Grantee Research Project Results
2019 Progress Report: Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions (CACES)
EPA Grant Number: R835873Center: Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions
Center Director: Robinson, Allen
Title: Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions (CACES)
Investigators: Robinson, Allen , Pandis, Spyros N. , Polasky, Stephen , Pope, Clive Arden , Adams, Peter , Donahue, Neil , Marshall, Julian D. , Ezzati, Majid , Muller, Nicholas , Apte, Joshua S. , Azevedo, Inês L , Boies, Adam M. , Brauer, Michael , Burnett, Richard T , Coggins, Jay S. , Hankey, Steve , Hill, Jason , Jaramillo, Paulina , Michalek, Jeremy J. , Millet, Dylan B , Presto, Albert , Matthews, H. Scott
Current Investigators: Robinson, Allen , Marshall, Julian D. , Adams, Peter , Apte, Joshua S. , Azevedo, Inês L , Burnett, Richard T , Coggins, Jay S. , Donahue, Neil , Ezzati, Majid , Hankey, Steve , Hill, Jason , Jaramillo, Paulina , Michalek, Jeremy J. , Millet, Dylan B , Muller, Nicholas , Pandis, Spyros N. , Polasky, Stephen , Pope, Clive Arden , Presto, Albert , Boies, Adam M. , Brauer, Michael , Matthews, H. Scott
Institution: Carnegie Mellon University , Virginia Tech , Brigham Young University , Health Canada - Ottawa , Imperial College , University of British Columbia , University of Minnesota , The University of Texas at Austin , University of Washington
Current Institution: Carnegie Mellon University , Virginia Tech , Brigham Young University , Middlebury College , The University of Texas at Austin , University of Washington , University of Minnesota , University of British Columbia , Health Canada - Ottawa , Imperial College
EPA Project Officer: Chung, Serena
Project Period: May 1, 2016 through April 30, 2021 (Extended to April 30, 2022)
Project Period Covered by this Report: May 1, 2019 through April 30,2020
Project Amount: $10,000,000
RFA: Air, Climate And Energy (ACE) Centers: Science Supporting Solutions (2014) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Airborne Particulate Matter Health Effects , Air , Climate Change , Human Health
CACES is a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional research center that is addressing critical questions at the nexus of air, climate, and energy. The center has overarching themes of regional differences, multiple pollutants, and development and dissemination of tools for air quality impact assessment. Novel measurement and modeling approaches are being applied to understand spatial and temporal differences in human exposures and health outcomes. We are investigating a range of technology and policy scenarios for addressing our nation’s air, climate, and energy challenges, and test their potential ability to meet policy goals such as improved health outcomes and cost-effectiveness.
The center is comprised of five thematically and scientifically integrated research projects and one support center. Project 1 is extending existing chemical transport models to high spatial resolution (1 km) with tagged source apportionment and developing a new class of reduced complexity models for air quality and exposure assessment. Project 2 is conducting comprehensive measurements in four cities (Austin, TX; Oakland, CA; Pittsburgh, PA; Baltimore, MD) to quantify factors influencing gradients in pollutant concentrations, to evaluate model predictions, and to develop mechanistic understanding of how pollutant transformations affect population exposures. Project 3 is developing multi-pollutant empirical models at high spatial resolution (~0.1 km), national-scale and over multiple decades. Project 4 is using tools developed in other projects to investigate key air, climate, and energy challenges and their interactions focusing on four main elements: electricity generation; transportation; agriculture; and economy-wide. Project 5 is analyzing nationally representative population-based health data, combined with novel multi-pollutant exposure estimates and source contributions (Projects 1 and 3), to derive new knowledge on multi-pollutant mortality risk and its variability across the U.S.Progress Summary:
Project 1. Mechanistic air quality impact models for assessment of multiple pollutants at high spatial resolution
Project 1 is focused on the development, evaluation and application of mechanistic air quality models, both chemical transport models (CTMs) and reduced-complexity models (RCMs).
Major activities in the past reporting period included:
- High-resolution (1 km) modeling of present-day air quality. During this project period, we have completed the bulk of the 1-km modeling for the Pittsburgh domain. Observations collected in Project 2 with a high density of sites within the city are being used to evaluate these simulations. Two manuscripts on PM2.5 simulations and one on ultrafines are in draft stages.
- Speciated and Source-Resolved Exposure Fields for Epidemiological Study: Our previous annual report described CTM simulations for 1990, 2001, and 2010 time periods that we are working to hand off to Project 5 for epidemiological analysis. These exposure fields include PM2.5 speciation and are “tagged” to identify the source category that emitted the PM2.5 or its precursor. A geographically weighted regression technique has been applied to the raw CTM output, using speciated measurement data, to reduce some systematic regional biases in the CTM that may have interfered with subsequent epidemiological analyses.
- Development of Reduced-Complexity Models (RCMs). A global version of InMAP is near completion. We have started development on a new RCM that is based on Gaussian dispersion modeling principles, similar to APEEP, but not tied to any particular geography (i.e. US counties) in an effort to build a user-configurable tool that can be applied to developing countries, where high-resolution CTM modeling may not be available to train an RCM. Additionally, we completed our initial attempt to develop a machine learning emulator for a time-consuming chemical mechanism, the Carbon Bond Mechanism Z. Although the approach shows some promise, additional work is needed to ensure consistently high performance. Treatment of nitrate PM in APEEP was updated as a result of our earlier intercomparison efforts and has been applied in subsequent studies.
- Evaluation of RCMs. We have performed a set of CTM simulations to assess how marginal social costs might change under future emissions regimes due to nonlinearities in PM2.5 formation. The results show remarkable robustness in the results due to atmospheric chemistry alone, i.e. assuming one can account for future changes in population and VSL. An exception is the marginal social costs for ammonia, which decline considerably under future scenarios where SO2 and NOx emissions decrease.
- Outreach and Dissemination of RCM tools. A User Guide has been written and added to our CACES web site ( that provides a user-friendly intro to getting and using RCM marginal social costs. We have continued outreach in the form of webinars on RCMs.
Project 2. Air quality observatory
Project 2 is collecting and analyzing air quality observations to characterize spatial (intra- city, urban-to-rural, and inter-city) and temporal distributions of multiple air pollutant species in four cities. Major activities in the past reporting period included:
- Collaboration across projects within CACES: During the past year we worked closely with Projects 1 and 3. Data from this project are being used to evaluate outputs of chemical transport models (Project 1) and national land use regression models (Project 3). We also worked with Project 3 to evaluate the applicability of low-cost sensors for building national-scale PM2.5 exposure models and to incorporate environmental justice into analyses coming from this project.
- Cross-center collaboration with SEARCH: Our collaborative project with the SEARCH center involved additional data collection in Pittsburgh and Baltimore in July-August 2019. We are currently working on data analysis and will present results at upcoming conferences in fall 2020.
- Ultrafine particles: We continued our focus on ultrafine particles (UFPs). One paper under review examines how spatial correlations in UFP and PM2.5 mass may preclude identification of UFP health effects independent of PM2.5; this paper is a collaboration with Project 1. We are also preparing an analysis of national spatial and temporal trends in UFP; a version of this analysis was presented at the HEI annual meeting in May 2020.
