; Chemical properties ; Plant location ; Production rate ; Utilization ; Cost estimates ; Manufacturing ; Storage ; Safety ; Monitoring ; Chemical reactions ; Photochemical reactions ; Hydrolysis ; Oxidation ; Metabolism ; Absorption(Biology) ; Industrial medicine ; Carcinogens ; Humans ; Animals ; Plants(Botany) ; Microorganisms ; Ecology ; Environmental impacts ; Liquid waste disposal ; Bioaccumulation ; Mutagens ; Teratogens ; Environmental health | |||||||||||||||||||||
Internet Access |
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Collation | vi, 112 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Abstract | This report reviews the potential environmental hazard from the commercial use of large quantities of liquid siloxanes which are used for the most part in waxes, polishes, cosmetics, and in the foaming of polyurethane; and as lubricants, antifoaming agents, release agents, and protective coatings for textiles, glass and leather. Polydimethylsiloxane and polymethylphenylsiloxane were of major interest as commercial products, although low molecular weight siloxanes were also reviewed. Information is presented on the chemical properties, production methods, quantities produced and released, commercial uses and factors affecting environmental contamination as well as data on health and biological effects. |
Notes | "September, 1974." "Final report." "EPA-560/2-75-004." "TR-74-572.2." |