Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Waste products as fuel)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A prototype mobile system for pyrolysis of agricultural and/or silvicultural wastes / 1979
A Study of the steam gasification of organic wastes / 1984
An evaluation of the resource recovery demonstration project, Baltimore, Maryland : executive summary / 1978
Analysis of removal of ash components from refuse derived fuel during pneumatic transport 1982
Assessment of bacteria and virus emissions at a refuse derived fuel plant and other waste handling facilities / 1978
Assessment of bacteria and virus emissions at a refuse derived fuel plant and other waste handling facilities / 1978
Assessment of energy recovery potential of industrial combustion equipment / 1985
Assessment of energy recovery potential of industrial combustion equipment : summary project / 1986
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 1 / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 2. Appendices A through C. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 3. Appendices D through E. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 4. Appendices F. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 5. Appendices G. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 6. Appendices G. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 7. Appendices I. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 8. Appendices J. / 1985
Assessment of hazard potential from combustion of wastes in industrial boilers / 1981
Assessment of waste fuel use in cement kilns / 1982
Assessment of waste fuel use in cement kilns / 1982
Biofuels for transport : global potential and implications for sustainable energy and agriculture / 2007
Clean fuels from agricultural and forestry wastes / 1976
Columbus incinerator waste-to-energy facility : soil sample site descriptions, laboratory analysis data sheets. 1996
Columbus waste-to-energy municipal incinerator, dioxin soil sampling project. 1996
Combustion of poultry litter for energy recovery : an analysis of the economic and environmental desirability of litter combustion on the Delmarva Peninsula / 1999
Comparative assessment of marine biomass materials 1979
Conversion of organic wastes to unleaded, high-octane gasoline / 1984
Conversion of organic wastes to unleaded, high-octane gasoline {microform} / 1984
Converting cellulosic waste to fuel : a literature review / 1975
Demonstration of synergistic industrial energy/municipal solid waste disposal facility 1981
Development of a prototype system for pyrolysis of agricultural wastes into fuels and other products / 1975
Development of the utilization of combustible gas produced in existing sanitary landfills : investigation of effects of air inclusion 1983
Emissions assessment for refuse-derived fuel combustion / 1985
Emissions assessment for refuse-derived fuel combustion / 1985
Energy and economic assessment of anaerobic digesters and biofuels for rural waste management / 1978
Energy and materials recovery from industrial wastewaters 1983
Energy conservation through improved solid waste management / 1974
Energy conservation through source reduction / 1978
Energy from municipal solid wastes : report 1980
Energy from solid wastes 1976
Energy from waste / 2018
Energy from waste an evaluation of conversion technologies / 1985
Energy potential from construction and demolition wood wastes : final report / 1977
Energy potential from organic wastes: a review of the quantities and sources, 1972
Energy potential through bio-conversion of agricultural wastes : final report to Four Corners Regional Commission / 1976
Energy recovery from solid and wood wastes for Lane County, Oregon. 1973
Energy recovery from solid wastes : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Maryland, March 13, 14, l975. 1976
Energy recovery from waste : solid waste as supplementary fuel in power plant boilers / 1973
Engineering services directory for waste management resource recovery, solid waste, hazardous waste / 1986
Environmental and technological analysis of the use of surplus wood as an industrial fuel / 1980
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