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Records 76 to 85 of 85 records published between 03/18/2013 and 03/18/2018 from author Christopher Grulke

Isaacs, K., G. Glen, P. Egeghy, R. Goldsmith, L. Smith, D. Vallero, R. Brooks, Chris Grulke, AND H. Ozkaynak. SHEDS-HT: An Integrated Probabilistic Exposure Model for Prioritizing Exposures to Chemicals with Near-Field and Dietary Sources. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Indianapolis, IN, 48(21):12750-12759, (2014).
Chang, D., Chris Grulke, Y. Yin, R. Tornero-Velez, M. Pasquinelli, AND Rocky Goldsmith. Too many chemicals, too little time: Rapid in silico methods to characterize and predict ADME properties for chemical toxicity and exposure potential. Presented at 18th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, Bethesda, MD, June 17 - 19, 2014.
Chang, D., Rocky Goldsmith, A. Fraile Rodriguez, Chris Grulke, P. Egeghy, AND J. Mitchell-Blackwood. Data-Mining and Informatics Approaches for Environmental Contaminants. Edition 1, Chapter 1, McGraw-Hill Handbook of Science & Technology. McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, , 1-9, (2014).
Kenneke, J., S. Marchitti, S. Rawat, Chris Mazur, Q. Cheng, M. Goldsmith, D. Chang, AND C. Grulke. Impact of In Vitro System, Chemical Mistures, and Stereochemistry on the Intrinsic Clearance of 1,2,4-Triazole Fungicides in Human and Rat. Presented at The 19th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations and 12th European ISSX Meeting, Noordwijk aan Zee, NETHERLANDS, June 17 - 21, 2012.
Isaacs, K., Chris Grulke, R. Brooks, M. Reich, R. Edwards, AND Rocky Goldsmith. Mining Internet search and social media for epidemiology. Chapter 222, McGraw-Hill Handbook of Science & Technology. McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, , 222-227, (2014).
Grulke, Chris, A. Clark, A. Williams, S. Ekins, C. Morris, AND Rocky Goldsmith. Mobile modeling in the molecular sciences. Chapter 1, McGraw-Hill Science & Technology. McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, , 229-233, (2014).
Grulke, Chris, K. Holm, Rocky Goldsmith, AND C. Tan. PROcEED: Probabilistic reverse dosimetry approaches for estimating exposure distributions. Bioinformation. Biomedical Informatics, , Singapore, 9(13):707-709, (2013).
Goldsmith, Rocky, Chris Grulke, D. Chang, C. Tan, R. Brooks, C. Dary, AND D. Vallero. Personal Chemical Exposure informatics. Chapter 1, McGraw-Hill Handbook of Science & Technology. McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, , 1-9, (2014).
Martin, T. M., Chris M. Grulke, D. M. Young, C. L. Russom, N. Y. Wang, C. R. Jackson, AND M. G. Barron. Prediction of aquatic toxicity mode of action using linear discriminant and random forest models. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. ACS Publications, Washington, DC, 53(9):2229-2239, (2013).
Goldsmith, Rocky, C. Tan, D. Chang, Chris Grulke, R. Tornero-Velez, D. Vallero, C. Dary, J. Johnson, P. Egeghy, J. Mitchell-Blackwood, K. Holm, M. Reich, R. Edwards, AND L. Phillips. Summary Report for Personal Chemical Exposure Informatics: Visualization and Exploratory Research in Simulations and Systems (PerCEIVERS). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R/13/041 (NTIS PB2013-108926), 2013.