Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 551 - 600
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Select Item Title Year Published
Managing small water systems : a cost study, volume 1. 1979
Managing small water systems: a cost study. Volume II / 1979
Managing the revenue and cash flow effects of conservation 1996
Managing Water Quality in Distribution Systems: Simulating TTHM and Chlorine Residual Propagation. 1994
Managing your utility's money : the participant's manual / 1991
Managing your utility's money : the trainer's manual / 1991
Manual for the certification of laboratories analyzing drinking water : criteria and procedures, quality assurance. 1997
Manual of small public water supply systems. 1991
Manual of water utilities calculations / 1990
Manual of water utility operations / 1979
Medium systems that failed to conduct required initial lead tap monitoring and reporting. 1993
Meeting Atmospheric Modeling Requirements for Utility Data. 1986
Meeting future financing needs of water utilities 1993
Meeting the challenge : an update of ODW's mobilization effort. 1990
Mercury Control in Municipal Waste Combustors and Coal-Fired Utilities. 1996
Message management : effective communications / 2005
Metal Corrosion Coupon Contamination, Corrosion Study Design, and Interpretation Problems. 1992
Methods for assessing small water system capability : a review of current techniques and approaches / 1996
Methods for assessing the viability of small water systems : a review of current techniques and approaches. 1995
Methods of preventing, detecting, and dealing with surface spills of contaminants which may degrade underground water sources for public water systems / 1979
Micropower : the next electrical era / 2000
Microsoft Windows user's guide for the Windows Graphical Environment : Version 3.0 for the MS-DOS operating system. 1990
Mitigate disasters : protect your utility / 2016
Model facility plan for a small community : supplement to : Guidance for preparing a facility plan. 1975
Model plan for energy efficiency 1992
Model plan of study : municipal wastewater treatment works construction grants program : supplement to guidance for preparing a facility plan. 1976
Model State Information System for the Safe Drinking Water Program. Introduction to the Model State Information System (MSIS). 1976
Model State Information System for the Safe Drinking Water Program. Volume I: Subsystem Description. Definition of System Requirements. 1976
Modeling Contaminant Propagation in Drinking-Water Distribution Systems. 1993
Monitoring systems for early warning of source water contamination / 2001
Moody's public utility manual. 1954
Moving Toward Safe Drinking Water. What You Should Know About Federal Drinking Water Standards. 2009
Municipal Support Division : publication list. 1994
Municipal wastewater management : citizens guide to facility planning / 1979
Municipal wastewater management : public involvement activities guide / 1979
Municipal Water Facilities Inventory as of January 1, 1958. Volume 1. Region I - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. A Cooperative State - Federal Report. 1958
Municipal Water Facilities Inventory as of January 1, 1958. Volume 2. Region II - Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania. A Cooperative State -Federal Report. 1958
NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Emissions Inventory (Version 2): Development of the National Utility Reference File, 1985. 1989
NAPAP biennial report to Congress. 1998
National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency: A Plan Developed by More than 50 Leading Organizations in Pursuit of Energy Savings and Environmental Benefits through Electric and Natural Gas Energy Efficiency. 2006
National air pollutant emission trends procedures document 1900-1993. 1994
National Drinking Water Advisory Council, Final Report, Decembern 9, 2010. 2010
National economic & labor impacts of the water utility sector / 2014
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for steel-pickling-HCl process : background information for proposed standards. 1997
National primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper : Analysis of occurrences of very low 90th percentile load levels. 1995
National primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper : Flow charts, annotated to show effect of proposed revisions. 1996
National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR, Parts 141-143. 1995
National public water system supervision program : FY 1993 compliance report. 1994
National Representative Sample of Small Public Water Systems: Statistical Design and State Plans for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (Final Report). 1999
National Sewage Sludge Survey (NSSS) (SAS Transport Version). 1989
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