- Spatial modeling of source-resolved organic aerosol: Last year we built LUR models for source-resolved organic aerosol (OA) measured in Oakland, CA. This year we expanded that modeling effort to multiple cities (including Pittsburgh and Baltimore) with a goal of making estimates of nationwide exposures to source-resolved OA.
- Comparing mobile and fixed observations of black carbon: As a means of validating mobile monitoring as an exposure assessment technique, we compared mobile- and fixed- site observations of BC in Oakland, CA based on Google Street View car measurements and a dense network of fixed site sensors. The comparison demonstrated that both measurement techniques reproduce similar spatial patterns with high fidelity.
- High-resolution exposure data and environmental disparities: For multiple high- resolution exposure measurement and modeling datasets for Pittsburgh, Oakland, and other cities, we have evaluated exposure disparities by pollutant/source marker, race- ethnicity, and income. One key finding of our work is that measurement datasets often demonstrate larger exposure disparities than land-use regression models.
- Quantifying impacts of COVID-related shutdowns on air quality: Our low-cost sensor network in Pittsburgh has been collecting data continuously through the implementation of social distancing measures. These measures have reduced activity levels, particularly traffic volumes. We quantified changes in traffic-related air pollution and related them to changes in activity; a manuscript is currently under review at ES&T Letters.
Project 3. Next generation LUR models: Development of nationwide modeling tools for exposure assessment and epidemiology
Project 3 is developing national scale, high spatial resolution, multi-pollutant empirical models of air pollutant concentrations for use in health analysis and investigation of the influence of modifiable factors on human exposure.
The main accomplishment during the past reporting period is that the journal article describing our national estimates (S-Y Kim et al., 2020) was published, and the estimates are now available online. This publication (the journal article; and the model-estimates being publicly available) were a major goal, and now a major accomplishment, of CACES. These estimates were used in multiple epidemiological investigations within CACES (see updates for Project 5).
As described next, major additional activities in the past reporting period included further development of empirical-model methods, specific model-measurement comparisons in multiple cities (including based on measurements conducted in CACES Project 2; these comparisons are in addition to model-measurement comparisons in the S-Y Kim et al., 2020, article), investigation of spatial patterns and a spatial decomposition analysis, and use of model estimates to investigate exposure disparities (“environmental justice”):
- New covariates and models: During this project period, we further developed improved land cover variables for the contiguous US: (1) Landsat satellite-derived Local Climate Zones (LCZs) that will allow for spatiotemporally varying landcover variables with historical coverage (~1980s), (2) Google Point of Interest (POI) data that can provide information on sources (e.g., restaurants, gas stations) that are not well covered by existing covariates, (3) Yelp data that adds detailed information on restaurant type and location, and (4) object identification from Google Street View (GSV) imagery. We have completed model building comparisons with these new covariates using more flexible machine learning-based modeling structures (e.g., random forest, gradient boosting) for all criteria pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, ozone, CO, SO2) and two years (2010 and 2015). Machine learning models outperformed stepwise forward selection models, and were comparable or improved as compared to the PLS-UK (partial least squares – universal kriging) modeling approach. These findings suggest that the ML approach allows for creation of similar performing models with only the new covariates and satellite-based air pollution measurements, highlighting the utility of a flexible ML approach and supporting our use of new covariates for model building. Additionally, we have worked with Project 2 to develop the Yelp database and data on restaurants, to develop empirical models across multiple cities with data from mobile AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry – an advanced measurement technique conducted as part of CACES Project 2 mobile-monitoring).
- External model evaluation: We have continued our assessment of model predictions against independent measurements. In addition to the existing Project 2 measurements collected in Pittsburgh (and, in addition to the model-measurement comparisons conducted as part of model-building and model-testing in the S-Y Sun et al., 2020 article), we have leveraged the open-source PurpleAir PM2.5 sensor network as another source of independent measurements. Preliminary results indicate that EPA PM2.5 measurements and predicted PM2.5 concentrations from our version 1 model are typically lower than PurpleAir measurements. LUR models built using PurpleAir measurements exhibit differing within- city spatial patterns than models built with only regulatory data. Several explanations are possible, one of which is that monitoring siting (which differs for PurpleAir versus regulatory monitors) may impact model predictions. Finally, during this project period we have also evaluated our model predictions against predictions from other publicly available or privately shared models, including from the other ACE centers. Preliminary results suggest strong agreement among empirical models built from regulatory monitor data.
- National environmental justice patterns: During this project period, we continued our national assessment of environmental justice in residential exposure to ambient air pollution (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, O3, CO, SO2) over three decades (1990, 2000 and 2010). Major updates from this project period include analysis of disparities by race and income. Average exposures are generally higher for low-income than for high-income households, but exposure-disparities are smaller by income than by race-ethnicity. Racial-ethnic exposure- disparities are similar controlling, versus not controlling, for income. The article describing this investigation is currently in review.
- Spatial decomposition: During this project period, we finalized and published our spatially decomposed predictions of PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations for years 2000-2015. For each prediction location, a local minimum was calculated within several buffer lengths (1km, 10km, 100km) and used to divide predicted concentrations into near-source (i.e., prediction – 1km minimum), neighborhood, urban background, and long range. These results have been used in epidemiological investigations (CACES Project 5).
Project 4. Air pollutant control strategies in a changing world
Project 4 is applying chemical transport and reduced-form air quality models to assess the air quality and health impacts of various technology, policy, land-use, and climate scenarios. Major activities in the past reporting period included:
- Fine particulate matter damages and value added in the US economy. In 1999, the National Research Council published a report calling for the integration of externality costs from air pollution into the national accounts. So far, this call for action has not materialized. We have updated estimates of externality costs for the United States for the most recently available data, within the appropriate economic framework, and did so comprehensively through the use of multiple integrated assessment models and for several years.
- Near term carbon tax policy in the US Economy: limits to deep decarbonization. We explored carbon dioxide (CO2) tax policies from 2015 to 2030 in the United States economy using an energy system least-cost optimization model. We reported limited near-term decarbonization opportunities outside of the electricity sector, which results in substantial CO2 tax revenue through 2030. We found asymmetric deadweight loss from implementing mistakenly high or low CO2 taxes, providing efficiency-based support for the precautionary principle. Despite CO2 reductions occurring mainly in the electric sector, the estimated abatement herein is consistent with the US nationally determined contributions established under the Paris Agreement.
- Multiple health and environmental impacts of foods. Dietary choices are a leading global cause of mortality and environmental degradation and threaten the attainability of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. To inform decision making and to better identify the multifaceted health and environmental impacts of dietary choices, we described how consuming 15 different food groups is associated with 5 health outcomes and 5 aspects of environmental degradation. We found that foods associated with improved adult health also often have low environmental impacts, indicating that the same dietary transitions that would lower incidences of noncommunicable diseases would also help meet environmental sustainability targets.
