Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Washington State)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Giardia' Prevalence in Commercially Trapped Mammals. 1980
112th St. SW/SE SR99 to 3rd Ave. SE EIS : final environmental impact statement. 1998
163N Demineralization Plant wastewater stream-specific report 1990
183-D Filter Backwash Wastewater stream-specific report 1990
1984 Environmental management report update 1984
1987 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan. 1987
1988 Reconnaissance survey of environmental conditions in 13 Puget Sound locations 1989
1988 statewide water quality assessment 305(b) report. 1988
1989 Puget Sound water quality management plan 1988
1989 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan, adopted October 19, 1988. 1988
1989 Washington State recycling survey. 1990
1990 transportation system plan for the central Puget Sound region 1974
1991 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan : adopted November 21, 1990. 1991
1992 full monitoring in Elliott Bay / 1992
1994 Pilot field operations and methods manual for streams on the coast range ecoregion of Oregon and Washington and the Yakima River Basin 1994
1994 Puget Sound water quality management plan : adopted May 18, 1994 / 1994
1994 Washington State water quality assessment 305(b) report / 1995
1995 population and employment forecasts for the Central Puget Sound Region 1995
1996 Pest management guide for commercial small fruits. 1996
1998 Washington State water quality assessment : section 305(b) report / 1997
1999-2001 Puget Sound water quality work plan / 1999
2001-2003 Puget Sound water quality work plan : public review draft / 1998
2003 science accomplishments of the Pacific Northwest Research Station. 2004
2004 science accomplishments of the Pacific Northwest Research Station. 2005
2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference : science for the Salish Sea: a sense of place, a sense of change : abstracts & biographies : March 29-31, 2005, Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, Washington. 2005
2005-2007 Puget Sound conservation & recovery plan / 2005
2006 state of salmon in watersheds {electronic resource} / 2006
209-E Laboratory reflector water stream-specific report 1990
2101-M Laboratory wastewater stream-specific report 1990
222-S Laboratory wastewater stream-specific report 1990
241-A Tank Farm Cooling Water stream-specific report 1990
241-AY/AZ Tank Farms Steam Condensate stream-specific report 1990
242-A Evaporator Condensate stream-specific report 1990
242-A Evaporator Cooling Water stream-specific report 1990
242-A Evaporator Process Condensate stream-specific report 1990
242-S Evaporator Steam Condensate stream-specific report 1990
244-AR Vault Cooling Water stream-specific report 1990
2724-W Laundry wastewater stream-specific report 1990
284-E Powerplant Wastewater stream-specific report 1990
284-W Powerplant Wastewater stream-specific report 1990
300 area process wastewater stream-specific report 1990
303(e) water quality management plan, Spokane and northeast basins, water resource inventory areas 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62 1976
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory area 01, Nooksack Basin 1975
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory area 02, San Juan Basin 1976
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory area 14, 16, West Sound Basin. 1976
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory area 24, Willapa basin / 1975
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory areas 03 and 04, Skagit Basin 1975
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory areas 05 & 07, the Stillaguamish and Snohomish river basins 1975
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory areas 10 and 12, Puyallup-Chambers Basin 1976
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory areas 11 and 13, Nisqually-Deschutes Basin 1975
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