Photo: Cut and fill stabilization with vegetation and erosion barriers is an important part of road construction and maintenance.

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4. Road Construction and Maintenance - continued

Some general principles to consider in the construction of the road system are:

  • Time the construction of the roads to minimize earth moving activities when soils are excessively wet and easily compacted and when fish are migrating and spawning and other critical times.
  • Keep slope stabilization and erosion and sediment control work as current as possible with the road construction. This includes installing drainage features as part of the construction process and installing silt fences or windrows where needed to prevent sediment from entering streams.
  • Place debris, overburden and other waste materials associated with construction in a location away from streams. Avoid placing these materials on unstable areas that may erode.
  • Minimize soil erosion from road cuts and fills through use of seeding, riprapping, mulching, or other methods to stabilize the soils and prevent weed invasion.

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