Project 5. Health effects of air pollution and mitigation scenarios
Project 5’s specific aims include (1) estimate multi-pollutant mortality risk surfaces using two large, unique, population-based U.S. datasets and (2) explore regional and temporal variability in those risk surfaces. Major activities in the past reporting period included:
- Analysis of National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data. We extended our analysis of the NHIS cohort data and CACES exposure estimates generated by Project 3 using alternative “causal” modeling approaches and an inverse probability weighting and “doubly robust” modeling approach. We also completed a multi-pollutant analysis using the NHIS cohort, including spatial decomposed PM2.5 estimates. Finally, we used both the NHIS and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER) datasets to investigate the association of cancer with the Project 3 PM2.5 exposures.
- County-Level Mortality Space-Time Study. We completed an analysis of the association between PM2.5 and country level mortality using the complete vital registration data from 1999 to 2015. We investigated if deaths from various unintentional (transport, falls and drownings) and intentional (assault and suicide) injuries might be affected by anomalously warm temperatures that occur today and are expected to become increasingly common as a result of global climate change.
- Meta-analyses: We completed and published a review and meta-analysis of cohort studies of long-term exposure to PM2.5 air pollution and mortality (all cause, cardiovascular, and lung cancer). Finally, we initiated research on the air pollution and mortality and non-attainment of PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
The Administrative Core provides overall oversight, coordination, and integration of the Center. The Administrative Core oversees the quality management structure, which is detailed in the EPA-approved Quality Management Plan. The fourth CACES in-person science meeting was held in December 2019 in Pittsburgh. CACES hosted the EPA ACE All Centers meeting in Pittsburgh June 18-19, 2019. Finally the administrative core organized monthly conference calls of the project Executive Committee and weekly to monthly calls for groups of investigators for project-specific meetings.
Future Activities:
Project 1. Mechanistic air quality impact models for assessment of multiple pollutants at high spatial resolution
- High-resolution CTM modeling analyses and manuscripts for Pittsburgh will be completed and submitted.
- CTM-based exposure estimates, with source resolution and speciation, will be finalized and submitted to Project 5. These estimates will use available observations to correct some systematic regional biases in the CTM output.
- We will develop marginal social cost estimates for EASIUR based on the volatility basis set (VBS) framework. These will be the first marginal social cost estimates for primary organic aerosol (POA) and VOC emissions that account for semi-volatility of POA and multi-generation oxidative “aging” of VOCs, including IVOCs, that have appreciable effects on secondary organic aerosol formation.
- EASIUR, which is currently derived on a 36 km CTM grid, will be extended to higher resolution.
- A Gaussian dispersion-based RCM, similar to APEEP, but applicable to other countries will see continued development.
- We plan to substantially increase the functionality of our web site for RCM data sets. This includes completing and disseminating the ability to use source-receptor data sets in analyses and will also include a set of environmental justice (EJ) metrics so that EJ analyses will be a straightforward and standard component of any future emissions analyses.
Project 2. Air quality observatory
- Data synthesis and integration with modeling tools: We have completed data collection in multiple cities. Analyses going forward will focus on synthesizing this data across the sampled cities and continued collaboration with Projects 1 and 3 to use our data in model evaluation. We are also looking at ways to incorporate the knowledge gained in this project to improve the next generation of chemical transport models. One example is an expected output from our collaborative project with SEARCH, which will be new emissions estimates of PM mass, size, and composition from urban cooking sources.
- COVID-related impacts: We will continue to monitor changes in air quality driven by COVID-related social distancing measures. We will be able to use our low-cost sensor network in Pittsburgh to capture spatial variations in air pollution changes as Pennsylvania gradually moves back to business as usual, and relate these changes to modifiable factors.
- Dissemination: Results will be presented conferences and meetings throughout the next year. Multiple manuscripts are in various stages of preparation.
Project 3. Next generation LUR models: Development of nationwide modeling tools for exposure assessment and epidemiolog
- Continue to develop new covariates, including a Google Street View (GSV) -based image analysis, and continue to test the new covariates (LCZ, POI, and GSV), version 1 models, and alternative modeling frameworks against existing prediction models and independent measurements from Project 2 and PurpleAir. A primary goal of this work is methodological: to identify similar locations with poor performance, as well as identifying variables that improve within-city prediction performance.
- If time allows, extend existing PM2.5 predictions by combining the spatial decomposition estimates with source-resolved CTM output developed by Project 1, to develop source- resolved PM2.5 estimates. If those results happen and are sufficiently reliable, they may be used by researchers in CACES Project 5 (epidemiological analysis).
- Continue to analyze national environmental justice (EJ) patterns, including looking at additional demographic factors beyond race and ethnicity, interstate versus intrastate disparities, and a sensitivity analysis restricted to locations with monitoring data (versus model predictions).
Project 4. Air pollutant control strategies in a changing world
- Continue evaluation of transportation, electricity generation, agriculture and economy- wide, with particular focus on agriculture and the extension of work using Global InMAP.
- Continue to employ updated models from Projects 1 and 3 in forthcoming research efforts, including Global InMAP.
Project 5. Health effects of air pollution and mitigation scenarios
- Conduct MSA-level analyses of the NHIS cohort data using CTM modeled (Project 1) pollution estimates. This will include composition and source-resolved PM2.5.
- Investigate the association of mortality with greenness and PM2.5 in cancer survivor (SEER) cohort.
- Investigate the association of BMI and mortality using the unrestricted NHIS data (interesting training analysis).
- Project future age-, sex- cause-specific mortality at the county level.
- Estimate, together with projected air pollution concentrations, the reduction in deaths of different concentration scenarios and policies.
