Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 3338
Showing: Items 451 - 500
Your Search: (SUBJECT=soils)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Development of an analytical method for explosive residues in soil 1987
Development of an analytical method for the determination of explosive residues in soil part III. Collaborative test results and final performance evaluation / 1989
Development of analytical methods for specific lawn-applied pesticides in house dust / 1996
Development of Biogenic Emissions of OTAG Modeling. 1998
Development of Chemical Countermeasures for Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soil. 1984
Development of Coal Resources in Southern Utah, Final Environmental Statement, Part 1 - Regional Analysis, Part 2 - Site Specific Analysis 1979
Development of Economic Water Harvest Systems for Increasing Water Supply. 1971
Development of Economic Water Harvest Systems for Increasing Water Supply. Phase II. 1972
Development of Electro-Acoustic Soil Decontamination (ESD) Process for In situ Applications. 1990
Development of in-house capabilities for determination of quality of water and sediments / 1974
Development of Scaling Criteria for Terrestrial Microcosms. 1981
Diamond Fork System, Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement 1999
Dielectric properties of moist soils at RF and microwave frequencies / 1988
Direct-seeding of commercial trees on surface-mine spoil / 1980
Direct/Delayed Response Project : interlaboratory differences in the northeastern soil survey data / 1990
Direct/Delayed Response Project : quality assurance plan for preparation and analysis of soils from the Mid-Appalachian Region of the United States / 1989
Direct/Delayed Response Project : quality assurance plan for preparation and analysis of soils from the Mid-Appalachian Region of the United States / 1989
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance report for physical and chemical analyses of soils from the Mid-Appalachian region of the United States / 1990
Direct/Delayed Response Project : quality assurance report for physical and chemical analyses of soils from the Mid-Appalachian Region of the United States / 1990
Direct/Delayed Response Project : quality assurance report for physical and chemical analyses of soils from the northeastern United States / 1990
Directory of EPA, state and local environmental quality monitoring and assessment activities / 1974
Dirt! : the movie / 2009
Dirt! : the movie / 2010
Discovering the Causes, Consequences, and Implications of Acid Rain and Atmospheric Deposition. 1983
Dispersion in Heterogeneous Nonuniform Anisotropic Porous Media. 1970
Disposal of an integrated pulp-paper mill effluent by irrigation / 1979
Disposal of dilute pesticide solutions / 1979
Disposal of dilute pesticide solutions / 1976
Disposal of hazardous waste : proceedings of the sixth annual research symposium at Chicago, Illinois, March 17-20, 1980 / 1980
Disposal of Sugar Refinery Lagoon Effluents by Soil Spreading. 1973
Disposal Option for Nuclear Moisture Density Gauges. 2002
Dissolved organic matter-nonionic pesticide interactions and nonionic pesticide sorption by clay and soil as influenced by dissolved organic matter / 1988
Distribution and Movement of Toxaphene in Anaerobic Saline Marsh Soils. 1978
Distribution of PCB and pesticide contaminants in the vicinity of the Times Beach Confined Disposal Facility, Buffalo, New York / 1990
Distribution of Protozoa in Subsurface Sediments of a Pristine Groundwater Study Site in Oklahoma (Journal Version). 1987
Distribution of selenium in soils of agricultural fields, western San Joaquin Valley, California / 1987
Distributions of soil lead in the nation's housing stock. 1996
Distributions of soil lead in the nation's housing stock. 1996
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study 1984
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study {microform} / 1984
DOE/EPA/NSF/ONR joint program on bioremediation interagency announcement of opportunity : Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research jointly announce the availability of 1996 grants for research. 1996
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Metropolitan Seattle. Volume 2. West Point, King County, Washington. 1977
Draft environmental impact statement for proposed issuance of a new source national pollutant discharge elimination permit to United States Steel Corporation number 8 blast furnace, Fairfield, Alabama / 1978
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Sheepherder Hill Salvage Sale 1997
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Kaiparowits 1975
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Mountain Valley Grazing Management 0
Draft environmental impact statement on the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission Sludge Management Plan / 1983
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Parker Mountain Grazing Management 0
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Wasatch-Cache National Forest, and Appendices 2001
Draft Environmental Impact Statement, North Fork Coal, Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado, September 1999, Figures 1999
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