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Records 1 to 25 of 175 records from Author Havala Pye

Murphy, Ben, E. D'Ambro, J. Bash, AND H. Pye. (OECA) PFAS Ambient Air Modeling in ORD. Meeting with OECA, DOJ, and Chemours, Inc, Virtual Meeting, NC, July 30, 2024.
Foley, K., G. Pouliot, A. Eyth, M. Aldridge, Christine Allen, Keith Appel, J. Bash, M. Beardsley, J. Beidler, Jongwoo Choi, C. Farkas, R. Gilliam, J. Godfrey, B. Henderson, C. Hogrefe, S. Koplitz, R. Mason, R. Mathur, Christopher Misenis, Norman Possiel, H. Pye, L. Reynolds, M. Roark, S. Roberts, D. Schwede, K. Seltzer, D. Sonntag, K. Talgo, C. Toro, J. Vukovich, J. Xing, AND E. Adams. 2002-2017 Anthropogenic Emissions Data for Air Quality Modeling over the United States. Data in Brief. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 47:N/A, (2023).
Zhu, Q., R. Schwantes, M. Coggon, C. Harkins, J. Schnell, J. He, H. Pye, M. Li, B. Baker, Z. Moon, R. Ahmadov, E. Pfannerstill, B. Place, P. Wooldridge, B. Schulze, C. Arata, A. Bucholtz, J. Seinfeld, C. Warneke, C. Stockwell, L. Xu, K. Zuraski, M. Robinson, A. Neuman, P. Veres, J. Peischl, S. Brown, A. goldstein, R. Cohen, AND B. McDonald. A better representation of volatile organic compound chemistry in WRF-Chem and its impact on ozone over Los Angeles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Copernicus Publications, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, 24(9):5265–5286,, (2024).
Pennington, E., Y. Wang, B. Schulze, K. Seltzer, J. Yang, B. Zhao, Z. Jiang, H. Shi, M. Venecek, D. Chau, B. Murphy, C. Kenseth, R. Ward, H. Pye, AND J. Seinfeld. An Updated Modeling Framework to Simulate Los Angeles Air Quality. Part 1: Model Development, Evaluation, and Source Apportionment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Copernicus Publications, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, 24:2345-2363, (2024).
chen, y., A. Ng, J. Green, Y. Zhang, M. Riva, T. Riedel, H. Pye, Z. Lei, N. Olson, M. Cooke, Z. Zhang, W. Vizuete, A. Gold, B. Turpin, A. Ault, AND J. Jason D. Surratt. Applying a Phase-Separation Parameterization in Modeling Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Acid-Driven Reactive Uptake of Isoprene Epoxydiols under Humid Conditions. ACS ES&T Air. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1(6):511-524, (2024).
Pye, H., R. Schwantes, K. Barsanti, K. Bates, S. Brown, M. Coggon, E. D'Ambro, Z. Decker, C. Harkins, Bill Hutzell, B. McDonald, V. McNeill, Ben Murphy, R. Pinder, Q. Rasool, M. Robinson, G. Sarwar, N. Skipper, F. Sidi, C. Stockwell, P. Vannucci, S. Wang, C. Warneke, F. Cloud Wiser, AND G. Wolfe. Development of the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (ACS Fall 2024). American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting 2024, Denver, CO, August 18 - 24, 2024.
Gaston, C., J. Prospero, K. Foley, H. Pye, L. Custals, E. Blades, P. Sealy, AND J. Christie. Diverging trends in aerosol sulfate and nitrate measured in the remote North Atlantic on Barbados are attributed to clean air policies, African smoke, and anthropogenic emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Copernicus Publications, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, 24(13):8049–8066, (2024).
Pye, H. Evolution of reactive organic carbon and its potential health risk in wildfire smoke (Telluride 2024). Telluride Science and Innovation Center Workshop, Telluride, CO, July 28 - August 02, 2024.
Desai, N., A. Moore, A. Mouat, y. liang, T. Xu, M. Takeuchi, H. Pye, Ben Murphy, J. Bash, I. Pollack, J. Peischl, N. Ng, AND J. Kaiser. Impact of Heatwaves and Declining NOx on Nocturnal Monoterpene Oxidation in the Urban Southeastern United States. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: ATMOSPHERES. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 129(17):e2024JD041482, (2024).
