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A Watershed Approach is holistic, geographically defined, integrated, collaborative and iterative.

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Watershed Planning Is an Iterative Process

The process of creating and implementing a watershed plan is dynamic and iterative by nature. Because the variables involved in developing the plan are always changing, your plan will change with them. You might collect data and find answers you didn’t expect to find. You’ll revisit your goals, assess the situation, and make changes as necessary. Once you implement your plan, the feedback collected during your evaluation will give you the information you need to update your plan and continue to document water quality improvements and make progress toward attaining water quality standards. Do not be discouraged if all your intended results are not met in the first or second cycle of your planning process. Remember that even small progress is success as long as it is paired with ongoing commitment and diligence!

Watershed plans should ideally address all water quality impairments and the sources and causes of those impairments. Your watershed plan should address the sources and causes of immediate threats, but also any pollutants or threats (e.g., loss of natural vegetation, changes in water flow, or increases in impervious areas) of pollutants that might affect the long-term health of the watershed.

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