Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Purification Ion exchange process)

Select Item Title Year Published
A mobile drinking water treatment research facility for inorganic contaminants removal : design, construction, and operation / 1984
Acid mine drainage treatment by ion exchange / 1972
Ammonia removal from agricultural runoff and secondary effluents by selected ion exchange / 1969
An investigation of ion removal from water and wastewater / 1973
Application of adsorptive/absorptive resins and membranes for toxic and hazardous waste reduction / 1985
Basic salinogen ion-exchange resins for selective nitrate removal from potable and effluent waters, 1970
Biological destruction of perchlorate and nitrate in ion exchange concentrate / 2010
Cyanide removal from coke making and blast furnace waste waters / 1984
Cyanide removal from coke making and blast furnace waste waters {MICROFICHE} 1983
Determination of radium removal efficiencies in Illinois water supply treatment processes / 1976
Determination of radium removal efficiencies in Iowa water supply treatment processes / 1976
Determination of radium removal efficiencies in water treatment processes / 1976
Electro-regenerated ion-exchange deionization of drinking water / 1977
Environmental ion exchange : principles and design / 1997
Evaluation of ion exchange processes for treatment of mine drainage waters 1974
Evaluation of ion exchange technology for toxic and non-conventional pollutant reduction in bleach plant effluents / 1981
Evaluation of MIEX : process impacts on different source waters / 2005
Get the lead out : methods for removing lead from plant waste water streams / 1971
Impact of anion exchange pre-treatment on downstream processes / 2011
Neutradesulfating treatment process for acid mine drainage / 1972
Nitrate removal from drinking water / 1980
Nitrate removal from water supplies by ion exchange / 1978
Nitrate removal from water supplies by ion exchange : executive summary / 1977
Removal and selective recovery of heavy metal ions from industrial waste waters 1989
Removal of chromium from ion exchange regenerant solution / 1988
Removal of nitrate from contaminated water supplies for public use 1981
Removal of nitrate from contaminated water supplies for public use / 1981
Removal of nitrate from contaminated water supplies for public use : final report / 1982
Selenium oxidation and removal by ion exchange / 1986
Selenium removal from drinking water by ion exchange / 1985
Selenium removal from drinking water by ion exchange / 1985
The bactericidal and oligodynamic action of silver and copper in hygiene, medicine and water treatment / 2007
The equilibrium fluoride capacity of activated alumina / 1981
The equilibrium fluoride capacity of activated alumina : determination of the effects of pH and competing ions / 1980
Treatability of perchlorate in groundwater using ion exchange technology--phase II / 2004
Treatment and recovery of fluoride industrial wastes / 1974
Treatment of electroplating wastes by ion exchange. 1973
Treatment of perchlorate in groundwater by ion exchange technology / 2003
Treatment of perchlorate using single-use ion exchange resins / 2004
Wastewater demineralization by continuous counter-current ion exchange process / 1977
Wastewater demineralization by ion exchange; 1971
Wastewater demineralization by two-stage fixed-bed ion exchange process / 1977
Water filtration & ion exchange for micro-systems Filtration des eaux et change d'ions pour les micro-systemes = Filtracion de agua e intercambio ionico para microsistemas. [kit] = 2010

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