Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality management Washington State Puget Sound)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1987 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan. 1987
1989 Puget Sound water quality management plan 1988
1989 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan, adopted October 19, 1988. 1988
1991 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan : adopted November 21, 1990. 1991
1994 Puget Sound water quality management plan : adopted May 18, 1994 / 1994
1999-2001 Puget Sound water quality work plan / 1999
2001-2003 Puget Sound water quality work plan : public review draft / 1998
2005-2007 Puget Sound conservation & recovery plan / 2005
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory area 14, 16, West Sound Basin. 1976
Assessment of potential toxic problems in non-urban areas of Puget Sound : final report / 1988
Comprehensive monitoring of Puget Sound 1986
Contaminated sediments criteria report / 1989
Developing sediment quality standards : comprehensive sediment management in Puget Sound / 1990
Draft 1987 Puget Sound water quality management plan and environmental impact statement 1986
Draft 1989 Puget Sound water quality management plan. 1988
Educating for action : more success stories from Puget Sound / 1993
Elliott bay action program : 1988 action plan. Puget sound estuary program / 1988
Elliott bay action program : the relationship between source control and recovery of contaminated sediments in two problem areas / 1988
Final environmental impact statement and revised preferred plan for the 1987 Puget Sound water quality management plan 1986
Final report : characterization of spatial and temporal trends in water quality in Puget Sound / 1988
Funding the cleanup and protection of Puget Sound draft report of the Puget Sound Finance Committee. 1989
Habitat and wetlands protection. 1986
Industrial pretreatment 1986
Initial evaluation of alternatives for development of sediment related criteria for toxic contaminants in marine waters (Puget Sound) : Phase II: development and testing of the sediment-water equilibrium partitioning approach / 1984
Institutional options for improved water quality management : investigation, research, and other activities / 1984
Institutional options for improved water quality management task : Policy direction / 1984
Managing nonpoint pollution : an action plan handbook for Puget Sound watersheds / 1993
Marine sediment monitoring program. II. Distribution and structure of benthic communities in Puget Sound, 1989-1993 / 1998
Maritime industrial waste project reduction of toxicant pollution from the maritime industry in Puget Sound. 1992
Methodologies for quantifying non-point source contaminant loading to Puget Sound / 1985
Natural approaches to stormwater management : low impact development in Puget Sound / 2003
Penrose Point / Mayo Cove water quality project report / 1992
Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program 1989 : marine sediment monitoring : final report/ 1990
Puget Sound ambient monitoring program final report / 1988
Puget Sound conservation and recovery plan, 2007-2009 2007
Puget Sound Monitoring Program : a proposed plan / 1986
Puget Sound our heritage at risk / 1989
Puget Sound regional assessment study draft, final report / 1975
Puget Sound research ... proceedings. 1991
Puget Sound update ... annual report of the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program. 1990
Puget Sound urban bay action program action team accomplishments, October 1985 - March 1990 / 1990
Puget Sound water quality an annotated bibliography of agency materials / 1989
Puget Sound water quality management plan : status report / 1997
Puget Sound water quality work plan, 2003-2005 / 2003
Recommended guidelines for conducting laboratory bioassays on Puget Sound sediments 1995
Recommended guidelines for measuring conventional marine water-column variables in Puget Sound 1991
Recommended guidelines for measuring metals in Puget Sound marine water, sediment and tissue samples 1997
Recommended guidelines for measuring organic compounds in Puget Sound water, sediment and tissue samples 1997
Recommended guidelines for sampling marine mammal tissue for chemical analyses in Puget Sound 1994
Recommended guidelines for sampling marine sediment, water column, and tissue in Puget Sound 1997
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