Grantee Research Project Results
2012 Progress Report: Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment (CIRCLE)
EPA Grant Number: R834511Center: Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment - 2015
Center Director: Metayer, Catherine
Title: Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment (CIRCLE)
Investigators: Buffler, Patricia , Rappaport, Stephen M. , Kyle, Amy , Chokkalingam, Anand , Metayer, Catherine , Dahl, Gary , Wiemels, Joe , Barcellos, Lisa , Zhang, Luoping , Miller, Mark , Selvin, Steve
Current Investigators: Metayer, Catherine
Institution: University of California - Berkeley , University of California - San Francisco , Stanford University
Current Institution: University of California - Berkeley
EPA Project Officer: Hahn, Intaek
Project Period: September 25, 2009 through September 24, 2015
Project Period Covered by this Report: September 25, 2011 through August 24,2012
Project Amount: $3,704,598
RFA: Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers (with NIEHS) (2009) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Children's Health , Human Health
The proposed new Children’s Environmental Health Center based at the University of California, Berkeley is designed to examine the effects of in utero and early life exposure to potentially carcinogenic chemicals present in homes (i.e., pesticides, tobacco-related contaminants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), genetic and epigenetic factors and their interplay in the development of childhood leukemia. The proposed Center, referred to as the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment (CIRCLE), includes three Research Projects and two Cores.
R834511C001: Childhood Leukemia International Consortium Studies
Childhood Leukemia International Consortium Studies will identify the exposures to the most relevant time periods and childhood leukemia subtypes and identify important genetic polymorphisms that can modify the association between childhood leukemia and parental tobacco smoking or home pesticide exposure by pooling data from 19 studies worldwide.
R834511C002: Exposure Assessment for Childhood Leukemia
Exposure Assessment for Childhood Leukemia will assess carcinogen exposures, based upon analysis of house dust and blood specimens, with special interest in tobacco-related contaminants, PCBs, and PBDEs.
R834511C003: Prenatal Exposures, DNA Methylation & Childhood Leukemia
Prenatal Exposures, DNA Methylation, & Childhood Leukemia will provide a clearer understanding of the association between parental smoking, pesticides, PCBs, PBDEs exposures and DNA methylation patterns in childhood leukemia, using neonatal bloods.
Core A - Administrative Core
Progress Summary:
R834511C001: Childhood Leukemia International Consortium Studies
Specific Aim 1: Pool data elements collected from 14 CLIC case-control studies in 10 countries.
More than 40 participants attended the 2011 CLIC Annual Meeting held in Barcelona (September 16-18) (the meeting minutes are available at Following up on recommendations from this meeting, a workshop for the Environmental Interest Group was organized by the Leader of Project 1 to discuss sustainable resources for data harmonization across analyses (including those proposed in Project 1), as well as the possibility of conducting geographic information system (GIS) studies within CLIC. The Workshop was sponsored by CHILDREN with CANCER, UK, London (April 27, 2012). Guest speakers from the University of California (Prof. Beate Ritz), the Aarhus University, Denmark (Dr. Thomas Becker), and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (Dr. Ann Olsson) were invited to share their expertise.
The progress reports of the pooled analyses are presented in Table 1. The CLIC Management Group (chaired by Prof. Buffler, Director of CIRCLE) continue to hold regular conference calls to discuss issues related to data pooling, progress on proposed pooled analyses, amendment of authorship guidelines, and organization of the CLIC Annual Meeting. While waiting for complete data at the UC Berkeley institution, standardized procedures for quality control were developed and shared at the 2012 CLIC Workshop.
Table 1 |
Pooled Analyses |
Lead Investigator |
Institution |
Status Since Last eport |
Parental smoking, metabolizing genes, and risk of ALL |
Infante-Rivard C. |
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
Data from 5 studies (Australia, France, US-California, Brazil, and Canada) were received and harmonized during the past year and are currently being analyzed. |
Parental smoking, metabolizing genes and risk of AML and APL |
Metayer C. |
UC Berkeley, USA |
Data from 7 studies (France, US-California, Greece, Costa Rica, New Zealand, UK) were received during the past year and are currently being harmonized. Data from 3 studies are outstanding (US-COG, Brazil, Germany). |
Home pesticide use and risk of ALL & AML |
Bailey H., Joachim Schüz |
IARC, France |
Data from 9 studies (France, US-California, US-COG, Greece, New Zealand, UK, Germany, Australia) were received during the past year and are currently being harmonized. |
Geographical distribution of AML, APL and other cytogenetic subtypes |
Zhang L. |
UC Berkeley, USA |
Expression of Interest (EOI) was submitted in June 2011 - Data delivery delayed into Year 4 due to competing requests listed above. |
Geographical distribution of ALL cytogenetic subtypes
Pombo-de-Oliveira M. (to be confirmed) |
National Cancer Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
EOI to be developed |
Specific Aim 2: Conduct descriptive analyses to assess geographical differences in the frequency of leukemia subtypes defined by age, immunophenotype and cytogenetics, and assess possible sources for geographical differences.
