Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Pollution Illinois)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Preliminary environmental assessment of the contamination associated with Lake Calumet, Cook County, Illinois / 1988
A survey of the mussels (Unionacea) of the Illinois River : a polluted stream / 1971
An Assessment of regional ground-water contamination in Illinois / 1988
Annual Program Review FY-1964 - FY-1965 - FY 1966 : Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. 1963
Annual Program Review FY-1965 - FY-1966 - FY 1967 : Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project / 1965
Annual report - Department of Environmental Control. 0
Applications of GIS databases and water quality modeling for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control / 1992
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Oilfield Brine: A Survey of Land Damage in Hamilton County. 1980
Assessing biological integrity in running waters : a method and its rationale / 1986
Background on Great Lakes-Illinois waterway comprehensive water quality project. 1961
Chemical analyses of surface water in Illinois, 1975-77 1979
Combined sewer flooding and pollution : a national problem : the search for solutions in Chicago : report / 1979
Comprehensive Program for Water Pollution Control for the Lower Portion Upper Mississippi River Basin, Developed by the State Water Pollution Control Agencies of Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. 1955
Comprehensive Program for Water Pollution Control for the Mississippi-Wapsipinicon and Tributaries Rivers Basin Developed by the State Water Pollution Control Agencies, of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. 1953
Comprehensive water pollution control program for the Illinois River basin 1965
Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Mississippi-Des Moines-Skrunk Rivers Basin Developed by the State Water Pollution Control Agencies of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Missouri. 1953
Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Mississippi-Des Moines-Skunk Rivers Basin. 1953
Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Mississippi-Iowa-Cedar Rivers Basin Developed by the State Water Pollution Control Agencies of Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. 1954
Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Mississippi-Salt Rivers Basin Developed by the State Water Pollution Control Agencies of Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. 1954
Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Mississippi-Salt Rivers Basin. 1954
Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Mississippi-Wapsipinicon and Tributaries Rivers Basin Developed by the State Water Pollution Control Agencies of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. 1953
Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries : conclusions of technical session. 1966
Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries : technical session, January 4-5, 1966. 1966
Determination of phosphate, nitrate and alkyl benzene sulfonates (ABS) in water with the auto analyzer / 1964
Development of a flood and pollution control plan for the Chicagoland area: summary of technical reports. 1972
Economic analysis of phosphorus control and other aspects of R76-1 1978
Economic Impact Analysis of Effluent Standards for Total Dissolved Solids. 1978
Economic impact of a proposed change in lead effluent standards 1980
Economic Impact of Proposed Amendments to Chromium Effluent Standards in Illinois (R76-21). 1978
Economic impact of the proposed averaging rule, R76-21 1978
Effects on water quality of recommended improvement measures : report on the Illinois River system. 1963
Environmental loadings profile for Cook County, IL, and Lake County, IN : final report. 2001
Evaluation of CID, Calumet City, Illinois 1986
Evaluation of Peoria Disposal Co., Peoria, IL 1987
Fertilizer application rates and nitrate concentrations in Illinois surface waters a report to the Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality / 1974
Fish and Wildlife as Related to Water Quality of the Illinois River Basin. Appendix VII. 1963
Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Comprehensive Study. Appendix V - Biological Investigations of the Upper Illinois Waterway. 1961
Guidance manual for petroleum-related LUST cleanups in Illinois 1990
Identification of the sediment-associated contaminants in the Illinois River Complex using toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) / 2012
Illinois water quality management plan / 1982
Illinois water quality management plan. 1982
Illinois Water Quality Report, 1982-1983. 1984
Illinois Water Quality Report, 1984-1985. 1986
Intensive survey of the Big Muddy River Basin : summer 1995 / 1997
Intensive survey of the Little Vermilion River as effected by seasonal variation, 1992 1993
Inventory of the pollution of Du Page River and tributaries and recommendations for abatement and prevention of pollution / 1937
Lakes and streams survey of Lake County, Illinois 1962
Levels of PCBs and trace metals in Crab Orchard Lake sediment, benthos, zooplankton and fish 1990
Municipal and Industrial Waste Facilities. 1957 Inventory. Volume 5. Region V--Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin. 1958
Pesticides in surface water in the lower Illinois River Basin, 1996-98 / 2003
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