Journal Articles: 136 Displayed | Download in RIS Format
Other center views: | All 148 publications | 136 publications in selected types | All 136 journal articles |
Type | Citation | ||
Bechle MJ, Millet DB, Marshall JD. Does urban form affect urban NO2 ? Satellite-based evidence for more than 1200 cities. Environmental Science & Technology 2017;51(21):12707-12716. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (Final) |
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Bennett JE, Tamura-Wicks H, Parks RM, Burnett RT, Pope III CA, Bechle MJ, Marshall JD, Danaei G, Ezzati M. Particulate matter air pollution and national and county life expectancy loss in the USA: A spatiotemporal analysis. PLoS medicine. 2019 Jul;16(7). |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Chambliss SE, Pinon CPR, Messier KP, LaFranchi B, Upperman CR, Lunden MM, Robinson AL Marchall, JD Apte, JS.Local-and regional-scale racial and ethnic disparities in air pollution determined by long-term mobile monitoring.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE OF AMERICA 2021;118(37):e2109249118 |
R835873 (2020) R835873 (Final) |
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Clark LP, Millet DB, Marshall JD. Changes in transportation-related air pollution exposures by race-ethnicity and socioeconomic status:outdoor nitrogen dioxide in the United States in 2000 and 2010. Environmental Health Perspectives 2017;125(9):097012 (10 pp.). |
R835873 (2016) R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) R835873C001 (2016) R835873C003 (2016) |
Clark M, Hill J, Tilman D. The diet, health,and environment.Annual Review of Environment and Resources 2019; 43:109–134 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Drosatou AD, Skyllakou K, Theodoritsi GN, Pandis SN. Positive matrix factorization of organic aerosol:Insights from a chemical transport model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2019;19:973–86. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
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Fantke P, McKone TE, Tainio M, Jolliet O, Apte JS, Stylianou KS, et al. Global effect factors for exposure to fine particulate matter. Environmental Science & Technology 2019;53:6855–68 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
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Gilmore EA, Heo J, Muller NZ, Tessum CW, Hill J, Marshall J, Adams PJ. An inter-comparison of air quality social cost estimates from reduced-complexity models. Environmental Research Letters. 2019 Apr 18. |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Giordano M, Mailings C, Pandis S, Presto A, McNiell V, Wetervelt D, Beekman M, Subrgamanian R. From low-cost sensors to high-quality data:A summary of challenges and best practices for effectively calibrating low-cost particulate matter mass sensors. JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE 2021;158. |
R835873 (2020) R835873 (Final) R836286 (Final) |
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Goodkind AL, Tessum CW, Coggins JS, Hill JD, Marshall JD. Fine-scale damage estimates of particulate matter air pollution reveal opportunities for location-specific mitigation of emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 2019;116(18):8775-8780 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Gordon TD, Presto AA, Nguyen NT, Robertson WH, Na K, Sahay KN, Zhang M, Maddox C, Rieger P, Chattopadhyay S, Maldonado H, Maricq MM, Robinson AL. Secondary organic aerosol production from diesel vehicle exhaust: impact of aftertreatment, fuel chemistry and driving cycle. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014;14(9):4643-4659. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (Final) R834554 (Final) |
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Gu P, Li HZ, Ye Q, Robinson ES, Apte JS, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Intracity variability of particulate matter exposure is driven by carbonaceous sources and correlated with land-use variables. Environmental Science & Technology 2018; 52:11545–11554 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Robinson ES, Gu P, Ye Q, Li HZ, Shah RU, Apte JS, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Restaurant impacts on outdoor air quality:Elevated organic aerosol mass from restaurant cooking with neighborhood-scale plume extents. Environmental Science & Technology 2018; 52:9285-9294 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Hankey S, Lindsey G, Marshall JD. Population-level exposure to particulate air pollution during active travel: planning for low-exposure, health-promoting cities. Environmental Health Perspectives 2017;125(4):527-534. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (Final) |
Hankey S, Marshall JD. Urban form, air pollution, and health. Current Environmental Health Reports 2017;4(4):491-503. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) |
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Heo J, Adams PJ, Gao HO. Public health costs accounting of inorganic PM2.5 pollution in metropolitan areas of the United States using a risk-based source-receptor model. Environment International 2017;106:119-126. |
R835873 (2016) R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) R835873C001 (2016) |
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Hill J, Goodkind A, Tessum C, Thakrar S, Tilman D, Polasky S, Smith T, Hunt N, Mullins K, Clark M, Marshall J. Air-quality-related health damages of maize. Nature Sustainability2019:2;397-403 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Humes M, Wang M, Kim S, Machesky J, Gentner D, Robinson A, Donahue N, Presto A. Limited Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Acyclic Oxygenated Volatile Chemical Products. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 2022;56(8):4806-4815. |
R835873 (2020) R835871 (2021) |
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Jain S, Presto A, Zimmerman N. Spatial Modeling of Daily PM2.5, NO2, and CO Concentrations Measured by a Low-Cost Sensor Network:Comparison of Linear, Machine Learning, and Hybrid Land Use Models. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2021;55(13):8631-8641. |
R835873 (2020) R835873 (Final) R836286 (Final) |
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Kaltsonoudis C, Kostenidou E, Louvaris E, Psichoudaki M, Tsiligiannis E, Florou K, Liangou A, Pandis SN. Characterization of fresh and aged organic aerosol emissions from meat charbroiling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2017;17(11):7143-7155. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Kelp M, Gould T, Austin E, Marshall JD, Yost M, Simpson C, Larson T. Sensitivity analysis of area-wide, mobile source emission factors to high-emitter vehicles in Los Angeles. Atmospheric Environment 2020;223:117212 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) R834796 (Final) |
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Lane HM, Morello-Frosch R, Marshall JD, Apte JS. Historical redlining is associated with present-day air pollution disparities in U.S. cities. Environmental Science \amp; Technology Letters 2022. doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.1c01012. |
R835873 (Final) |
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Li HZ, Dallmann TR, Li X, Gu P, Presto AA. Urban organic aerosol exposure:spatial variations in composition and source impacts. Environmental Science & Technology 2018;52(2):415-426. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Li HZ, Gu P, Ye Q, Zimmerman N, Robinson ES, Subramanian R, Apte JS, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Spatially dense air pollutant sampling:Implications of spatial variability on the representativeness of stationary air pollutant monitors. Atmospheric Environment:X. 2019 Apr 1;2:100012. |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) R836286 (2018) R836286 (2019) |
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Liu L, Hwang T, Lee S, Ouyang Y, Lee B, Smith SJ, Tessum CW, Marshall JD, Yan F, Daenzer K, Bond TC. Health and climate impacts of future United States land freight modelled with global-to-urban models. Nature Sustainability 2019;2:105; doi:10.1038/s41893-019-0224-3. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (2020) R835873 (Final) |
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Malings C, Westervelt DM, Hauryliuk A, Presto AA, Grieshop A, Bittner A, Beekmann M, R. Subramanian. Application of low-cost fine particulate mass monitors to convert satellite aerosol optical depth to surface concentrations in North America and Africa. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2020;13:3873–92. doi:10.5194/amt-13-3873-2020. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
