Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Washington State)

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Select Item Title Year Published
An investigation of pollution in Lake Washington / 1952
An investigation of pollution in Northern Puget Sound / 1957
An investigation of pollution in the Green-Duwamish River / 1955
An investigation of pollution in the vicinity of Port Angeles / 1957
An investigation of pollutional effects in Lake Washington : (1952-1953) / 1955
An Investigation of radiofrequency radiation exposure levels on Cougar Mountain, Issaquah, Washington, May 6-10, 1985 / 1985
An update of the economic impact of ASARCO operations on employment, local business, and tax revenues in the Tacoma, Washington area. 1984
Analysis of a 24-year photographic record of Nisqually Glacier, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, 1969
Analysis of lithium in deep basalt groundwaters using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry / 1986
Analysis of the policies and management practices of Washington state agencies as they pertain to the Seagrasses, Zostera marina and Zostera japonica 1994
Ancient forests on the Olympic National Forest : analysis from a historical and landscape perspective / 1990
Annotated bibliographies on shoreline hardening effects, vegetative erosion control, and beach nourishment 1994
Annotated bibliography on bald and golden eagles in Washington 1980
Annual inventory of commercial and recreational shellfish areas. 1988
Annual monitoring and evaluation report Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest / 1992
Annual report 1971
Annual report / 1992
Annual report, fiscal year ... 0
Appendices : final report : assessment of human health risk from ingesting fish and crabs from Commencement Bay / 1985
Application of a dynamic estuary water quality model to Grays Harbor, Washington 1980
Application of a steady-state dissolved oxygen model to low flow conditions in Grays Harbor, Washington / 1980
Application of groundwater modeling technology for evaluation of remedial action alternatives Western Processing site, Kent, Washington / 1984
Application of the synoptic approach to wetland designation : a case study in Washington / 1990
Applications of receptor modeling methods to source apportionment of arsenic in the Ruston-Tacoma, Washington airshed : a feasibility study / 1984
Applying metals criteria to water quality-based discharge limits : empirical models of the dissolved fraction of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc / 1996
Appraisal of ground-water conditions and potential for seawater intrusion at Taholah, Quinault Indian Reservation, Washington 1985
Aquatic bioenvironmental studies : the Hanford experience, 1944-84 / 1990
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Duwamish Waterway disposal site, Puget Sound, Washington : appendix A, effects of dredged material disposal on demersal fish and shellfish in Elliott Bay, Seattle, Washington / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Duwamish Waterway disposal site, Puget Sound, Washington : appendix B: Role of disposal of PCB-contaminated sediment in the accumulation of PCB's by marine animals / 1977
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Duwamish Waterway disposal site, Puget Sound, Washington : Appendix D: Chemical and physical analyses of water and sediment in relation to disposal of dredged material in Elliott Bay ; Vol. II: September-December 1976 / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Duwamish Waterway disposal site, Puget Sound, Washington : Appendix D: Chemical and physical analyses of water and sediment in relation to disposal of dredged material in Elliott Bay; Vol. I: February-June 1976 / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Duwamish Waterway disposal site, Puget Sound, Washington : Appendix G: Benthic community structural changes resulting from dredged material disposal, Elliott Bay disposal site / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Duwamish Waterway disposal site, Puget Sound, Washington : evaluative summary / 1978
Aquatic habitat restoration : a technical approach to site identification / 1994
Aquatic lands habitat conservation plan / 2014
Aquatic plant identification manual for Washington's freshwater plants 2001
Aquatic plants in selected waters of King County : distribution and community composition of Macrophytes / 1979
Area and Point Source Inventories in the States of Alaska, Idaho and Washington. 1974
Areawide conference policy goals, summary by geographical area. 1974
Areawide conference policy goals, summary by policy area. 1974
Areawide water quality plan Pursuant to Section 208 of P.L. 92-500. King County Washington Cedar-Green River Basins. January 1978. 1978
Arsenic non-ferrous smelter emission test report, arsenic sampler comparison, Asarco Incorporated, Tacoma Washington / 1984
Artificial recharge in Oregon and Washington 1962 / 1965
Asarco Tacoma Shelter Superfund Projects : a brief overview. 1994
Asbestos in the water supplies of the ten regional cities : Final report, part 1. 1976
Asbestos regulations : a manual containing all asbestos regulations for business in Washington state / 2009
Asian and Pacific Islander seafood consumption study / 1999
Assemblage structure, microhabitat distribution, and food web linkages of epibenthic crustaceans in Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Washington / 1990
Assessing human health risks from the consumption of seafood : human health risk assessment report / 1999
Assessment of dioxins, furans, and PCBs in fish tissue from Lake Roosevelt, Washington, 1984 1998
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