Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Alaska village demonstration projects"; report to Congress. 1973
1973 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1976
1976 needs survey : Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities, summaries of technical data (Categories I-IV). 1977
1978 needs survey : cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities / 1979
1988 National water and wastewater rate survey 1988
1993 municipal water and wastewater resource directory for Idaho city leaders. 1993
1996 compliance report : acid rain program. 1997
1997 compliance report : acid rain program. 1998
1998 compliance report : Acid Rain Program / 1999
2010 water rate information : maintaining a plentiful supply of the highest quality water. 2009
A balanced approach to water conservation in utility planning / 2012
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1985. 1984
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1986. 1985
A review of contaminant occurrence in public water systems : draft. 1999
A review of contaminant occurrence in public water systems. 1999
A utility manager's guide to water and wastewater budgeting / 1994
A water and wastewater manager's guide for staying financially healthy. 1989
A water security handbook : planning for and responding to drinking water contamination threats and incidents / 2006
Acid rain & electric utilities : permits, allowances, monitoring, & meteorology : proceedings of the International Specialty Conference / 1995
Acid rain & electric utilities permits, allowances, monitoring, & meteorology / {electronic resource} : 1995
Acid rain and electricity conservation 1987
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1994 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1995
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1995 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1997
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1997 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1999
Acid Rain Program, 2001 Progress Report. 2002
Acid Rain Program. Compliance Report, 1999. 2000
Acid Rain Program: Annual Progress Report, 2000. 2001
Action handbook for small communities facing rapid growth : case study, Scobey, Montana / 1977
Adaptive Response Framework for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities. 2012
Addressing the challenge through innovation / 2007
Addressing the challenge through science and innovation. 2011
Advanced concepts / 2007
Advanced fine particulate control and implications toward soliving multiple pollutant control poroblems in coal-fired boilers / 1998
Advanced Nonthermally Polluting Gas Turbines in Utility Applications. 1971
Advanced Utility Simulation Model (AUSM), Version 3.0. 1988
Advanced utility simulation model : project summary / 1989
Advanced Utility Simulation Model Description of the National Loop (Version 3.0). 1988
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, Energy and Employment Impacts Module (Version 1.0). 1988
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, Model Operations (Version 1.0). 1988
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, Report of Sensitivity Testing, Calibration, and Model Output Comparisons (Version 3.0). 1989
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, User's Guide (Version 3.0). 1988
Advisory by the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC) concerning EPA's proposed drinking water distribution system research project. 1996
Air pollution : better internal controls needed to ensure complete air regulation dockets : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1988
Air pollution : EPA's efforts to develop a new model for regulating utility emissions : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1988
Air pollution : EPA's ozone policy is a positive step but needs more legal authority : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1988
Air Quality Policy Analysis of Electric Utilities: A Regional Perspective. 1975
Alaska electric power statistics 1969
Alaska village demonstration projects. Final report / 1980
Aligning Utility Incentives with Investment in Energy Efficiency. A Resource of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency. 2007
Allotment of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Monies. 1997
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