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Messier KP, Chambliss SE, Alvarez RA, Brauer M, Choi JJ, Hamburg SP, Kerckhoffs J, LaFranchi B, Lunden MM, Marshall JD, Portier CJ, Roy A, Szpiro AA, Vermeulen RCH, Apte JS. Mapping air pollution with Google Street View cars:Efficient approaches with mobile monitoring and land use regression. Environmental Science & Technology 2018;52:12563-12572 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Muller NZ, Jha A. Does environmental policy affect scaling laws between population and pollution? Evidence from American metropolitan areas. PLoS One 2017;12(8):e0181407 (15 pp.). |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (Final) R835873C004 (2016) |
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Muller NZ, Matthews PH, Wiltshire-Gordon V. The distribution of income is worse than you think: including pollution impacts into measures of income inequality. PLoS ONE 2018;13(3):e0192461 (15 pp.). |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Muller NZ. Environmental benefit-cost analysis and the national accounts. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 2018;9(1):27-66. |
R835873 (2017) R835873C004 (2016) |
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Nguyen NP, Marshall JD. Impact, efficiency, inequality, and injustice of urban air pollution: variability by emission location. Environmental Research Letters 2018;13(2):024002 (9 pp.). |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) R833624 (Final) |
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Paolella DA, Tessum CW, Adams PJ, Apte JS, Chambliss S, Hill J, Muller NZ, Marshall JD. Effect of model spatial resolution on estimates of fine particulate matter exposure and exposure disparities in the United States. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2018;5(7):436-441. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Parks RM, Bennett JE, Foreman KJ, Toumi R, Ezzati M. National and regional seasonal dynamics of all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the USA from 1980 to 2016. eLife 2018; 7:e35500. |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (2020) R835873 (Final) |
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Pope III CA, Ezzati M, Cannon JB, Allen RT, Jerrett M, Burnett RT. Mortality risk and PM2.5 air pollution in the USA: An analysis of a national prospective cohort. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2018;11(3):245-252. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
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Pope III CA, Lefler JS, Ezzati M, Higbee JD, Marshall JD, Kim SY, Bechle M, Gilliat KS, Vernon SE, Robinson AL, Burnett RT. Mortality Risk and Fine Particulate Air Pollution in a Large, Representative Cohort of US Adults. Environmental health perspectives. 2019 Jul 24;127(7):077007. |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Robinson ES, Shah RU, Messier K, Gu P, Li HZ, Apte JS, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Land-use regression modeling of source-resolved aerosol components from mobile Sampling. Environmental Science & Technology 2019; 53(15):8925-8937 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Saha PK, Robinson ES, Shah RU, Zimmerman N, Apte JS, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Reduced ultrafine particle concentration in urban air: Changes in nucleation and anthropogenic emissions. Environmental Science & Technology 2018;52(12):6798-6806. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Saha PK, Zimmerman N, Malings C, Hauryliuk A, Li Z, Snell L, Subramanian R, Lipsky E, Apte JS, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Quantifying high-resolution spatial variations and local source impacts of urban ultrafine particle concentrations. Science of the Total Environment. 2019; 655:473-81 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) R836286 (2018) R836286 (2019) |
Exit |
Saha PK, Li HZ, Apte JS, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Urban ultrafine particle exposure assessment with land-use regression:Influence of sampling strategy. Environmental Science & Technology 2019; 53:7326-7336 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Sergi B, Davis A, Azevedo I. The effect of providing climate and health information on support for alternative electricity portfolios. Environmental Research Letters 2018;13(2):024026 (10 pp.). |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Shah RU, Robinson ES, Gu P, Robinson AL, Apte JS, Presto AA. High spatial resolution mapping of aerosol composition and sources in Oakland, California using mobile aerosol mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018; 18(22):16325–16344 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Skyllakou K, Rivera PG, Dinkelacker B, Karnezi E, Kioutsioukis I, Hernandez C, Adams PJ, Pandis SN. Changes in PM2.5 concentrations and their sources in the US from 1990 to 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ;21(22):17115-17132. |
R835873 (2020) |
Exit |
Tessum CW, Hill JD, Marshall JD. InMAP: a model for air pollution interventions. PLoS ONE 2017;12(4):e0176131 (26 pp.). |
R835873 (2016) R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873C001 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Tessum CW, Hil JD, Marshall JD. InMAP:A model for air pollution interventions. PLoS ONE 12, e0176131, 0.1371/journal.pone.0176131, 2017. |
R835873 (Final) R835873C001 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Tessum CW, Apte JS, Goodkind AL, Muller NZ, Mullins KA, Paolella DA, Polasky S, Springer NP, Thakrar SK, Marshall JD, Hill JD. Inequity in consumption of goods and services adds to racial–ethnic disparities in air pollution exposure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019; 116 (13):6001-6006 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Thakrar SK, Goodkind AL, Tessum CW, Marshall JD, Hill JD. Life cycle air quality impacts on human health from potential switchgrass production in the United States. Biomass and Bioenergy 2018;114:73-82. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Thind MPS, Wilson EJ, Azevedo IL, Marshall JD. Marginal emissions factors for electricity generation in the Midcontinent ISO. Environmental Science & Technology 2017;51(24):14445–14452. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Tschofen P, Azevedo IL, Muller NZ. Fine particulate matter damages and value added in the United States economy. Proceedings of the National Academies of Science 2019; 116(40):19857-19862 |
R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Vaishnav P, Horner N, Azevedo IL. Was it worthwhile? Where have the benefits of rooftop solar photovoltaic generation exceeded the cost? Environmental Research Letters 2017;12(9):094015 (14 pp.). |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) R833864 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Weis A, Jaramillo P, Michalek J. Consequential life cycle air emissions externalities for plug-in electric vehicles in the PJM interconnection. Environmental Research Letters 2016;11(2):024009 (12 pp.). |
R835873 (2016) R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873C001 (2016) R835873C004 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Ye Q, Gu P, Li HZ, Robinson ES, Lipsky E, Kaltsonoudis C, Lee AKY, Apte JS, Robinson AL, Sullivan RC, Presto AA, Donahue NM. Spatial variability of sources and mixing state of atmospheric particles in a metropolitan area. Environmental Science & Technology 2018;52(12):6807-6815. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Ye Q, Li HZ, Gu P, Robinson ES, Apte, Sullivan Ryan C., Robinson Allen L., Donahue Neil M., Presto Albert A. Moving beyond fine particle mass:High-spatial resolution exposure to source-resolved atmospheric particle number and chemical mixing state. Environmental Health Perspectives 2020;128:017009. doi:10.1289/EHP5311. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Zakoura M, Pandis SN. Overprediction of aerosol nitrate by chemical transport models: the role of grid resolution. Atmospheric Environment 2018;187:390-400. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Zhao Y, Saleh R, Saliba G, Presto AA, Gordon TD, Drozd GT, Goldstein AH, Donahue NM, Robinson AL. Reducing secondary organic aerosol formation from gasoline vehicle exhaust. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017;114(27):6984-6989. |
R835873 (2016) R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) R835873C001 (2016) R835873C004 (2016) |
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Zimmerman N, Presto AA, Kumar SPN, Gu J, Hauryliuk A, Robinson ES, Robinson AL, Subramanian R. A machine learning calibration model using random forests to improve sensor performance for lower-cost air quality monitoring. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2018;11(1):291-313. |
R835873 (2017) R835873 (2018) R835873 (Final) R836286 (2017) R836286 (2018) R836286 (2019) |