A survey assessing the quality and completeness of cytogenetic data in CLIC studies was completed and presented at the 2011 CLIC Annual Meeting. Most cytogenetic data derive from conventional karyotyping while few studies used more sophisticated molecular biologic methods to detect gene transcripts using FISH and PCR assays. Also, cytogenetic data are not always available for all subjects within a study. Therefore, it is likely that subgroup analyses will be performed in limited CLIC study participants for which quality and completeness of cytogenetic data are adequate. Dr. Luoping Zhang conducted a literature review on the incidence of acute promyelocytic leukemia (a rare type of acute myeloid leukemia) worldwide.
Specific Aim 3: Assess the association between maternal/paternal smoking or home pesticide exposures and childhood leukemia during different time periods (prenatal, during pregnancy, and postnatal) stratified by histologic, immunophenotypic, and cytogenetic subtypes.
Statistical analyses are under way for parental smoking, xenobiotic genes and risk of ALL. Analyses on parental smoking and risk of AML and those on pesticide use and risk of ALL and AML will start shortly.
Specific Aim 4: Examine the influence of genetic variation on the association between parental smoking or home pesticide exposures and childhood leukemia by histologic, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic subtypes.
Statistical analyses are under way for parental smoking, xenobiotic genes and risk of ALL. A survey assessing the availability of genotyping data in CLIC studies was completed and presented at the 2012 CLIC Workshop. The SNPs relevant to the other planned GxE analyses will be selected.
Specific Aim 5: Maintain the CLIC website to facilitate communication among CLIC members and outside communities.
The CLIC website was upgraded from a collection of static “html” pages to a dynamic site, which can be updated by approved users. A “member’s only” section has been created, accessible via a user authentication process, including announcements of activities, events and forums, and a document posting and tracking system. Dedicated sections for CLIC Interest Groups, Logistic Groups, and Working Groups were added where group members post messages and documents to facilitate communication and exchange of ideas. Approved members have viewing, editing or administrative rights within these groups. Initial ground work in preparation for a centralized and dynamic meta-database repository containing an inventory of available study questionnaires, information on sample sizes, biospecimens, and data inventory has been started. It is anticipated that this resource will save significant time and effort in the conduct of pooled analyses.
Leukemia is the most common type of childhood cancer. About 2,400 cases of childhood leukemia (ages 0-14 years) are diagnosed annually in the United States. The etiology of childhood leukemia is complex; confirmed clinical and epidemiologic associations explain less than 10% of childhood leukemia incidence. Project 1 is the first epidemiologic study to date that proposes to collaborate with a large international group of investigators in order to examine ubiquitous environmental exposures (i.e., tobacco smoking and residential pesticides) that may be causally associated with the most frequent cancer in children. Pooling data from 14 case-control studies presents a unique opportunity to fully investigate the critical periods of exposures to these contaminants and the possible modifying effects of metabolizing genes in the etiology of childhood, and to examine rare and less-studied childhood leukemia types like acute myeloid leukemia and other cytogenetic subgroups.
R834511C002: Exposure Assessment for Childhood Leukemia
R834511C003: Prenatal Exposures, DNA Methylation, & Childhood Leukemia
Core A – Administrative Core
Core B – Research Translation and Outreach Core
Future Activities:
R834511C001: Childhood Leukemia International Consortium Studies
Specific Aim 1: Continue data pooling and development of meta-database, and complete inventory of cytogenetic data. Organize the 2012 CLIC meeting in Berkeley (October 1-3) in conjunction with the 2012 External Advisory Committee Meeting for CIRCLE (September 28-29).
Specific Aim 2: Continue statistical analyses.
