Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=geophysical)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Oil spill and oil pollution reports : November 1974 - February 1975 / 1975
On certain characteristics of the zonal circulation of the atmosphere over the Northern Hemisphere during the International Geophysical Year = O nekotorykh kharakteristikakh zonal'noei tsirkulieiatsii atmosfery nad severnym polushariem za period Mezhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo goda / 1962
Oversight of the U.S. Geological Survey : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session, April 7, 2016. 2018
Petrophysical analysis of geophysical logs of the National Drilling Company-U.S. Geological Survey ground-water research project for Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates 1994
Practical guide to borehole geophysics in environmental investigations 1997
Predicting soil erosion by water : a guide to conservation planning with the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) / 1997
Prediction of Well Development Possibilities in Delaware by Means of Calibrated Gamma-Ray Logs. 1973
Proceedings of the Fifth National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods. 1991
Proceedings of the Fourth National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods. 1990
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, Applied Geologic Remote Sensing : practical solutions for real-world problems : 17-19 November 1997, Denver, Colorado, USA. 1997
Publications catalog of the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys. 0
RadTown USA : Moisture and Density "Nuclear" Gauges Used in Road Construction. 2006
Recognition of natural brine by electrical soundings near the Salt Fork of the Brazos River, Kent and Stonewall Counties, Texas, 1973
Reconnaissance geophysics to locate major faults in clays 1989
Regulatory Impact Analysis of Proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper (Draft). 1988
Relations of borehole resistivity to the horizontal hydraulic conductivity and dissolved-solids concentration in water of clastic coastal plain aquifers in the southeastern United States / 1994
Results of a sunphotometer intercomparison held at Boulder, 19 October to 16 December 1981 / 1982
Results of borehole geophysical logging and hydraulic tests conducted in Area D supply wells, former U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center, Warminster, Pennsylvania / 1998
Results of coal drilling projects in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming / 1990
Results of coal drilling projects in the Wind River Coal Field, Wyoming / 1991
Sampling and Analysis of Potential Geothermal Sites. 1981
Schlumberger log interpretation charts. 1986
Selected logging data and examples of geophysical logs for the Coastal Plain of Delaware 1976
Sensor technologies used during site remediation activities : selected experiences / 2005
Simulated Effects of Wastewater-Management Actions on the Hydrologic System and Nitrogen-Loading Rates to Wells and Ecological Receptors, Popponesset Bay Watershed, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. 2013
Site Characterization Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS) : innovative technology evaluation report / 1995
Site Characterization Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS) LIF sensor : demonstration bulletin / 1995
Standard Operating Procedures for Field Sampling Activities 1994
Subsurface characterization and monitoring techniques : a desk reference guide / 1993
Surface-based electrical surveys for injection well fluids / 1988
The Chief characteristics of the radiation regime of the european territory of the USSR = Osnovnye kharakertistiki radiatsionnogo reshima evropeeiskoi territorii SSSR / 1961
The use of geophysical monitoring systems and data to identify and designate ocean sites for disposal of low-level radioactive wastes / 1988
Three-dimensional zone model log interpretation 1973
Use of a geographic information system to assist with studies of the availability and use of water in Kansas / 1992
Use of airborne, surface, and borehole geophysical techniques at contaminated sites : a reference guide / 1993
Use of site characterization and analysis penetrometer system at the Walnut Creek Watershed, Ames, Iowa 1993
Use of surface and borehole geophysics to delineate the glacial-drift stratigraphy of northeastern St. Joseph County, Indiana / 1995
Using geophysical logs to estimate porosity, water resistivity, and intrinsic permeability / 1989
Variability of Infiltration in a Clay Layer of a Typic Hapludult. 1987
Water Pressure and Ground Vibrations Induced by Water Guns at a Backwater Pond on the Illinois River near Morris, Illinois. 2016
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