Office of Research and Development Publications

National Center For Computational Toxicology (NCCT) Research Publications

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Records 1 to 25 of 154 records from [ORD-NCCT] published between 03/18/2013 and 03/18/2018 from author Richard Judson

Harrill, J., I. Shah, Woodrow Setzer, C. Willis, D. Haggard, R. Judson, AND R. Thomas. Concentration-Response Screening of Environmental Chemicals for In Vitro Point-of-Departure Determination using a Targeted RNA-Seq Whole Transcriptome Assay. Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening Conference, San Diego,CA, February 03 - 07, 2018.
Sipes, N., R. Huang, K. Shockley, M. Martin, A. Shapiro, J. Addington, S. Auerbach, R. Paules, R. Judson, K. Houck, H. Hong, AND J. Hsieh. Confidence in Fitting and Hitting Concentration-Response Data: Tox21 10k Library Pipeline Comparison. Presented at Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Brown, J., E. Watt, Woodrow Setzer, R. Judson, AND K. Paul-Friedman. Defining uncertainty in publicly available high-throughput screening data from the ToxCast program. Presented at 57th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, Texas, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Mirchandani, R., S. Thrikawala, C. Stephan, N. Nguyen, M. Sobieski, R. Judson, J. Gustafsson, AND M. Bondesson. Developing the Zebrafish Neuromast Assay as a Predictive Toxicity Model. Presented at Society of Toxicology, TX, San Antonio, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Judson, R., A. Williams, Chris Grulke, AND R. Thomas. Development of a Tool for Systematic Integration of Traditional and New Approach Methods for Prioritizing Chemical Lists. Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, TX, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Harrill, J., I. Shah, Woodrow Setzer, D. Haggard, M. Martin, R. Judson, S. Malcomber, A. White, AND R. Thomas. Differential Gene Expression and Concentration-Response Modeling Workflow for High-Throughput Transcriptomic (HTTr) Data: Results From MCF7 Cells. Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, TX, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Sheffield, T. AND R. Judson. Ensemble QSAR Modeling to Predict Multispecies Fish Toxicity Points of Departure. Presented at Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, TX, March 12 - 15, 2018.
Haggard, D., A. Karmaus, M. Martin, R. Judson, Woodrow Setzer, AND K. Paul-Friedman. Evaluating perturbation of in vitro steroidogenesis using a high-throughput H295R assay. Presented at Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Wynder, J., J. Ovesen, A. Maier, R. Judson, N. Kleinstreuer, AND M. Krishan. Evaluating the applicability of read-across tools and high throughput screening data for food relevant chemicals. Society of Toxicology, San Antonio,TX, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Mansouri, K., C. Grulke, R. Judson, AND A. Williams. OPERA models for predicting physicochemical properties and environmental fate endpoints. Journal of Cheminformatics. Springer, New York, NY, 10:10, (2018).
Shah, I., J. Harrill, Woodrow Setzer, D. Haggard, R. Judson, A. Karmaus, M. Martin, AND R. Thomas. Predicting Chemical Mechanisms of Action using High-Throughput Transcriptomic Data. Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, TX, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Truong, L., G. Ouedraogo, L. Pham, J. Clouzeau, S. Loisel-Joubert, D. Blanchet, H. Noçairi, Woodrow Setzer, R. Judson, Chris Grulke, K. Mansouri, AND M. Martin. Predicting In Vivo Effect Levels for Repeat Dose Systemic Toxicity using Chemical, Biological, Kinetic and Study Covariates. Archives of Toxicology. Springer, New York, NY, 92(2):587-600, (2018).
Pradeep, P. AND R. Judson. Structure-based QSAR Models to Predict Systemic Toxicity Points of Departure. Presented at SOT Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Judson, R. Toxicology and In Vitro Alternative Methods: Analyzing Effects of Oil Spill Dispersants Using Rapid, In Vitro Tests for Endocrine and Other Biological Activity. National Academy of Sciences on Evaluation of the use of Chemical Dispersants in Oil Spill Response, New Orleans,LA, January 31, 2018.
Mansouri, K., N. Kleinstreuer, Chris Grulke, A. Richard, I. Shah, A. Williams, AND R. Judson. Virtual screening of chemicals for endocrine disrupting activity through CERAPP and CoMPARA projects. Presented at Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, TX, March 11 - 15, 2018.
Judson, R. Alternative Approaches to Chemical Risk Assessment: Assays, Databases, Models (Mich. State U lecture). Presented at Michigan State Univ Dept. of Pharm & Tox Presentation, East Lansing, MI, March 29, 2017.
Zang, Q., K. Mansouri, A. Williams, R. Judson, D. Allen, W. Casey, AND N. Kleinstreuer. In Silico Prediction of Physicochemical Properties of Environmental Chemicals Using Molecular Fingerprints and Machine Learning. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 57(1):36-49, (2017).
Houck, K., C. LaLone, A. Bone, R. Judson, M. Martin, Dan Villeneuve, G. Ankley, A. Medvedev, AND S. Markarov. A Multi-Receptor and Multi-Species Assay for Potential Endocrine Disruptor Targets (SLAS meeting). Presented at 2017 SLAS meeting, Washington, DC, February 04 - 08, 2017.
Pradeep, P., K. Mansouri, G. Patlewicz, AND R. Judson. A systematic evaluation of analogs and automated read-across prediction of estrogenicity: A case study using hindered phenols. Computational Toxicology. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4:22-30, (2017).
Malloy, T., V. Zaunbrecher, E. Beryt, R. Judson, R. Tice, P. Allard, A. Blake, I. Cote, H. Godwin, L. Heine, P. Kerzic, J. Kostal, G. Marchant, J. McPartland, K. Moran, A. Nel, O. Ogunseitan, M. Rossi, K. Thayer, J. Tickner, M. Whittaker, AND K. Zarker. Advancing Alternatives Analysis: The Role of Predictive Toxicology in Selecting Safer Chemical Products and Processes. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, KS, 13(5):915-925, (2017).
Mansouri, K., N. Kleinstreuer, Eric Watt, J. Harris, AND R. Judson. CoMPARA: Collaborative Modeling Project for Androgen Receptor Activity (SOT). Presented at SOT, Baltimore, Maryland, March 12 - 16, 2017.
Chavan, S., R. Judson, G. Patlewicz, R. Stark, P. Russell, AND P. Carmichael. Combining In Vivo, In Vitro And Toxicokinetics Data In Readacross: A Case Study Using Caffeine (SOT). Presented at SOT 2017, Baltimore, MD, March 12 - 16, 2017.