Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Acclimatization)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A brain for all seasons : human evolution and abrupt climate change / 2002
Acclimation of Fish to Low Oxygen. 1974
Adapting woody species and planting techniques to landfill conditions : field and laboratory investigations / 1979
Assessment of Biotic Integrity Using Fish Communities. 1981
Behavioral Adaptations to Spatially Intermittent Streams by the Longfin Dace, 'Agosia chrysogaster', (Cyprinidae). 1985
Biodegradability Studies with Organic Priority Pollutant Compounds. 1981
Biometeorology. 1960
Changing climate responses of the natural fauna and flora / 1982
Climate and life / 1974
Columbia River Thermal Effects Study. Volume I. Biological Effects Studies. 1971
Comparison of p-Nitrophenol Biodegradation in Field and Laboratory Test Systems. 1984
Critical Thermal Maxima of Two Species of Estuarine Fish. 1976
Critical Thermal Maximum of Juvenile Spot, Leiostomus Xanthurus, Lacepede. 1971
Critique of Acid Lakes and Fish Population Status in the Adirondack Region of New York State. 1986
Effect of a Number 2 Fuel Oil and a South Louisiana Crude Oil on the Behavior of the Soft Shell Clam, Mya arenaria L. 1976
Effect of Thermal Shock on Predator Avoidance by Larvae of Two Fish Species. 1978
Effect of Water Quality and Environmental Factors on Freshwater Fish. 1970
Effects of Constant Temperatures and Diel Temperature Fluctuations on Specific Growth and Mortality Rates and Yield of Juvenile Rainbow Trout, 'Salmo gairdneri'. 1977
Effects of Fenvalerate on Larval Development of 'Palaemonetes pugio' (Holthuis) and on Larval Metabolism during Osmotic Stress. 1984
Effects of Increasing Salinity on the Pyramid Lake Fishery. 1972
Effects of Long-Term Ozone Exposure and Soil Moisture Deficit on Growth of a Ladino Clover-Tall Fescue Pasture. 1988
Effects of temperature on hatching success and survival of larvae in the white bass / 1977
Effects of Temperature on Hatching Success and Survival of Larvae in the White Bass. 1978
Effects of thermal discharge on aquatic insects in the Tennessee Valley / 1978
Effects of Water Management Practices on the Movement of Largemouth Bass. 1973
Energetics of 'Daphnia Ambigua'. 1973
Environmental Physiology of Fresh Water Planktonic Crustacea. 1972
Environmental quality- 1977. 1977
Environmental requirements and pollution tolerance of freshwater diatoms / 1974
Evaluation of m-T7 Agar as a Fecal Coliform Medium 1984
Genera Hantzschia through Pteromonas collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Quadrigula through Zygnema collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Growth and Survival of Young-of-the-Year Emerald Shiners ('Notropis atherinoides') at Different Temperatures. 1975
Growth of Shiner Perch (Cymatogaster Aggregata) and Buffalo Sculpin (Enophrys Bison) Under Laboratory Conditions. 1973
Guide to land cover and use classification systems employed by Western governmental agencies / 1977
Hazard Evaluation Division Standard Evaluation Procedure - Fish Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests. 1986
Influence of Thermal Challenge on Conditioned Feeding Forays of Juvenile Rainbow Trout. 1980
Inter-Laboratory Comparison of a Sediment Toxicity Test Using the Marine Amphipod, 'Rhepoxynius abronius'. 1986
Internal Filters: Prospects for UV-Acclimation in Higher Plants. 1983
Microbial ecology of the subsurface at an abandoned creosote waste site / 1989
Mortality, saltwater adaptation and reproduction of fish during gas supersaturation / 1976
National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN), 1980. 1982
NSF geosciences beyond 2000 : understanding and predicting Earth's environment and habitability. 2000
Optimal Foraging by Largemouth Bass in Structured Environments. 1984
Organization and adaptation of aquatic laboratory ecosystems exposed to the pesticide dieldrin / 1982
Pesticide Assessment Guidelines, Subdivision E, Addendum 1, Hazard Evaluation: Wildlife and Aquatic Organisms. Series 71-2, Acute Dietary LC50 Test for Waterfowl and Upland Game Birds. Series 71-1, Acute Oral LD50 Test for Waterfowl or Upland Game Birds. Series 71-4, Avian Reproduction Test for Waterfowl and Upland Game Birds. 1986
Phytoplankton water quality relationships in U.S. lakes / 1979
Protective Mechanisms and Acclimation to Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation in 'Oenothera stricta'. 1983
Reductive Dehalogenation of Dichloroanilines by Anaerobic Microorganisms in Fresh and Dichlorophenol-Acclimated Pond Sediment. 1989
Responses of Largemouth Bass from Different Latitudes to Elevated Water Temperatures. 1981
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