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Zimmerman N, Presto AA, Kumar SPN, Gu J, Hauryliuk A, Robinson ES, Robinson AL, Subramanian R. Closing the gap on lower cost air quality monitoring:machine learning calibration models to improve low-cost sensor performance. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions August 2017 [In review]. |
R835873 (2016) R836286 (2016) |
Exit Exit |
Apte JS, Brauer M, Cohen AJ, Ezzati M, Pope CA. Ambient PM2.5 reduces global and regional life expectancy. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2018;5:546–51. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Lu Q, Zhao Y, Robinson AL. Comprehensive organic emission profiles for gasoline, diesel, and gas-turbine engines including intermediate and semi-volatile organic compound emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018;18:17637–54; doi:10.5194/acp-18-17637-2018. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Knibbs LD, van Donkelaar A, Martin RV, Bechle MJ, Brauer M, Cohen DD, Cowie CT, Dirgawati M, Guo Y, Hanigan IC, Johnston FH, Marks, GB, Marshal JD, Pereira G, Jalaludin B, Heyworth JS, Morgan GG, Barnett AG. Satellite-based land-use regression for continental-scale long-term Ambient PM2.5M exposure assessment in Australia. Environmental Science & Technology 2018;52:12445–55 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Zhao Y, Lambe AT, Saleh R, Saliba G, Robinson AL. Secondary organic aerosol production from gasoline vehicle exhaust:Effects of engine technology, cold start, and emission certification standard. Environmental Science & Technology 2018;52:1253–61. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b05045. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Lefler JS, Higbee JD, Burnett RT, Ezzati M, Coleman NC, Mann DD, Marshall JD, Bechle M, Wang Y, Robinson AL, Pope, CA. Air pollution and mortality in a large, representative U.S. cohort:multiple-pollutant analyses, and spatial and temporal decompositions. Environmental Health 2019; 18:101 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Mayfield EN, Cohon JL, Muller NZ, Azevedo IML, Robinson AL. Cumulative environmental and employment impacts of the shale gas boom. Nature Sustainability 2019;2:1122–31. doi:10.1038/s41893-019-0420-1. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Tanzer R, Malings C, Hauryliuk A, Subramanian R, Presto AA. Demonstration of a Low-Cost Multi-Pollutant Network to Quantify Intra-Urban Spatial Variations in Air Pollutant Source Impacts and to Evaluate Environmental Justice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019 Jan;16(14):2523. |
R835873 (Final) R836286 (2018) |
Exit Exit |
Tanzer R, Malings C, Hauryliuk A, Subramanian R, Presto AA. Demonstration of a low-cost multi-pollutant network to quantify intra-urban spatial variations in air pollutant source impacts and to evaluate environmental justice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019;16:2523. doi:10.3390/ijerph16142523. |
R835873 (2019) R836286 (2019) |
Exit Exit |
Ward JW, Michalek JJ, Azevedo IL, Samaras C, Ferreira P. Effects of on-demand ridesourcing on vehicle ownership, fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and emissions per capital in U.S. States. Transportation Research Part C:Emerging Technologies 2019;108:289–301. doi:10.1016/j.trc.2019.07.026. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Dimanchev EG, Paltsev S, Yuan M, Rothenberg D, Tessum CW, Marshall JD, Selin NE. Health co-benefits of sub-national renewable energy policy in the US. Environmental Research Letters 2019;14(8):085012 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) R835872 (2018) R835872 (2019) |
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Zakoura M, Pandis SN. Improving fine aerosol nitrate predictions using a Plume-in-Grid modeling approach. Atmospheric Environment 2019;215:116887. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.116887. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Lu T, Lansing J, Zhang W, Bechle MJ, Hankey S. Land use regression models for 60 volatile organic compounds:Comparing Google Point of Interest (POI) and city permit data. Science of The Total Environment 2019;677:131–41; doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.285. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Clark MA, Springmann M, Hill J, Tilman D. Multiple health and environmental impacts of foods. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019;116:23357–62 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Xu H, Bechle MJ, Wang M, Szpiro AA, Vedal S, Bai Y, Marshall JD. National PM2.5 and NO2 exposure models for China based on land use regression, satellite measurements, and universal kriging. Science of The Total Environment 2019;655:423–33. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.125. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Mayfield EN, Cohon JL, Muller NZ, Azevedo IML, Robinson AL. Quantifying the social equity state of an energy system:environmental and labor market equity of the shale gas boom in Appalachia. Environmental Research Letters 2019;14:124072. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab59cd. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Sergi B, Azevedo I, Xia T, Davis A, Xu J. Support for emissions reductions based on Immediate and long-term pollution exposure in China. Ecological Economics2019;158:26–33. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.12.009. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Muller NZ. The derivation of discount rates with an augmented measure of income. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 2019;95:87–101. doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2019.02.007. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Alotaibi R, Bechle M, Marshall JD, Ramani T, Zietsman J, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Khreis H. Traffic related air pollution and the burden of childhood asthma in the contiguous United States in 2000 and 2010. Environment International 2019;127:858–67. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Eilenberg SR, Subramanian R, Malings C, Hauryliuk A, Presto AA, Robinson AL. Using a network of lower-cost monitors to identify the influence of modifiable factors driving spatial patterns in fine particulate matter concentrations in an urban environment. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2020;30(6):949-61. |
R835873 (2020) R835873 (Final) R836286 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Kelp MM, Jacob DJ, Kutz JN, Marshall JD, Tessum CW. Toward stable, general machine-learned models of the atmospheric chemical system. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2020;125:e2020JD032759. |
R835873 (2020) R835873 (Final) R840012 (2021) R840012 (2022) R840012 (2023) R840012 (Final) R840014 (2023) R840014 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Zimmerman N, Li HZ, Ellis A, Hauryliuk A, Robinson ES, Gu P, Shah RU, Ye Q, Snell L, Subramanian R, Robinson AL, Apte JS, Presto AA. Improving correlations between land use and air pollutant concentrations using wavelet analysis:Insights from a low-cost sensor network. Aerosol Air Quality Resesearch 2020;20:314–28. doi:10.4209/aaqr.2019.03.0124. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) R836286 (2019) |
Exit |
Fabisiak JP, Jackson EM, Brink LL, Presto AA. A risk-based model to assess environmental justice and coronary heart disease burden from traffic-related air pollutants. Environ Health 2020;19:34 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Parks RM, Bennett JE, Tamura-Wicks H, Kontis V, Toumi R, Danaei G, Ezzati M. Anomalously warm temperatures are associated with increased injury deaths. Nature Medicine 2020;26:65–70. doi:10.1038/s41591-019-0721-y. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Kim S-Y, Bechle M, Hankey S, Sheppard L, Szpiro AA, Marshall JD. Concentrations of criteria pollutants in the contiguous U.S., 1979 – 2015:Role of prediction model parsimony in integrated empirical geographic regression. PLOS ONE 2020;15:e0228535 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Goodkind AL, Jones BA, Berrens RP. Cryptodamages:Monetary value estimates of the air pollution and human health impacts of cryptocurrency mining. Energy Research & Social Science 2020;59:101281 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Malings C, Tanzer R, Hauryliuk A, Saha PK, Robinson AL, Presto AA, Subramanian R. Fine particle mass monitoring with low-cost sensors:Corrections and long-term performance evaluation. Aerosol Science and Technology 2020;54:160–74. doi:10.1080/02786826.2019.1623863. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) R836286 (2018) R836286 (2019) |
