Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 147
Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Waste products as fuel)

Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental assessment of a waste-to-energy process : GSA/Pentagon co-fired boiler tests / 1981
Environmental assessment of a waste-to-energy process : GSA/Pentagon co-fired boiler tests / 1980
Environmental assessment of a waste-to-energy process, Burlington Electric's wood and oil co-fired boiler / 1980
Environmental assessment of waste-to-energy process : Union Carbide's Purox process / 1981
Environmental effects of utilizing solid waste as a supplementary power plant fuel / 1984
Evaluation of fabric filter performance at Ames solid waste recovery system / 1985
Evaluation of fabric filter performance at Ames solid waste recovery system / 1985
Evaluation of mixing systems for biogasification of municipal solid waste / 1982
Evaluation of mixing systems for biogasification of municipal solid waste / 1981
Evaluation of the Ames solid waste recovery system. 1980
Evaluation of trommels for waste to energy plants : phase 2 report of the Warren Springs Laborartory, pilot plant test series 1983
Feasibility study for alternative fuels production from solid waste 1982
Fuels from biomass and wastes 1981
Fundamental considerations for preparing densified refuse-derived fuel / 1981
Gaseous HCl and chlorinated organic compound emissions from refuse fired waste-to-energy systems / 1986
Gaseous HCl and chlorinated organic compound emissions from refuse fired waste-to-energy systems / 1986
Green energy biomass fuels and the environment / 1991
Greenhouse gas and fossil fuel reduction benefits of using biomass manufacturing residuals for energy production in forest products facilities / 2014
Hazardous waste management and pollution control 1991
Identification of components of energy-related wastes and effluents 1978
Identification of components of energy-related wastes and effluents / 1978
Illinois biomass resources : annual crops and residues, canning and food-processing wastes, preliminary assessment 1980
Industrial utilization of waste derived energy 1981
Integration of building and energy technology with onsite waste management in the year 2000 / 1985
Investigation of advanced thermal-chemical concepts for obtaining improved MSW-derived products / 1978
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of California / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Connecticut / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Florida / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Illinois. 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Indiana / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Kentucky / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Maryland / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Massachusetts / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Minnesota / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Nevada / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of North Carolina / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Ohio / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Oklahoma / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Oregon / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Tennessee. 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Utah / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Virginia / 1999
Landfill gas-to-energy project opportunities : landfill profiles for the state of Wisconsin / 1999
Large-scale commercial combustion systems for producing energy from municipal solid waste / 1985
Marketing refuse derived fuel : state of Maryland : final report 1980
Mixed waste paper to ethanol fuel a technology, market, and economics assessment for Washington / 1991
Municipal solid waste combustion : testing and evaluation the combustion characteristics of waste fuels: final report, May 1, 1990-August 31, 1992 / 1992
Municipal solid waste to energy analysis of a national survey : for Washington communities interested in energy recovery as an alternative to landfilling municipal solid waste / 1987
Municipal waste combustion assessment : fossil fuel co-firing / 1989
Municipal waste combustion assessment : fossil fuel co-firing / 1990

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