Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 84
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Work environment)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A journey into the heroic environment : a personal guide for creating a work environment built on shared values / 1997
A survival guide to the stress of organizational change / 1995
Aerosols in the mining and industrial work environments 1983
Analysis of air and wipe samples for dioxin and other highly toxic substances : task 20 : final report / 1980
Analytical techniques in occupational health chemistry : based on a symposium / 1980
Applied workplace ergonomics training course. 2001
Assessment of endotoxins in workplace atmospheres 2001
Association of personal workplace characteristics with health, comfort and odor : a survey of 3948 office workers in three buildings / 1993
Behavioral Strategies to Bridge the Gap Between Potential and Actual Savings in Commercial Buildings. 2014
Building your team's morale, pride, and spirit / 2004
Chemical hazards in the workplace : measurement and control : based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Chemical Health and Safety at the Second Chemical Congress of the North American Continent (180th ACS National Meeting), Las Vegas, Nevada, August 25-28, 1980 / 1981
Choosing the right gloves for painting cars. 2000
Confined space safety document for conducting NESHAPS compliance inspections of benzene storage tanks / 1992
Control of inorganic lead at work 1994
Derechos de los trabajadores / 2019
Diversity : a matter of choice. 1990
Driving fear out of the workplace : how to overcome the invisible barriers to quality, productivity, and innovation / 1991
Electrical safety in the workplace / 2000
Evaluation of exposure to airborne particles in the work environment. 1984
Family-friendly work arrangements : a report to the National Performance Review. 1996
Federal manager's guide to preventing sexual harassment 1991
Federal manager's guide to preventing sexual harassment 1992
Gendertraps : conquering confrontophobia, toxic bosses, and other land mines at work / 1996
Guidance note for the assessment of health risks arising from the use of hazardous substances in the workplace {NOHSC:3017(1994)} 1994
Guidance note for the control of workplace hazardous substances in the retail sector {NOHSC:3018(1994)} 1994
Guidance note on passive smoking in the workplace {NOHSC:3019(1994)} 1994
HBR guide to dealing with conflict / 2017
Hot environments. 1976
How to launch a team : start right for success / 2002
HVLP spray guns in the auto refinishing shop : a success story. 2000
Increasing productivity and profit through health & safety 1991
Indoor air quality and work environment study : EPA headquarters' buildings / 1989
Industrial Hygiene Survey with Cover Memo and Cover Letter. 1982
Industrial Hygiene Survey, Velsicol Chemical Corporation, El Dorado, Ark Plant, Fire Master 680 Unit and Semi-Works Summary with Attachments and Cover Letter dated 07/19/1978. 1978
Investigation of methodology to assess gaseous and releasable formaldehyde from paper and wood formaldehyde resin-containing dusts during the use of personal samplers for workplace airborne dust. 1990
Investigation of PCB contamination in the US EPA Region 10 field equipment room / 2008
Laboratory and field evaluation of a portable continuous analyzer for measurement of formaldehyde in workplace atmospheres. 1989
Laboratory and field examination of several area, survey and personal workplace atmosphere chlorine monitors. 1986
Laboratory and field examination of several portable and personal multiple-gas monitors for use in the forest products industry workplace environment. 1989
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : environmental field sampling study volume I: technical report / prepared by Battelle for Technical Programs Branch, Chemical Management Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : environmental field sampling study volume II: appendices / prepared by Battelle for Technical Programs Branch, Chemical Management Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : final summary report / 2000
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : summary report / 1997
Lead exposure associated with renovation and remodeling activities : worker characterization and blood-lead study / 1997
Lean in : women, work, and the will to lead / 2013
Lessons from the window seat : achieving shared vision in the workplace / 2000
Letter from Henkel Corporation to USEPA Regarding Information on 1,4-Dioxane in Polyalkoxylated Polyamine Product with Attachment (Sanitized). 1980
Mindfulness in the workplace. 2017
Monitoring at chemical agent disposal facilities / 2005
Occupational exposure to heat and hot environments : revised criteria 2016. 2016
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