Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Residue)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute Inhalation Toxicity Study in Rats with Hexabromocyclododecane with Attachments and Cover Letter dated 04/24/78. 1978
Acute Toxicity Studies in Rabbits and Rats with Residue of Hexabromocyclododecane with Attachments and Cover Letter dated 03/01/78. 1978
Bioaccumulation of PCB Congeners by Blue Mussels 'Mitilus edulis' Deployed in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts. 1993
Chemically active fluid bed for SOx control / 1979
Demostration of Systems for Recovering Materials and Energy from Solid Waste. 1974
Destruction of Spores on Building Decontamination Residue in a Commercial Autoclave. 2005
Distribution of Chlorpyrifos Following a Crack and Crevice Type Application in the U.S. EPA Indoor Air Quality Test House. 2001
Ethoxyquin : pesticide registration standard / 1981
Evaluation of solidified residue from municipal solid waste combustors / 1989
Food safety : USDA's role under the National Residue Program should be reevaluated : report to the Chairman, Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1994
Intolerable risk pesticides in our children's food : summary / 1989
Lake Erie Conservation Tillage Demonstration Projects. 1986
Lake Michigan studies special report. 0
PCB, lead, and cadmium levels in shredder waste materials : a pilot study : final report / 1991
Pesticide residue investigations on raw agricultural commodities, May, 1963. 1963
Proceedings of the UNEP/ESCAP/FAO Workshop on Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Residue Utilization in the Asian and Pacific Region, Held in Pattaya, Thailand on December 10-14, 1979. 1984
Protecting children's health : the National Pesticide Program. 2010
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility CCSWA Stabilized Disposal Site 2005
Technical Guidance for the Idaho Crop Residue Disposal Smoke Management Program. 2004
Testimony : H.R. 3504 : pesticide monitoring improvements act / 1987

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