Pye, H., R. Schwantes, K. Barsanti, V. McNeill, AND G. Wolfe. Leveraging scientific community knowledge for air quality model chemistry parameterizations. EM Magazine. Air and Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA, , 24-31, (2024).
Vannucci, P., K. Foley, B. Murphy, C. Hogrefe, R. Cohen, AND H. Pye. Temperature-dependent composition of summertime PM2.5 in observations and model predictions across the Eastern U.S. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 8(2):381-392, (2024).
Seltzer, K., V. Rao, H. Pye, B. Murphy, B. Place, P. Khare, D. Gentner, C. Allen, D. Cooley, R. Mason, AND M. Houyoux. Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol and Ozone Production from Asphalt-Related Emissions. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 3(8):1221-1230, (2023).
Fahey, K., R. Gilliam, G. Pouliot, S. Farrell, G. Sarwar, H. Pye, B. Murphy, D. Huff, Nicole Briggs, AND R. Kotchenruther. CMAQ modeling of the 2022 Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) field study. SIP meeting with AK Dept of Environmental Conservation, Fairbanks North Star Borough, and EPA Region 10, Fairbanks, AK, September 19, 2023.
Murphy, B., K. Seltzer, A. Holder, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, AND H. Pye. Improving Residential Wood Combustion Emissions Factors and Chemical Speciation with the Reactive Organic Carbon Framework. American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR), Portland, OR, October 02 - 06, 2023.
Skipper, T., E. D'Ambro, F. Wiser, V. McNeill, B. Henderson, C. Baublitz, G. Wolfe, J. St. Clair, T. Hanisco, AND H. Pye. Improving the representation of formaldehyde in the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM) (CMAS 2023). CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, October 16 - 18, 2023.
Pye, H. Introduction to the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM) (NCAR 2023). National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Visit, Boulder, CO, September 20, 2023.
Gilliam, R., K. Fahey, G. Pouliot, H. Pye, Nicole Briggs, S. Farrell, D. Huff, W. Simpson, AND M. Meeta Cesler-Maloney. Modeling wintertime meteorology for the 2022 Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) campaign - AMS 2023. 103rd American Meteorological Society Conference and 25th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, Denver, CO, January 08 - 12, 2023.
Mathur, R., C. Hogrefe, J. Xing, Keith Appel, J. Bash, K. Foley, R. Gilliam, B. Henderson, W. Hutzell, D. Kang, B. Murphy, S. Napelenok, J. Pleim, G. Pouliot, H. Pye, G. Sarwar, AND F. Sidi. Multi-decadal (1990-2019) trends and source contributions to atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur deposition across the Northern Hemisphere. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 11 - 15, 2023.
Farrell, S., H. Pye, R. Gilliam, G. Pouliot, D. Huff, G. Sarwar, W. Vizuete, AND K. Fahey. Predicted impacts of heterogeneous chemical pathways on particulate sulfur over the N. Hemisphere and Fairbanks, Alaska. International Technical Meeting On Air Pollution Modeling And Its Application, Chapel Hill, NC, May 22 - 26, 2023.
D'Ambro, E., H. Pye, C. Allen, K. Talgo, L. Reynolds, R. Gilliam, J. Bash, AND B. Murphy. Predicting the fate and transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the atmosphere with air quality models. ITM Conference 2023, Chapel Hill, NC, May 22 - 26, 2023.
Shankar, U., J. Prestemon, D. McKenzie, H. Pye, AND G. Pouliot. Projecting the Impacts of Climate and Socioeconomic Drivers of Wildfires on Southeastern Air Quality. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 11 - 15, 2023.
Murphy, B., D. Sonntag`, K. Seltzer, H. Pye, C. Allen, E. Murray, C. Toro Vergara, D. Gentner, C. Huang, S. Jathar, L. Li, A. May, AND A. Robinson. Reactive Organic Carbon Air Emissions from Mobile Sources in the United States. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Copernicus Publications, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, 23(20):13469–13483, (2023).
Place, B., W. Hutzell, Keith Appel, S. Farrell, L. Valin, B. Murphy, K. Seltzer, G. Sarwar, Christine Allen, I. Piletic, E. D'Ambro, E. Saunders, H. Simon, A. Torres-Vazquez, J. Pleim, R. Schwantes, M. Coggon, L. Xu, W. Stockwell, AND H. Pye. Sensitivity of northeastern US surface ozone predictions to the representation of atmospheric chemistry in the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMMv1.0). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Copernicus Publications, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, 23(16):9173-9190, (2023).