Specific Aim 3: Obtain CLIC cytogenetic data; compare ratios of childhood ALL/AML and APL/AML to those derived from population-based registries in corresponding countries.
Specific Aim 4: Continue statistical analyses.
Specific Aim 5: Continue website maintenance. Start to design and develop centralized data harmonization core.
R834511C002: Exposure Assessment for Childhood Leukemia
Specific Aim 1: Perform measurements of cotinine, PCBs, and PBDEs in serum samples and nicotine in dust samples.
Specific Aim 2: Complete analyses of PBDEs in archived and repeated dust samples.
Specific Aim 3: Continue to optimize methods for profiling HSA adducts from DBS samples. Profile HSA adducts in 3-mm punches from DBS from control children divided equally between smoking and non-smoking mothers during pregnancy. Begin analysis of HSA adducts in DBS from childhood leukemia cases and controls.
Specific Aim 4: Continue with identification of adducts detected in DBS samples.
Specific Aim 5: Continue with quantification of putative adducts in DBS samples from control children of smoking and nonsmoking mothers and childhood leukemia cases and controls.
R834511C003: Prenatal Exposures, DNA Methylation, & Childhood Leukemia
Specific Aim 1: We have completed this aim and will publish the results in the coming year.
Specific Aim 2: We will complete the analysis of 250 case and 250 matched control Guthrie cards for DNA methylation assessments by the Illumina Infinium method, and publish the results.
Specific Aim 3: We will perform a replication analysis this year on CCLS case/control cards. Additional cards from the California archive will be analyzed in future years.
Core A – Administrative Core
Specific Aim 1: Continue administrative and research support. Complete establishment of the Center External Advisory Committee, and schedule meeting. Establish the Center administrative database (e.g., contact information, fiscal data, and reports). Pediatric Health Specialists, Drs. Mark Miller and Gary Dahl, will continue short seminar series of environmental and genetic factors in childhood leukemia for clinicians.
Specific Aim 2: Continue coordination of scientific agenda. Participate in NIEHS monthly conference calls with investigators from other Centers.
Specific Aim 3: Continue support for data sharing and database maintenance
Core B – Research Translation and Outreach Core
Specific Aim 1: Continue to develop web content integrated with video content posted through the UC channel at YouTube or similar outlet and assess the impact of these efforts.
Specific Aim 2: Continue to roll out relevant messages by UCB, CEHN, and PEHSU investigators.
Journal Articles: 13 Displayed | Download in RIS Format
Other center views: | All 52 publications | 13 publications in selected types | All 13 journal articles |
Type | Citation | ||
Bailey HD, Fritschi L, Infante-Rivard C, Glass DC, Miligi L, Dockerty JD, Lightfoot T, Clavel J, Roman E, Spector LG, Kaatsch P, Metayer C, Magnani C, Milne E, Polychronopoulou S, Simpson J, Rudant J, Sidi V, Rondelli R, Orsi L, Kang AY, Petridou E, Schuz J. Parental occupational pesticide exposure and the risk of childhood leukemia in the offspring: findings from the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium. International Journal of Cancer 2014;135(9):2157-2172. |
R834511 (2014) R834511 (Final) |
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de Smith AJ, Walsh KM, Ladner MB, Zhang S, Xiao C, Cohen F, Moore TB, Chokkalingam AP, Metayer C, Buffler PA, Trachtenberg EA, Wiemels JL. The role of KIR genes and their cognate HLA class I ligands in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 2014;123(16):2497-2503. |
R834511 (2013) R834511 (Final) |
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Gonseth S, Roy R, Houseman EA, de Smith AJ, Zhou M, Lee ST, Nussle S, Singer AW, Wrensch MR, Metayer C, Wiemels JL. Periconceptional folate consumption is associated with neonatal DNA methylation modifications in neural crest regulatory and cancer development genes. Epigenetics 2015;10(12):1166-1176. |
R834511 (2014) R836159 (2017) R836159 (2018) R836159 (2019) R836159C003 (2016) |
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Lee S-T, Xiao Y, Muench MO, Xiao J, Fomin ME, Wiencke JK, Zheng S, Dou X, de Smith A, Chokkalingam A, Buffler P, Ma X, Wiemels JL. A global DNA methylation and gene expression analysis of early human B-cell development reveals a demethylation signature and transcription factor network. Nucleic Acids Research 2012;40(22):11339-11351. |
