Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water softening)

Select Item Title Year Published
Arsenic removal from drinking water by coagulation/filtration and lime softening plants / 2000
Arsenic removal from drinking water by coagulation/filtration and lime softening plants / 2000
AWWA standard for liquid ferric chloride. 1998
AWWA standard for liquid ferric chloride. 1993
AWWA standard for quicklime and hydrated lime. 1994
Barium and Radium Removal from Groundwater by Ion Exchange. 1984
Characterization and utilization of municipal and utility sludges and ashes / 1975
Comparative Health Effects Assessment of Drinking Water Treatment Technologies, Report to Congress. 1988
Costs of radium removal from potable water supplies / 1977
Design manual : removal of arsenic from drinking water by adsorptive media / 2003
Determination of Radium Removal Efficiencies in Illinois Water Supply Treatment Processes. 1976
Determination of Radium Removal Efficiencies in Water Treatment Processes. 1976
Effectiveness of a Contact Filter for the Removal of Iron from Ground Water. 1971
EPA evaluation of water plant lime sludge in an industrial boiler FGD system at Rickenbacker Air Force Base / 1979
Evaluation of Ion Exchange Softening on the Leaching of Metals from Household Plumbing Materials. 1995
Guidance Manual for Enhanced Coagulation and Enhanced Precipitative Softening. 1993
Industrial water softener waste brine reclamation / 1974
Inorganic chemical characterization of water treatment plant residuals. {microfiche} / 1992
Large water system byproducts treatment and disposal cost document. 1993
Leaching of metals from household plumbing materials : impact of home water softeners / 1998
Magnesium carbonate--a recycled coagulant for water treatment / 1975
Method of Demineralization using Strongly Basic Ion Exchange Resins. 1972
NSF international standard/American national standard for drinking water treatment units : residential cation exchange water softeners / 2007
Optimizing coagulation-adsorption for haloform and total organic carbon reduction {MICROFICHE} 1983
Polyphosphate water-treatment products : their effects on the chemistry and solubility of lead in potable water systems / 1991
Processing water-treatment-plant sludge. 1974
Recovery of lime and magnesium in potable water treatment 1976
Removal of Arsenic from Drinking Water by Conventional Treatment Methods. 1993
Removal of Radium from Drinking Water 1992
Removing Inorganics: Common Methods Have Limits. 1991
Reuse of Solid Waste from Water-Softening Processes. 1973
Review of Treatment Methods for Removal of Uranium from Drinking Water. 1987
S-100-81 for household commercial and portable exchange water softeners : voluntary industry standards. 1981
Simulation of raw water and treatment parameters in support of the disinfection by-products regulatory impact analysis / 1992
Small water system byproducts treatment and disposal cost 1993
Soda ash treatment of neutralized mine drainage / 1977
Technical Guidelines for Public Water Systems. 1976
The development of phosphate-free heavy duty detergents / 1974
The removal and disinfection efficiency of lime softening processes for Giardia and viruses / 1994
Traces of heavy metals in water removal processes and monitoring, 1973
Treatment of acid mine drainage by the alumina-lima-soda process / 1976
Treatment Technology to Meet the Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Inorganics, Part 3. Cadmium, Lead, and Silver. 1978
Use of Water Softening Sludge in Sewage Treatment. 1972
Water softening: the base-exchange or zeolite process. 1929
Water-Treatment-Sludge Filtration Studies. 1973

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