Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Vaporizing)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to thermal desorption. 1992
A novel method of reducing transient emissions from rotary kiln incincerators through modified waste packaging. / 1992
Adaptation of Aquatic Microbial Communities to Pollutant Stress. 1988
Aeration to Remove Volatile Organic Compounds from Ground Water. 1984
Aerial application. 1976
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : estimation of air impacts for soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems / 1992
Algal bioassays with leachates and distillates from western coal / 1980
Available models for estimating emissions resulting from bioremediation processes : a review / 1990
Behavior of Toluene Added to Sludge-Amended Soils. 1990
Bench-scale testing of sorbent additives for trace metal capture and retention / 1995
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K086 solvent wash (non CBI version) / 1988
Best management practices for agricultural nonpoint source control Pesticides: for the project Rural nonpoint source control water quality evaluation and technical assistance / 1984
Best management practices for agricultural nonpoint source control Pesticides: for the project Rural nonpoint source control water quality evaluation and technical assistance / 1984
Biological and Nonbiological Transformations of Mercury in Aquatic Systems. 1974
Biological treatment of leachate from a superfund site / 1989
Biological Treatment of Toxics in Wastewater: The Problems and Opportunities. 1987
Case Studies of Hazardous Waste Treatment to Remove Volatile Organics. Volume 1. 1987
Case Studies of Hazardous Waste Treatment to Remove Volatile Organics. Volume 2. 1987
Characteristics of Pilot- and Full-Scale Hazardous Waste Incinerator Ash. 1989
Characterization of emissions from the simulated open burning of scrap tires / 1989
Chemical analysis of waste crankcase oil combustion samples {MICROFICHE} 1983
Comparison of Air Pollutant Emissions from Vaporizing and Air Atomizing Waste Oil Heaters. 1983
Compendium of methods for the determination of toxic organic compounds in ambient air / 1988
Control of Trace Metal Species in Combustion Systems. 1994
Control technology assessment report for emissions from wastewater treatment operations / 1989
Criteria document for PCBs / 1976
Determination of Chlorinated Insecticides in Human Blood. 1967
Determination of Henry's law constants of selected priority pollutants / 1987
Drinking water treatment technology for ground-water remediation / 1989
Dynamic Mass Balance of PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls). 1983
Effect of Polyester Fiber Processing Effluents on Water Quality. 1973
Effects of Mixtures of Sediment Contaminants on the Marine Infaunal Amphipod, 'Rhepoxynius abronius'. 1988
Emission inventory requirements for post-1987 ozone : state implementation plans / 1988
Environmental fates and impacts of major forest use pesticides / 1981
Environmental pathways of selected chemicals in freshwater systems : Part II. Laboratory studies. / 1978
Factors influencing the volatilization of mercury from soil / 1978
Field evaluation of Red Jacket vapor control system / 1976
Fundamental Mechanisms Governing Transients from the Batch Incineration of Liquid Wastes in Rotary Kilns. 1988
Gas characterization, microbiological analysis, and disposal of refuse in GRI landfill simulators / 1986
Gaseous Behavior of TCE (Trichloroethylene) Overlying a Contaminated Aquifer. 1987
Guidelines for field testing aquatic fate and transport models / 1983
Handbook on in situ treatment of hazardous waste-contaminated soils. 1990
Hazardous air pollutant emissions from process units in the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry : background information for final standards / 1994
Health and environmental effects profile for 1,3-butadiene. 1983
Health and environmental effects profile for dichloroethenes. 1986
Ignition and Combustion of Liquid Fuel Droplets. Part 1: Impact on Pollutant Formation. 1986
IITRI radio frequency heating technology : innovative technology evaluation report / 1995
IITRI radio frequency heating technology. 1995
IITRI radio frequency heating technology. 1995
Implications to the aquatic environment of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons liberated from Northern Great Plains coal / 1979
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