Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality Michigan Lake)

Select Item Title Year Published
1968 Lake Michigan beach survey of water quality; report to 76th General Assembly. 1969
1968 surveys of Lake Michigan open water quality and lakebed; report to the Governor and 76th General Assembly. 1969
A bibliography of biological, chemical, and physical studies of Lake Michigan. 1973
Baseline water quality conditions in the Illinois Waterway and Lake Michigan Diversion Channels : increased Lake Michigan diversion and Chicago study and demonstration program / 1979
Bioaccumulation and effects of cadmium and zinc in a Lake Michigan plankton community 1981
Conference [on] pollution of Lake Michigan and its tributary basin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin ... session ..., Chicago, Ill., proceedings. 1969
Dynamics and numerical modeling of river plumes in lakes / 2010
Lake currents : a technical report containing background data for a water pollution control program. 1967
Lake Michigan 1970 shore water survey : report to the Governor Richard B. Ogilvie and 77th General Assembly / 1971
Lake Michigan eutrophication model : calibration, sensitivity, and five-year hindcast analysis / 1984
Lake Michigan intensive survey 1976-1977 / 1980
Lake Michigan intensive survey, 1976-1977 : management report / 1982
Lake Michigan intensive survey, 1976-1977 : management report / 1981
Lake Michigan shore and open water report. 0
Lake Michigan Sodium Mass Balance and Projections for Future In-Lake Sodium Concentrations / 1985
Lake Michigan Toxic Pollutant Control/Reduction Strategy. 1986
Lake Michigan water quality report, January through December 1978 / 1979
Lake Michigan water quality report. 1900
Measurements of the spatial and temporal distributions of chlorophyll and total seston in southern Lake Michigan by continuous-flow fluorometry and nephelometry 1981
Minimum-cost surveillance plan for water quality trend detection in Lake Michigan 1977
Modeling of water quality in Lake Michigan and the effect of the anomalous ice cover of 1976-1977 / 1981
Nonpoint source monitoring program for Wisconsin rivers tributary to Lake Michigan 1984
Physical and chemical characteristics of the Indiana portion of Lake Michigan, 1980-1981. 1982
Preliminary sampling survey : Waukegan and Zion Power plant sites, October 9 and 10, 1969. 1970
Report of pollution for the Lake Michigan basin : appendix 9, lake currents. 1967
Report of the Lake Michigan and Adjoining Land Study Commission of the State of Illinois. 1971
Report of water quality criteria, Calumet area-lower Lake Michigan. 1966
Report on water quality criteria and plan for implementation, Lake Michigan basin, state of Indiana. 1967
Results of the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study : polychlorinated biphenyls and trans-nonachlor data report / 2004
Sampling surveys. 1963
Sorption and sedimentation of Zn and Cd by seston in southern Lake Michigan 1981
Statistical assessment of combined sewer overflow impacts on nearshore lake water quality in the vicinity of Indiana Harbor 1985
Storage for water quality control / 1967
Summary : Lake Michigan study. 1978
Ten-year forecasts of water quality in Lake Michigan using a deterministic eutrophication model / 1984
The state of the middle Great Lakes : results of the 1983 water quality survey of Lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan / 1985
The state of the middle Great Lakes : results of the 1984 water quality survey of Lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan / 1987
Tri-state survey of Lake Michigan waters : preliminary report / 1948
Water pollution investigation: Calumet area of Lake Michigan 1974
Water quality investigations : Lake Michigan Basin: physical and chemical quality conditions. 1968
Water quality investigations: Lake Michigan Basin. 1967
Water quality of streams tributary to Lakes Superior and Michigan / 1968
Zooplankton community composition in Green Bay, Lake Michigan / 1983
Zooplankton community composition in nearshore waters of southern Lake Michigan / 1983

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