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Your Search: (SUBJECT=soil contamination)

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Select Item Title Year Published
20th Annual RREL Research Symposium : abstract proceedings / 1994
21st annual RREL research symposium : abstract proceedings / 1995
90SR Uptake by 'Pinus ponderosa' and 'Pinus radiata' Seedlings Inoculated with Ectomycorrhizal Fungi. 1994
A resource guide for MGP site characterization and remediation : expedited site characterization and source remediation at former manufactured gas plant sites / 2000
A study to determine the feasibility of using a ground-penetrating radar for more effective remediation of subsurface contamination / 1992
Abstract proceedings : fourth forum on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies : domestic and international, San Francisco, CA, November 17-19, 1992. 1992
Abstract proceedings : Fourth Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : San Francisco, CA, November 17-19, 1992. 1993
Abstract proceedings : Technical Support Project general meeting / 1991
Abstracts of remediation case studies / 1995
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 2 / 1997
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 3 / 1998
Accutech pneumatic fracturing extraction and hot gas injection, phase I. 1993
Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils / 1994
Action of a Fluoranthene-Utilizing Bacterial Community on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Components of Creosote. 1989
Adsorption, Degradation, and Plant Availability of 2,4-Dinitrophenol in Sludge-Amended Calcareous Soils. 1990
Air Emissions from the Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Fuels and Other Substances (October 1997). 1997
Air emissions from the treatment of soils contaminated with petroleum fuels and other substances : final report / 1992
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : database of emission rate measurement projects / 1991
Aldicarb, position document 1. 1984
Alternative Biological Treatment Processes for Remediation of Creosote-and PCP-Contaminated Materials: Bench-Scale Treatability Studies. 1991
Alternatives for Ground Water Cleanup. 1994
An analysis of composting as an environmental remediation technology. 1998
An SAB report : technical review of the proposed TSCA section 403 regulation (identification of dangerous levels of lead) / 1998
An X-ray fluorescence survey of lead contaminated residential soils in Leadville, Colorado : a case study / 1993
Analysis of treatability data for soil and debris : evaluation of land ban impact on use of superfund treatment technologies: a Superfund management review: recommendation 34A. 1989
Application of a plant test system in the identification of potential genetic hazards at chemical waste sites / 1991
Application of the 'Tradescantia micronucleus' Assay for the Genetic Evaluation of Chemical Mixtures in Soil and Aqueous Media. 1992
Application of the Phase IV Land Disposal Restrictions to Contaminated Media: Costs, Cost Savings, and Economic Impacts. 1998
Application, performance, and costs of biotreatment technologies for contaminated soils. 2002
Approach for addressing dioxin in soil at CERCLA and RCRA sites. 1998
Aquatic Assessment of the Ely Copper Mine Superfund Site, Vershire, Vermont. 2010
ARARs Q's and A's : state ground water antidegradation issues. 1991
Arsenic in soils and sediments adjacent to birch swamp brook in the vicinity of Texas Road (downstream from the Imperial Oil Company superfund site), Monmouth County, New Jersey / 2001
Aseptic Sampling of Unconsolidated Heaving Soils in Saturated Zones. 1991
Assessing Detoxification and Degradation of Wood Preserving and Petroleum Wastes in Contaminated Soil. 1990
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : In situ SVE-based systems for free product recovery and residual hydrocarbon removal / 1996
Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Diagnostic Evaluation of In situ SVE-Based System Performance. 1996
Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: In situ SVE-Based Systems for Free Product Recovery and Residual Hydrocarbon Removal. 1996
Assessing UST corrective action technology : a scientific evaluation of the mobility and degradability of organic contaminants in subsurface environments / 1991
Assessment of Bulk Atmospheric Deposition to the Tampa Bay Watershed. 1996
ATSDR health consultations under CERCLA. 1991
AWD technologies integrated aquadetox/SVE technology : applications analysis report / 1991
Babcock & Wilcox cyclone furnace vitrification technology. 1992
Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land Disposal Restrictions: Newly Identified Petroleum Refining Wastes (Final Rule). 1998
Background document for capacity analysis for land disposal restrictiopns, phase III : Universal treatment standards and treatment standards for organic toxicity characteristic wastes and other newly listed wastes (final rule). 1994
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 4, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 3). 1992
Background document for land disposal restrictions : Wood preserving wastes (final rule), Capacity analysis and response to capacity-related comments. 1997
Background Document for Third Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Third Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity. Volume 1. Executive Summary. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. 1990
Background for NEPA reviewers : non-coal mining operations / 1994
Background hydrocarbon vapor concentration study for underground fuel storage tanks / 1991
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