Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2589
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water purification)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,1,1-trichloroethane : health advisory / 1987
1,2-dichloroethane : health advisory / 1987
1,3-dichloropropene : health advisory / 1988
1,3-dichloropropene : health advisory / 1987
11th annual U.S. EPA Drinking Water Workshop : small drinking water systems: challenges and solutions : September 9-11, 2014, Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza, Cincinnati, OH / 2014
12th annual U.S. EPA Drinking Water Workshop : small drinking water systems: challenges and solutions : August 25-27, 2015, Hyatt Regency Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH / 2015
15th annual international conference on contaminated soils and water : analysis, site assessment, fate, environmental and human risk assessment, remediation and regulation, October 18-21, 1999, University of Massachusetts at Amherst : abstract book. 1999
16th annual AEHS meeting and west coast conference on soils, sediments, and water : March 13-16, 2006, Mission Valley Marriott, San Diego, CA. 2006
17th annual international conference on contaminated soils, sediments and water, October 22-25, 2001, University of Massachusetts at Amherst : analysis, site assessment, fate, environmental and human risk assessment, remediation and regulation : abstract book. 2001
18th annual AEHS meeting and west coast conference on soils, sediments, and water : March 10-13, 2008, Mission Valley Marriott, San Diego, CA. 2008
18th annual international conference on contaminated soils, sediments and water, October 21-24, 2002, University of Massachusetts at Amherst : analysis, site assessment, fate, environmental and human risk assessment, remediation and regulation : abstract book. 2002
1979 bibliography of small wastewater flows / 1979
1997 International Symposium on Waterborne Cryptosporidium : March 2-5, 1997, Newport Beach, California : proceedings / 1997
1997 national wastewater management excellence awards ceremony. 1997
1999 drinking water infrastructure needs survey : modeling the cost of infrastructure / 2001
1999 national wastewater management excellence awards ceremony. 1999
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin : health advisory / 1987
2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid : health advisory / 1988
2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid : health advisory. 1987
2013 Membrane technology conference & exposition : proceedings, February 25-28, San Antonio, Texas / 2013
2nd World Water Congress: environmental monitoring, contaminants and pathogens : selected proceedings of the 2nd World Water Congress of the International Water Association, held in Berlin, Germany, 15-19 October 2001 / 2002
A Citizen's guide to air sparging. 1992
A citizen's guide to air stripping. 2001
A citizen's guide to air stripping. 2012
A citizens guide to home treatment water units / 1983
A comparison of expanded-bed and packed-bed adsorption systems / 1968
A comprehensive study of Houston's municipal water system. 1966
A Course on troubleshooting O & M problems in wastewater treatment facilities : trainee notebook. 1979
A mobile drinking water treatment research facility for inorganic contaminants removal : design, construction, and operation / 1984
A practical technology : rapid infiltration / a viable land treatment alternative. 1983
A preliminary feasibility study of the removal of trihalomethane precursors by direct filtration / 1979
A regulators' guide to the management of radioactive residuals from drinking water treatment technologies. 2005
A report of Committee of the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary Engineers on policies for the review and approval of plans and specifications for public water supplies. States represented: New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri. January, 1953. 1962
A report to the Congress : activities and programs implemented under section 319 of the Clean Water Act - fiscal year 1988 / 1989
A selection guide for volatilization technologies for water treatment / 1988
A selection guide for volatilization technologies for water treatment / 1988
A small systems guide to the total coliform rule / 2002
A small systems guide to the total coliform rule : monitoring drinking water to protect public health. 2001
A Strategy for virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances. 1993
A Study of possible economical ways of removing radium from drinking water / 1988
A study of possible economical ways of removing radium from drinking water / 1988
A study of the pollution and natural purification of the Illinois river ... 1927
A study of the pollution and natural purification of the Ohio River. III, Factors concerned in the phenomena of oxidation and reaeration / 1958
A study of the pollution and natural purification of the Scioto river / 1941
A study of the removal of pesticides from water / 1967
A study of the theory of rapid filtration of water through sand / 1940
A survey of conventional and alternative methods for meeting the National interim primary drinking water regulations / 1981
A system's guide to the management of radioactive residuals from drinking water treatment technologies. 2006
A systematic approach to in situ bioremediation in groundwater : including decision trees on in situ bioremediation for nitrates, carbon tetrachloride, and perchlorate / 2002
A water vapor monitor using differential infrared absorption / 1982
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