R834511 (2012) R834511 (2013) R834511 (Final) |
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Lee S-T, Muench MO, Fomin ME, Xiao J, Zhou M, de Smith A, Martin-Subero JI, Heath S, Houseman EA, Roy R, Wrensch M, Wiencke J, Metayer C, Wiemels JL. Epigenetic remodeling in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia occurs in two tracks and employs embryonic stem cell-like signatures. Nucleic Acids Research 2015;43(5):2590-2602. |
R834511 (2014) R834511 (Final) |
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Metayer C, Milne E, Dockerty JD, Clavel J, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, Wesseling C, Spector LG, Schuz J, Petridou E, Ezzat S, Armstrong BK, Rudant J, Koifman S, Kaatsch P, Moschovi M, Rashed WM, Selvin S, McCauley K, Hung RJ, Kang AY, Infante-Rivard C. Maternal supplementation with folic acid and other vitamins before and during pregnancy and risk of leukemia in the offspring: a Childhood Leukemia International Consortium (CLIC) study. Epidemiology 2014;25(6):811-822. |
R834511 (2013) R834511 (2014) R834511 (Final) |
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Milne E, Greenop KR, Metayer C, Schuz J, Pertridou E, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, Infante-Rivard C, Roman E, Dockerty JD, Spector LG, Koifman S, Orsi L, Rudant J, Dessypris N, Simpson J, Lightfoot T, Kaatsch P, Baka M, Faro A, Armstrong BK, Clavel J, Buffler PA. Fetal growth and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: findings from the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium (CLIC). International Journal of Cancer 2013;133(12):2968-2979. |
R834511 (2013) R834511 (Final) |
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Whitehead TP, Brown FR, Metayer C, Park J-S, Does M, Petreas MX, Buffler PA, Rappaport SM. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in residential dust: sources of variability. Environment International 2013;57-58:11-24. |
R834511 (2013) R834511 (Final) |
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Whitehead TP, Crispo Smith S, Park JS, Petreas MX, Rappaport SM, Metayer C. Concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in California children’s whole blood and residential dust. Environmental Science & Technology 2015;49(15):9331-9340. |
R834511 (2014) R834511 (Final) |
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Xiao J, Lee S-T, Xiao Y, Ma X, Houseman EA, Hsu L-I, Roy R, Wrensch M, de Smith AJ, Chokkalingam A, Buffler P, Wiencke JK, Wiemels JL. PTPRG inhibition by DNA methylation and cooperation with RAS gene activation in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. International Journal of Cancer 2014;135(5):1101-1109. |
R834511 (2014) R834511 (Final) |
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Li H, Grigoryan H, Funk WE, Lu SS, Rose S, Williams ER, Rappaport SM. Profiling Cys34 adducts of human serum albumin by fixed-step selected reaction monitoring. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2011;10(3):M110.004606 (13 pp.). |
R834511 (2013) R834511 (Final) |
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Metayer C, Milne E, Clavel J, Infante-Rivard C, Petridou E, Taylor M, Schuz J, Spector LG, Dockerty JD, Magnani C, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, Sinnett D, Murphy M, Roman E, Monge P, Ezzat S, Mueller BA, Scheurer ME, Armstrong BK, Birch J, Kaatsch P, Koifman S, Lightfoot T, Bhatti P, Bondy ML, Rudant J, O'Neill K, Miligi L, Dessypris N, Kang AY, Buffler PA. The Childhood Leukemia International Consortium. Cancer Epidemiology 2013;37(3):336-347. |
R834511 (2013) R834511 (Final) |
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Zhang L, Samad A, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, Scelo G, Smith MT, Feusner J, Wiemels JL, Metayer C. Global characteristics of childhood acute promyelocytic leukemia. Blood Reviews 2015;29(2):101-125. |
R834511 (2014) R834511 (Final) |
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Progress and Final Reports:
Original Abstract Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
R834511C001 Childhood Leukemia International Consortium Studies
R834511C002 Exposure Assessment for Childhood Leukemia
R834511C003 Prenatal Exposures, DNA Methylation & Childhood Leukemia
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.
Project Research Results
- Final Report
- 2014 Progress Report
- 2013 Progress Report
- 2011 Progress Report
- 2010 Progress Report
- Original Abstract
13 journal articles for this center