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Pope CA, Coleman N, Pond ZA, Burnett RT. Fine particulate air pollution and human mortality:25+ years of cohort studies. Environmental Research 2020;183:108924. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2019.108924. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Coleman NC, Burnett RT, Ezzati M, Marshall JD, Robinson AL, Pope CA. Fine particulate matter exposure and cancer incidence:Analysis of SEER cancer registry data from 1992-2016. Environmental Health Perspectives 2020;128(10); doi:10.1289/EHP7246. |
R835873 (Final) |
Jorga SD, Kaltsonoudis C, Liangou A, Pandis SN. Measurement of formation rates of secondary aerosol in the ambient urban atmosphere using a dual smog chamber system. Environmental Science & Technology 2020;54:1336–43 |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Lu Q, Murphy BN, Qin M, Adams PJ, Zhao Y, Pye HOT, Efstathiou C, Robinson AL. Simulation of organic aerosol formation during the CalNex study:Updated mobile emissions and secondary organic aerosol parameterization for intermediate-volatility organic compounds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2020;20:4313–32; doi:10.5194/acp-20-4313-2020. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Shah RU, Coggon MM, Gkatzelis GI, McDonald BC, Tasoglou A, Huber H, Gilman J, Warneke C, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Urban oxidation flow reactor measurements reveal significant secondary organic aerosol contributions from volatile emissions of emerging Importance. Environmental Science & Technology 2020;54:714–25. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b06531. . |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Skyllakou K, Rivera PG, Dinkelacker B, Karnezi E, Kioutsioukis I, Hernandez C, Adams PJ, Pandis SN. Changes in PM2.5 concentrations and their sources in the US from 1990 to 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2021;21:17115–32. doi:10.5194/acp-21-17115-2021. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Li J, Hauryliuk A, Malings C, Eilenberg SR, Subramanian R, Presto AA. Characterizing the aging of Alphasense NO2 sensors in long-term field deployments. ACS Sensors 2021;6:2952–9. doi:10.1021/acssensors.1c00729. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Coleman CJ, Yeager RA, Riggs DW, Coleman NC, Garcia GR, Bhatnagar A, Pope CA. Greenness, air pollution, and mortality risk:A U.S. cohort study of cancer patients and survivors. Environment International 2021;157:106797. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2021.106797. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Lu T, Marshall JD, Zhang W, Hystad P, Kim S-Y, Bechle MJ, Demuzere M, Hankey S. National empirical models of air pollution using microscale measures of the urban environment. Environmental Science & Technology 2021;55:15519–30. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c04047. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Presto AA, Saha PK, Robinson AL. Past, present, and future of ultrafine particle exposures in North America. Atmospheric Environment:X 2021;10:100109. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Balasubramanian S, Domingo NGG, Hunt ND, Gittlin M, Colgan KK, Marshall JD, Robinson AL, Azevedo IML, Thakrar SK, Clark MA, Tessum CW, Adams PJ, Pandis SN, Hill JD. The food we eat, the air we breathe:A review of the fine particulate matter-induced air quality health impacts of the global food system. Environ Res Lett. 2021;16:103004. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac065f. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Liang Y, Sengupta D, Campmier MJ, Lunderberg DM, Apte JS, Goldstein AH. Wildfire smoke impacts on indoor air quality assessed using crowdsourced data in California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2021;118:. doi:10.1073/pnas.2106478118. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Parks RM, Benavides J, Anderson GB, Nethery RC, Navas-Acien A, Dominici F, Ezzati M, Kioumourtzoglou M-A. Association of tropical cyclones with county-level mortality in the US. JAMA 2022;327:946–55. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.1682. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Pond ZA, Hernandez CS, Adams PJ, Pandis SN, Garcia GR, Robinson AL, Marshall JD, Burnett R, Skyllakou K, Garcia Rivera P, Karnezi E, Coleman CJ, Pope CA. Cardiopulmonary mortality and fine particulate air pollution by species and source in a national U.S. cohort. Environmental Science & Technology 2022;56:7214–23. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c04176. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Burnett RT, Spadaro JV, Garcia GR, Pope CA. Designing health impact functions to assess marginal changes in outdoor fine particulate matter. Environmental Research 2022;204:112245. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2021.112245. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Kontis V, Bennett JE, Parks RM, Rashid T, Pearson-Stuttard J, Asaria P, Zhou B, Guillot M, Mathers CD, Khang Y-H, McKee M, Ezzati M. Lessons learned and lessons missed:impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on all-cause mortality in 40 industrialised countries and US states prior to mass vaccination. Wellcome Open Research 2022;6:279. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17253.2. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Wang Y, Apte JS, Hill JD, Ivey CE, Patterson RF, Tessum CW, Marshall JD. Location-specific strategies for eliminating US national racial-ethnic PM2.5 exposure inequality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2022;119(44). doi:10.1073/pnas.2205548119. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Pond ZA, Saha PK, Coleman CJ, Presto AA, Robinson AL, Arden Pope III C. Mortality risk and long-term exposure to ultrafine particles and primary fine particle components in a national U.S. Cohort. Environment International 2022;167:107439. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2022.107439. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Roth MB, Adams PJ, Jaramillo P, Muller NZ. Policy spillovers, technological lock-in, and efficiency gains from regional pollution taxes in the U.S. Energy and Climate Change 2022;3:100077. doi:10.1016/j.egycc.2022.100077. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Saha PK, Presto AA, Hankey S, Marshall JD, Robinson AL. Racial-ethnic exposure disparities to airborne ultrafine particles in the United States. Environmental Resesearch Letters 2022;17:104047. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac95af. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Garcia Rivera P, Dinkelacker BT, Kioutsioukis I, Adams PJ, Pandis SN. Source-resolved variability of fine particulate matter and human exposure in an urban area. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2022;22:2011–27. doi:10.5194/acp-22-2011-2022. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Ward JW, Michalek JJ, Samaras C. Air pollution, greenhouse gas, and traffic externality benefits and costs of shifting private vehicle travel to ridesourcing services. Environmental Science & Technology 2021;55:13174–85. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c01641. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Domingo NG, Balasubramanian S, Thakrar SK, Clark MA, Adams PJ, Marshall JD, Muller NZ, Pandis SN, Polasky S, Robinson AL, Tessum CW. Air quality–related health damages of food. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2021 ;118(20). |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Coleman NC, Burnett RT, Higbee JD, Lefler JS, Merrill RM, Ezzati M, Marshall JD, Kim SY, Bechle M, Robinson AL, Pope CA. Cancer mortality risk, fine particulate air pollution, and smoking in a large, representative cohort of US adults. Cancer Causes & Control 2020:767-76. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Bekbulat B, Apte JS, Millet DB, Robinson AL, Wells KC, Presto AA, Marshall JD. Changes in criteria air pollution levels in the US before, during, and after Covid-19 stay-at-home orders:Evidence from regulatory monitors. Science of the Total Environment 2021;769:144693. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Demuzere M, Hankey S, Mills G, Zhang W, Lu T, Bechtel B. Combining expert and crowd-sourced training data to map urban form and functions for the continental US. Scientific data 2020 ;7(1):1-3.. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Davies B, Parkes BL, Bennett J, Fecht D, Blangiardo M, Ezzati M, Elliott P. Community factors and excess mortality in first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in England. Nature Communications 2021 ;12(1):1-9. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Chambliss SE, Preble CV, Caubel JJ, Cados T, Messier KP, Alvarez RA, LaFranchi B, Lunden M, Marshall JD, Szpiro AA, Kirchstetter TW. Comparison of mobile and fixed-site black carbon measurements for high-resolution urban pollution mapping. Environmental Science & Technology 2020;54(13):7848-57. