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Records 1 to 25 of 151 records from author Cheryl Brown

Kaldy, J., E. Springer, C. Brown, AND T Chris Mochon Collura. Exploring CO2(aq) limitation in temperate seagrass species: interspecific variability and biomass dependency. International Seagrass Biology Workshop and World Seagrass Conference, Napoli, ITALY, June 17 - 21, 2024.
Janousek, C., K. Poppe, J. Krause, J. Drexler, J. Holmquist, E. Watson, E. Peck, H. Diefenderfer, Cheryl A. Brown, C. Cornu, J. Apple, AND K. Buffington. A synthesis of soil carbon stocks from coastal wetlands in western North America. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland, OR, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Brown, C., S. Pacella, J. Kaldy, AND T Chris Mochon Collura. Coastal Carbon Research at Pacific Coastal Ecology Branch. Regional ORD Community of Science Network (ROCS Net), Newport, OR, October 03 - 19, 2023.
Brown, C. EPA’s Coastal Nutrient Research. Climate - Water Quality Workshop, Corvallis, OR, September 21, 2023.
Brown, Cheryl A., TChris MochonCollura, J. Grear, A. Pimenta, AND H. Galavotti. Incorporating Coastal Acidification Indicators into the National Coastal Condition Assessment Survey. National Coastal Condition Assessment Steering Committee Meeting, NA, OR, May 25, 2023.
Pacella, S., Cheryl A. Brown, H. Galavotti, W. Fairchild, E. Rutila, AND TChris MochonCollura. Measuring Coastal Acidification Using In-Situ Sensors in the National Estuary Program. California Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia Stakeholder & Technical Workshop, Monterey, CA, April 06 - 07, 2023.
Guillemette, R., M. Harwell, AND C. Brown. Metabolically active bacteria detected with click chemistry in low organic matter rainwater. PLOS ONE . Public Library of Science, San Francisco, CA, 18(5):e0285816, (2023).
MochonCollura, TChris AND Cheryl A. Brown. U.S. EPA, Newport, OR LI-COR PAR sensor dataset from the Pacific Coastal Ecology Branch. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2023.
Brown, Cheryl A., Peg Pelletier, A. Oczkowski, AND L. Harwell. Using continental-scale monitoring data to develop nitrogen and phosphorus thresholds to assess United States estuaries. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland, OR, November 12 - 16, 2023.
Kaldy, J., C. Brown, AND S. Pacella. Carbon limitation in response to nutrient loading in an eelgrass mesocosm: influence of water residence time. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES. Inter-Research, Luhe, Germany, 689:1-17, (2022).
Harwell, M., Ted DeWitt, AND Cheryl A. Brown. EPA Newport Research Relevant to Tillamook Bay. Tillamook Estuaries Partnership Coordination Meeting, Tillamook, OR, March 31, 2022.
Brown, Cheryl A. AND R. Labiosa. Marine and Estuarine Datasets Near Tribal Waters of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2022.
Pacella, S., Cheryl A. Brown, Jim Kaldy, TChris MochonCollura, E. Rutila, AND W. Fairchild. Ocean & coastal acidification research at EPA's Pacific Coastal Ecology Branch. 2022 Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center Research Summit, Newport, OR, October 17 - 18, 2022.
MochonCollura, TChris AND Cheryl A. Brown. US EPA, Newport, OR OSU dock YSI datasonde dataset from the Pacific Coast Ecology Branch. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2022.
Pacella, S., Cheryl A. Brown, Jim Kaldy, R. Labiosa, B. Hales, TChris MochonCollura, AND G. Waldbusser. Watershed Controls of Acidification Dynamics in Estuaries of the United States: from Case Study to National Assessment. 5th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World, Lima, N/A, PERU, September 12 - 16, 2022.
Brown, Cheryl A., J. Grear, M. Liebman, H. Sullivan, AND H. Galavotti. Despite COVID-19, over 700 coastal sites were sampled for Total Alkalinity in 2020 as part of EPA’s National Coastal Condition Assessment. IN: Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (NECAN; Newsletter, Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (NECAN)electronic newslette, (2021).
Markwiese, James, Bob McKane, J. Renee Brooks, N. Schumaker, Ron Waschmann, M. Beyene, J. Compton, Joe Ebersole, A. Handler, Ryan A Hill, S. Leibowitz, J. Lin, Cheryl A. Brown, Jim Kaldy, S. Pacella, AND P. Beedlow. EPA Pacific Northwest Fire Research: Air Quality. A-E BOSC SC Meet the Scientist (MtS), Corvallis, Oregon, February 17 - 19, 2021.
DeWitt, Ted, Cheryl A. Brown, Dale Werkema, C. Hernandez, C. Jackson, S. Pacella, AND M. Harwell. EPA Research to Protect Coastal Ecosystems and Communities. Hatfield Marine Science Center's Marine Science Day 2021, Newport, OR, April 10, 2021.
Kaldy, Jim, Cheryl A. Brown, AND S. Pacella. Eutrophication: Lessons learned from the Pacific Northwest. Zosterapalooza XXX, Boston, MA, March 31, 2021.
Rosenau, N., H. Galavotti, K. Yates, C. Bohlen, C. Hunt, M. Liebman, Cheryl A. Brown, S. Pacella, J. Largier, K. Nelson, X. Hu, M. McCutcheon, J. Vasslides, M. Poach, T. Ford, K. Johnston, AND A. Steele. Integrating high-resolution coastal acidification monitoring data across seven United States estuaries. Frontiers in Marine Science. Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland, 19:679913, (2021).
Green, L., C. Magel, AND Cheryl A. Brown. Management pathways for the successful reduction of nonpoint source nutrients in coastal ecosystems. Regional Studies in Marine Science. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 45:101851, (2021).
Galavotti, H., J. Vasslides, M. Poach, C. Bohlen, C. Hunt, M. Liebman, X. Hu, M. McCutcheon, J. Ammerman, J. O'Donnell, K. Howard-Strobel, P. Vella, J. Lehrter, K. Nielsen, J. Largier, T. Ford, A. Steele, Y. Johnson, K. Yates, Cheryl A. Brown, AND S. Pacella. Measuring Coastal Acidification Using In Situ Sensors in the National Estuary Program. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2021.
Galavotti, H., N. Rosenau, M. Sengco, S. Pacella, Cheryl A. Brown, AND J. Grear. National Estuary Program Ocean and Coastal Acidification Meeting. National Estuary Program Ocean and Coastal Acidification Meeting, NA, N/A, June 08 - 09, 2021.
Pacella, S., Cheryl A. Brown, Jim Kaldy, TChris MochonCollura, R. Labiosa, E. Rutila, B. Hales, AND G. Waldbusser. Observations and drivers of coastal acidification in Pacific Northwest estuaries. Hatfield Marine Science Center Research Seminar Series, Newport, Oregon, March 04, 2021.
Pacella, S., R. Peterson, Cheryl A. Brown, R. Labiosa, Jim Kaldy, TChris MochonCollura, E. Rutila, B. Hales, G. Waldbusser, AND M. Barker. Observations and drivers of coastal acidification in Pacific Northwest estuaries. Oregon State University Ocean Ecology & Biogeochemistry Distinguished Alumni Seminar Series, Corvallis, Oregon, June 04, 2021.