Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Acrylamide Toxicology)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acrylamide : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
Acrylamide : health advisory / 1987
Acrylamide health and safety guide. 1991
Acrylamide. 1985
Ambient water quality advisory : acrylamide. 1987
Assessment of airborne exposure and dermal contact to acrylamide during chemical grouting operations : quality assurance project plan for the Office of Toxic Substances / 1986
Assessment of airborne exposure and dermal contact to acrylamide during chemical grouting operations, final report for the Office of Toxic Substances / 1987
Draft toxicological profile for acrylamide / 2009
Final report on the evaluation of four toxic chemicals in an In Vivo/In Vitro toxicological screen--acrylamide, chlordecone, cyclophosphamide, and diethylstilbestrol / 1986
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : acrylamides : final report / 1976
National primary drinking water regulations / 1995
Review of EPA's draft entitled "Toxicological review of acrylamide" / 2008
Support document, decision not to require testing for health effects : acrylamide / 1980

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