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Qin M, Murphy BN, Isaacs KK, McDonald BC, Lu Q, McKeen SA, Koval L, Robinson AL, Efstathiou C, Allen C, Pye HO. Criteria pollutant impacts of volatile chemical products informed by near-field modelling. Nature sustainability 2021 ;4(2):129-37. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Dinkelacker BT, Pandis SN. Effect of chemical aging of monoterpene products on biogenic secondary organic aerosol concentrations. Atmospheric Environment 2021;254:118381. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bruchon MB, Michalek JJ, Azevedo IL. Effects of Air Emission Externalities on Optimal Ridesourcing Fleet Electrification and Operations. Environmental Science & Technology 2021 ;55(5):3188-200. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Thind MPS, Tessum CW, Azevedo IL, Marshall JD. Fine particulate air pollution from electricity generation in the US:Health impacts by race, income, and geography. Environmental Science & Technology 2019;53:14010–9. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b02527. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Coleman NC, Ezzati M, Marshall JD, Robinson AL, Burnett RT, Pope III CA. Fine particulate matter air pollution and mortality risk among US cancer patients and survivors. JNCI cancer spectrum 2021:pkab001. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Hunt ND, Liebman M, Thakrar SK, Hill JD. Fossil energy use, climate change impacts, and air quality-related human health damages of conventional and diversified cropping systems in Iowa, USA. Environmental Science & Technology 2020 ;54(18):11002-14. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Clark MA, Domingo NG, Colgan K, Thakrar SK, Tilman D, Lynch J, Azevedo IL, Hill JD. Global food system emissions could preclude achieving the 1.5 and 2 C climate change targets. Science 2020;370(6517):705-8. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Tanzer-Gruener R, Li J, Eilenberg SR, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Impacts of modifiable factors on ambient air pollution:A case study of COVID-19 shutdowns. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2020 Jun 23;7(8):554-9. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Konstantinoudis G, Padellini T, Bennett J, Davies B, Ezzati M, Blangiardo M. Long-term exposure to air-pollution and COVID-19 mortality in England:a hierarchical spatial analysis. Environment international 2021 ;146:106316. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit |
Tang R, Lu Q, Guo S, Wang H, Song K, Yu Y, Tan R, Liu K, Shen R, Chen S, Zeng L. Measurement report:Distinct emissions and volatility distribution of intermediate-volatility organic compounds from on-road Chinese gasoline vehicles:implication of high secondary organic aerosol formation potential. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2021 ;21(4):2569-83. |
R835873 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Roth MB, Adams PJ, Jaramillo P, Muller NZ. Near term carbon tax policy in the US Economy:limits to deep decarbonization. Environmental Research Communications 2020 ;2(5):051004. |
R835873 (Final) |
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Sergi BJ, Adams PJ, Muller NZ, Robinson AL, Davis SJ, Marshall JD, Azevedo IL. Optimizing emissions reductions from the us power sector for climate and health benefits. Environmental science & technology 2020 ;54(12):7513-23. |
R835873 (Final) |
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Tessum CW, Paolella DA, Chambliss SE, Apte JS, Hill JD, Marshall JD. PM2. 5 polluters disproportionately and systemically affect people of color in the United States. Science Advances 2021 ;7(18):eabf4491. |
R835873 (Final) |
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Gasparik JT, Ye Q, Curtis JH, Presto AA, Donahue NM, Sullivan RC, West M, Riemer N. Quantifying errors in the aerosol mixing-state index based on limited particle sample size. Aerosol Science and Technology 2020 ;54(12):1527-41. |
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Thakrar SK, Balasubramanian S, Adams PJ, Azevedo IML, Muller NZ, Pandis SN, Polasky S, Pope CA, Robinson AL, Apte JS, Tessum CW, Marshall JD, Hill JD. Reducing mortality from air pollution in the United States by targeting specific emission sources. Environmetnal Science & Technology Letters 2020. doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00424. |
R835873 (2019) R835873 (Final) |
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Sergi B, Azevedo I, Davis SJ, Muller NZ. Regional and county flows of particulate matter damage in the US. Environmental Research Letters 2020 ;15(10):104073. |
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Konstantinoudis G, Padellini T, Bennett J, Davies B, Ezzati M, Blangiardo M. Response to “Re:Long-term exposure to air-pollution and COVID-19 mortality in England:A hierarchical spatial analysis”. Environment International 2021 ;150:106427. |
R835873 (Final) |
Garcia III GR, Coleman NC, Pond ZA, Pope III CA. Shape of BMI–Mortality Risk Associations:Reverse Causality and Heterogeneity in a Representative Cohort of US Adults. Obesity 2021 ;29(4):755-66. |
R835873 (Final) |
Shah RU, Robinson ES, Gu P, Apte JS, Marshall JD, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Socio-economic disparities in exposure to urban restaurant emissions are larger than for traffic. Environmental Research Letters 2020 ;15(11):114039. |
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Saha PK, Sengupta S, Adams P, Robinson AL, Presto AA. Spatial correlation of ultrafine particle number and fine particle mass at urban scales: Implications for health assessment. Environmental Science & Technology 2020;54(15):9295-304. |
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Wang Y, Bechle MJ, Kim S-Y, Adams PJ, Pandis SN, Pope CA, Robinson AL, Sheppard L, Szpiro AA, Marshall JD. Spatial decomposition analysis of NO2 and PM2.5 air pollution in the United States. Atmospheric Environment 2020:117470. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117470. |
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Song R, Presto AA, Saha P, Zimmerman N, Ellis A, Subramanian R. Spatial variations in urban air pollution:Impacts of diesel bus traffic and restaurant cooking at small scales. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2021. doi:10.1007/s11869-021-01078-8. |
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Ward JW, Michalek JJ, Samaras C, Azevedo IL, Henao A, Rames C, Wenzel T. The impact of Uber and Lyft on vehicle ownership, fuel economy, and transit across US cities. Iscience 2021;24(1):101933. . |
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Lu T, Bechle MJ, Wan Y, Presto AA, Hankey S. Using crowd-sourced low-cost sensors in a land use regression of PM2.5 in 6 US cities. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2022. doi:10.1007/s11869-022-01162-7. |
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Tong F, Azevedo IM. What are the best combinations of fuel-vehicle technologies to mitigate climate change and air pollution effects across the United States?. Environmental Research Letters 2020 ;15(7):074046. Wang Y, Bechle MJ, Kim SY, Adams PJ, Pandis SN, Pope III CA, Robinson AL, Sheppard L, Szpiro AA, Marshall JD. Spatial decomposition analysis of NO2 and PM2. 5 air pollution in the United States. Atmospheric environment 2020 ;241:117470. |
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Cain KP, Liangou A, Davidson ML, Pandis SN. α-Pinene, Limonene, and Cyclohexene Secondary Organic Aerosol Hygroscopicity and Oxidation Level as a Function of Volatility. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2021 ;21. |
R835873 (Final) |
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Supplemental Keywords:
air pollution, climate, energy, health effects, social cost, impact assessmentRelevant Websites:
The Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions Exit
Progress and Final Reports:
Original Abstract Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
R835873C001 Mechanistic Air Quality Impact Models for Assessment of Multiple Pollutants at High Spatial Resolution
R835873C002 Air Quality Observatory
R835873C003 Next Generation LUR Models: Development of Nationwide Modeling Tools for
Exposure Assessment and Epidemiology
R835873C004 Air Pollutant Control Strategies in a Changing World
R835873C005 Health Effects of Air Pollution and Mitigation Scenarios
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.
Project Research Results
- Final Report
- 2020 Progress Report
- 2018 Progress Report
- 2017 Progress Report
- 2016 Progress Report
- Original Abstract
136 journal articles for this center