Grantee Research Project Results
Journal Publications Details for Grant Number R831710C003
Center for Children’s Environmental Health Research – Mechanisms of Pesticide Neuro- and Immunotoxicity
Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research (2003)
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Reference Type | Citation | Progress Report Year | Document Sources |
Journal Article | Casida JE, Quistad GB. Organophosphate toxicology: safety aspects of nonacetylcholinesterase secondary targets. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2004;17(8):983-998. |
R831710 (2004) R831710 (2005) R831710C003 (2004) |
Journal Article | Chevrier J, Eskenazi B, Bradman A, Fenster L, Barr DB. Associations between prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and neonatal thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in a Mexican-American population, Salinas Valley, California. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007;115(10):1490-1496. |
R831710 (2005) R831710 (Final) R831710C001 (2007) R831710C003 (2007) |
Journal Article | Duramad P, McMahon CW, Hubbard A, Eskenazi B, Holland NT. Flow cytometric detection of intracellular TH1/TH2 cytokines using whole blood: validation of immunologic biomarker for use in epidemiologic studies. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2004;13(9):1452-1458. |
R831710 (2004) R831710 (2005) R831710 (Final) R831710C003 (2004) |
Journal Article | Duramad P, Harley K, Lipsett M, Bradman A, Eskenazi B, Holland NT, Tager IB. Early environmental exposures and intracellular Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles in 24-month-old children living in an agricultural area. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(12):1916-1922. |
R831710 (2005) R831710 (Final) R831710C001 (2006) R831710C001 (2007) R831710C002 (2006) R831710C003 (2006) R831710C003 (2007) |
Journal Article | Duramad P, Tager IB, Leikauf J, Eskenazi B, Holland NT. Expression of Th1/Th2 cytokines in human blood after in vitro treatment with chlorpyrifos, and its metabolites, in combination with endotoxin LPS and allergen Der p1. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2006;26(5):458-465. |
R831710 (2005) R831710 (Final) R831710C003 (2006) |
Journal Article | Duramad P, Tager IB, Holland NT. Cytokines and other immunological biomarkers in children's environmental health studies. Toxicology Letters 2007;172(1-2):48-59. |
R831710 (2005) R831710 (Final) R831710C003 (2007) |
Journal Article | Furlong CE, Holland N, Richter RJ, Bradman A, Ho A, Eskenazi B. PON1 status of farmworker mothers and children as a predictor of organophosphate sensitivity. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 2006;16(3):183-190. |
R831709 (2005) R831709 (2006) R831709 (2007) R831709C002 (2006) R831710 (2004) R831710 (2005) R831710 (Final) R831710C001 (2007) R831710C003 (2006) R831710C003 (2007) |
Journal Article | Holland N, Furlong C, Bastaki M, Richter R, Bradman A, Huen K, Beckman K, Eskenazi B. Paraoxonase polymorphisms, haplotypes, and enzyme activity in Latino mothers and newborns. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(7):985-991. |
R831709 (2005) R831709 (2006) R831709 (2007) R831709C002 (2006) R831710 (2004) R831710 (2005) R831710 (Final) R831710C001 (2007) R831710C003 (2006) R832734 (2006) R832734 (2007) R832734 (Final) |
Journal Article | Neri M, Bonassi S, Knudsen LE, Sram RJ, Holland N, Ugolini D, Merlo DF. Children’s exposure to environmental pollutants and biomarkers of genetic damage:I. Overview and critical issues. Mutation Research-Reviews in Mutation Research 2006;612(1):1-13. |
R831710 (Final) R831710C003 (2006) R832734 (2006) R832734 (2007) R832734 (Final) |
Journal Article | Neri M, Ugolini D, Bonassi S, Fucic A, Holland N, Knudsen LE, Sram RJ, Ceppi M, Bocchini V, Merlo DF. Children’s exposure to environmental pollutants and biomarkers of genetic damage: II. Results of a comprehensive literature search and meta-analysis. Mutation Research-Reviews in Mutation Research 2006;612(1):14-39. |
R831710 (Final) R831710C003 (2006) R832734 (2006) R832734 (Final) |
Journal Article | Quistad GB, Casida JE. Lysophospholipase inhibition by organophosphate toxicants. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2004;196(3):319-326. |
R831710 (2004) R831710 (2005) R831710C003 (2004) |
Journal Article | Quistad GB, Klintenberg R, Caboni P, Liang SN, Casida JE. Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition by organophosphorus compounds leads to elevation of brain 2-arachidonoylglycerol and the associated hypomotility in mice. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2006;211(1):78-83. |
R831710 (Final) R831710C003 (2006) |
Journal Article | Quistad GB, Liang SN, Fisher KJ, Nomura DK, Casida JE. Each lipase has a unique sensitivity profile for organophosphorus inhibitors. Toxicological Sciences 2006;91(1):166-172. |
R831710 (Final) R831710C003 (2006) |
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