Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 140
Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=geophysical)

Select Item Title Year Published
Geologic well log analysis / 1983
Geophysical and geochemical techniques for exploration of hydrocarbons and minerals 1980
Geophysical field theory and method / 1992
Geophysical logs for selected wells in the Picher field, northeast Oklahoma and southeast Kansas / 1991
Geophysical Mapping of the Water Table in Eocene Sediments: Feasibility and Reliability Evaluation. 1972
Geophysical methods for locating abandoned wells / 1984
Geophysical methods for locating abandoned wells / 1984
Geophysical Observations Monthly Bulletin, Jul. 1970. 1970
Geophysical predictions 1978
Geophysical techniques for hazardous waste site investigations / 1989
Geophysical techniques for hazardous waste site investigations / 1987
Geophysical techniques for sensing buried wastes and waste migration / 1984
Geophysical techniques to locate DNAPLs : profiles of federally funded projects. 1998
Geophysics applied to contaminant studies : papers presented at SAGEEP from 1988 to 2006 / 2006
Global Ecosystems Database, Version 2 (2000) (on CD-ROM). 2000
Groundwater quality monitoring recommendations for in situ oil shale development / 1983
Guidance Document on Mechnical Integrity Testing of Injection Wells. 1982
Guidebook to the correlation of geophysical well logs within the St. Johns River Water Management District / 2001
High-resolution seismic reflection techniques for mapping coal seams from the surface 1976
Hydrogeologic and water-quality data for the Main Site, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Laboratory, Dahlgren, Virginia 1994
Hydrogeologic data for Graces Quarters, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 1991
Hydrogeologic Framework, Arsenic Distribution, and Groundwater Geochemistry of the Glacial-Sediment Aquifer at the Auburn Road Landfill Superfund Site, Londonderry, New Hampshire. 2013
Hydrogeologic Framework, Ground Water Quality, and Simulation of Ground Water Flow at the Fair Lawn Well Field Superfund Site, Bergen County, New Jersey. 2004
Hydrologic and geophysical data from the Piceance Basin, Colorado 1974
Identification, characterization, and analysis of hydraulically conductive fractures in granitic basement rocks, Millville, Massachusetts 1994
Information on Soviet bloc international geophysical cooperation. 1959
Initial field trials of the Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS) Reconnaissance of Jacksonville Naval Air Station waste oil and solvents disposal site / 1993
Innovations in site characterization : geophysical investigation at hazardous waste sites. 2000
Integrated use of surface-geophysical methods to indicate subsurface fractures at Tibbetts Road, Barrington, New Hampshire 1992
Introduction to environmental geophysics. 2002
Introduction to geophysical prospecting / 1988
Introduction to groundwater investigations. 1995
Introduction to groundwater investigations. 1995
Investigation of the hydraulic effects of deep-well injection of industrial wastes final report / 1990
Location and characteristics of the interface between brine and fresh water from geophysical logs of boreholes in the Upper Brazos River Basin, Texas : origin and management of salt springs and seeps in the Upper Brazos River Basin, Texas / 1973
Location of abandoned wells with geophysical methods / 1984
Location of Solution Channels and Sinkholes at Dam Sites and Backwater Areas by Seismic Methods: Part I - Rock Surface Profiling. 1972
Location of Solution Channels and Sinkholes at Dam Sites and Backwater Areas by Seismic Methods: Part II - Correlation of Seismic Data with Engineering Properties. 1972
Locations of fracture intervals inferred from borehole logs of eight wells at the Holton Circle Superfund Site, Londonderry, New Hampshire / 1993
Log interpretation / 1972
Manual of water well construction practices / 1976
Methods for determining the location of abandoned wells / 1984
Monitoring coral reefs for global change / 1993
Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, Califoria, EPA Characterization Test Cell Report on Electromagnetic Surveys in the Test Cell Area. 2004
Neutron well logging in Hawaii / 1974
Non-fishing human induced mortality of fisheries resources in Galveston Bay / 1993
North Dakota stratigraphic column / 1986
NWWA conference on surface and borehole geophysical methods in ground water investigations, February 12-14, 1985, Fort Worth, Texas. 1985
Oil spill and oil pollution reports : February 1975-April 1975 / 1975
Oil spill and oil pollution reports : May 1975 - July 1975 / 1976

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