Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2586
Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water purification)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Considerations in granular activated carbon treatment of combined industrial wastewaters / 1983
Consumer confidence report rule : a quick reference guide. 2002
Consumer fact sheet : proposed radon in drinking water rule. 1999
Consumer information, home drinking water treatment, summary fact sheet / 1988
Consumer tool for identifying point of use drinking water filters certified to reduce lead. 2020
Contaminant removal from public water systems 1985
Contaminant selection, methods, and sampling : technical background information for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation : draft / 1999
Contamination of groundwater and groundwater treatment : part of the proceedings of the specialised conference of the IWSA held in Berlin, W. Germany, 22-26 April, 1985 1985
Contribution of Wastewater to DBP Formation / 2008
Control and treatment technology for the metal finishing industry : sulfide precipitation / 1980
Control of air emissions from Superfund air strippers at Superfund ground water sites. 1989
Control of biological problems in water supplies / 1971
Control of distribution system water quality using inhibitors / 2008
Control of giardia cysts by filtration the laboratory's role {microform} / 1984
Control of mercury contamination in freshwater sediments / 1972
Control of mercury pollution in sediments / 1972
Control of microorganisms in drinking water 2002
Control of organic compounds with powdered activated carbon 1991
Control of organic substances in water and wastewater. 1987
Control of residual aluminum in filtered water 1994
Controlling disinfection by-products and microbial contaminants in drinking water 2001
Controlling disinfection by-products and microbial contaminants in drinking water for water utility operators and regulators / 2004
Controlling factors in methane fermentation : final report, 1 September 1968 through 31 August 1969 / 1970
Controlling factors in methane fermentation, final report, September 1, 1962 through January 31, 1966 / 1966
Cooling water intake technologies : preliminary regulatory development section 316(B) of the Clean Water Act / 1994
Correlations for the determination of surface diffusivities of organic chemicals adsorbed onto granular activated carbon / 1986
Cost analysis handbook for Section 208 areawide waste treatment management planning : federal assistance applications. 1975
Cost and performance evaluation of in-plant trihalomethane control techniques / 1986
Cost and performance of membranes for organic control in small systems : Flagler Beach and Punta Gorda, Florida - project summary / 1990
Cost and technology document for the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule / 1998
Cost equations for small drinking water systems / 1984
Cost evaluation of point-of-use and point-of-entry treatment units for small systems / cost estimating tool and user guide. 2007
Cost evaluation of small system compliance options : point-of-use and point-of-entry treatment units / 1998
Cost of water treatment by coagulation, sedimentation and rapid sand filtration. 1966
Cost supplement to technologies and costs for the removal of nitrates and nitrites from potable water supplies. : First Draft, February 1987. 1987
Cost supplement to technologies and costs for the removal of selenium from potable water supplies. : First Draft, February 1987. 1987
Costs and benefits of complete water treatment plant automation / 2008
Costs of radium removal from potable water supplies / 1977
Critical assessment of radon removal systems for drinking water supplies / 1998
Critical evaluation of Cryptosporidium research and research needs 1998
Critical evaluation of the state of technologies for predicting the transport and fate of toxic compounds in wastewater facilities 1991
Critical issues in water and wastewater treatment : proceedings of the 1994 National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Boulder, Colorado, July 11-13, 1994 / 1994
Critical review of virus removal by coagulation processes and pH modifications / 1980
Cryptosporidium and Giardia occurrence assessment for the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule / 1998
CSO disinfection pilot study Spring Creek CSO storage facility upgrade / [electronic resource] : 2003
Current management of membrane plant concentrate 2000
Current methodology for the control of algae in surface reservoirs / 1987
Cyanazine : health advisory / 1987
Cyanide removal from coke making and blast furnace waste waters / 1984
Cyanide removal from coke making and blast furnace waste waters {MICROFICHE} 1983
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