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Step 5 of the Watershed Planning Process is to implement your watershed plan.

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Step 5: Implement the Watershed Plan

Now that you have your plan on paper, you can get started implementing it. The process of implementing your watershed plan will consist of four major phases:

  • Creating an organizational structure.
  • Implementing activities.
  • Preparing work plans.
  • Sharing results.
When the implementation phase begins, the dynamic of your watershed group, and stakeholders’ level of participation, might change. It is important to take time at this point to consider creating a strong organizational structure.

First you will need to determine how you want to continue to operate. Do not just assume that you will proceed with the same group that helped to develop the plan. Take a hard look at the planning team and ask the team members if they want to continue to be involved in implementing the plan. Consider creating a watershed implementation team made up of key partners, whose responsibilities include making sure tasks are being implemented, reviewing monitoring information, identifying or taking advantage of new funding sources, and sharing results. While reviewing the composition of your team, consider whether you have the members who possess the following types of expertise and skills: project management, technical expertise, group facilitation, data analysis, communication and public relations. Your watershed plan implementation team should include members that can bring these skills to the table.

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