Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 401 - 450
Your Search: (SUBJECT=soils)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Demonstrating remediation by natural attenuation using numerical ground water models and annual ground water sampling / 1997
Demonstration and evaluation of an automated infiltration gallery system at Port Hueneme, CA [electronic resource] / 2008
Demonstration and quality assurance project plan : technologies for the monitoring and measurement of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds in soil and sediment / 2004
Demonstration and Quality Assurance Project Plan: XRF Technologies for Measuring Trace Elements in Soil and Sediment. 2005
Demonstration of a silicate stabilization process for heavy metal contaminated soil at the Tamco steel site 1990
Demonstration of a trial excavation at the McColl Superfund Site : applications analysis report. 1992
Demonstration of the COGNIS, Inc. TERRAMET Lead Extraction Process. 1994
Demonstration plan : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil / 2000
Denitrification as affected by irrigation frequency of a field soil / 1980
Density measurement of saturated submersed sediment by gamma ray scattering 1957
Depleted uranium technical brief / {electronic resource} : 2006
Depth and Time of Freezing of a Silty Soil Under Deciduous Forest Near Fairbanks, Alaska. 1971
Depth Dependence of Direct and Indirect Photolysis on Soil Surfaces. 1990
Derivation and use of environmental quality and human health standards for chemical substances in water and soil / 2010
Description and sampling of contaminated soils : a field guide / 1994
Description and sampling of contaminated soils : a field pocket guide. 1991
Design and construction of covers for solid waste landfills / 1979
Design and evaluation of a terrestrial model ecosystem for evaluation of substitute pesticide chemicals / 1979
Design and management of subsurface soil absorption systems / 1985
Design guidelines for agricultural soil warming systems utilizing waste heat / 1976
Design manual : onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems / 1980
Design module : site evaluation for on-site treatment and disposal / 1995
Design of remediation systems 1997
Design parameters for the land application of dairy manure / 1976
Design, construction, and evaluation of clay liners for waste management facilities / 1988
Design, construction, and evaluation of clay liners for waste management facilities : draft technical resource document for public comment. 1986
Design, construction, and maintenance of cover systems for hazardous waste : an engineering guidance document / 1987
Desorption of 2,3,7,8,-TCDD from Soils into Water/Methanol and Methanol Liquid Phases. 1986
Destruction of PCB-Contaminated Soils with a High-Temperature Fluid-Wall (HTFW) Reactor. 1984
Detection of a Microbial Consortium, Including Type 2 Methanotrophs, by Use of Phospholipid Fatty Acides in an Aerobic Halogenated Hydrocarbon-Degrading Soil Column Enriched with Natural Gas. 1987
Determination and prediction of chemical forms of trace metals in sewage sludge and sludge-amended soils, 1985
Determination of cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cation (including water soluble ions) in soils, related materials and sewage sludge 1979. 1983
Determination of kinetics of phosphorus mineralization in soils under oxidizing conditions / 1977
Determination of Selected Neutral Priority Organic Pollutants in Marine Sediment, Tissue, and Reference Materials Utilizing Bonded-Phase Sorbents. 1986
Determination of Soluble Mineral Content Using Electrical Conductivity Measurements. 1997
Determination of Suitable Average Values of Meteorological Data for Use in Estimation of Evapotranspiration. 1970
Determination of transport parameters from step and pulse displacement of cations and anions / 1989
Determination of volatile organic compounds in soils using equilibrium headspace analysis and capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry : evaluation of the Tekmar 7000 HA Analyzer / 1991
Determining soil response action levels based on potential contaminant migration to ground water : a compendium of examples. 1989
Deterministic and stochastic evaluation of nitrate-nitrogen leaching from soils with dual pore systems in karst regions final report / 1991
Detroit, Michigan Area Sediment Survey, 1982 1987
Development and evaluation of a quantitative enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for polychlorinated biphenyls / 1994
Development and Evaluation of Monitoring Methods for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in House Dust and Track-In Soil. 1993
Development document for final effluent guidelines and standards for the construction & development category. 2009
Development of a capillary wick unsaturated zone pore water sampler. 1988
Development of a model sanitary landfill site design for Snohomish County, Washington / 1975
Development of a pollutant monitoring system for biosphere reserves / 1978
Development of a portable field monitor for PCBs 1983
Development of a System to Protect Groundwater Threatened by Hazardous Spills on Land. 1981
Development of advisory levels for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) cleanup / 1986
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