Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ultrafiltration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced filtration of pulp mill wastes / 1979
Advanced Waste Treatment and Water Reuse Symposium Held at Cleveland Engineering and Scientific Center, Cleveland, Ohio, on March 30-31, 1971. Volume II. 1971
Application of membrane technology to power generation waters / 1980
Assessment of best available technology economically achievable for synthetic rubber manufacturing wastewater / 1978
Biological fouling of separation membranes used in water treatment applications 2003
Color removal from kraft mill effluents by ultrafiltration / 1980
Color Removal from Kraft Mill Effluents by Ultrafiltration. 1973
Color removal from NSSC mill effluents by ultrafiltration / 1979
Combining adsorbents with membranes for water treatment 2002
Concentration technologies for hazardous aqueous waste treatment / 1981
Cost and Performance Evaluation of In-Plant Trihalomethane Control Techniques. 1985
Demonstration of ultrafiltration and carbon adsorption for treatment of industrial laundering wastewater / 1978
Detoxification of Pentachlorophenol and Creosote Contaminated Groundwater by Physical Extraction: Chemical and Biological Assessment. 1991
Development of a microfiltration and ultrafiltration knowledge base 2005
Energy conservation through point source recycle with high temperature hyperfiltration / 1979
Evaluation of integrated membranes for taste and odor and toxin control / 2012
Evaluation of Leachate Treatment. Volume I. Characterization of Leachate. 1977
Evaluation of Radial Flow Fluidized Filter (R3F) Followed by Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Systems in Calimesa, California. 2012
Evaluation of Semipermeable Membranes for Concentration of Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water. 1975
Evaluation of ultrafiltration membrane pretreatment and nanofiltration of surface waters 1994
Evaluation of ultrafiltration to recover aqueous iron phosphating/degreasing bath : project summary / 1993
Extent of Ozone's Reaction with Isolated Aquatic Fulvic Acid. 1986
Feasibility of commercialized water treatment techniques for concentrated waste spills / 1981
Influence of Water Quality on Enteric Virus Concentration by Microporous Filter Methods. 1984
Innovative measures for subsurface chromium remediation : source zone, concentrated plume, and dilute plume / 1997
Membrane filtration for microbial removal 1997
Membrane processes / 1989
Membrane processing of cottage cheese whey / 1977
Membrane separations in biotechnology 1986
Membrane Summary: Performance, Concerns, and Regulations. 1991
Membranes for Removing Organics from Drinking Water. 1993
Micro- and ultrafiltration performance specifications based on microbial removal / 2006
NOM rejection by, and fouling of, NF and UF membranes 2001
Optimization of membrane treatment for direct and clarified water filtration / 2006
Peinture par electrophorese, rincage, ultrafiltration, et recyclage de l'eau et de la peinture = Ultrafiltration of the rinsewater from electropainting / 1981
Physical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment Techniques for Industrial Wastes. Volume II. 1976
Pilot investigation of secondary sludge dewatering alternatives / 1978
Removal and recovery of fluoborates and metal ions from electroplating wastewater / 1985
Removal of heavy metals from wastewaters 1986
Reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration / 1985
Rochem Separation Systems, Inc., disc tubeĀ® module technology. : innovative technology evaluation report / 1998
Role of Mutagenicity in Determining Drinking Water Quality. 1994
Safe Drinking Water from Small Systems: Treatment Options. 1992
SITE Technology Capsule: Rochem Separation Systems, Inc., Disc Tube (Trade Name) Module Technology. 1998
Treatability of perchlorate-containing water by RO, NF, and UF membranes 2003
Treatment effectiveness for the removal of selected contaminants from drinking water. prepared for Water Supply Division of Environmental Protection Agency / 1975
Treatment of wastewaters from adhesives and sealants manufacture by ultrafiltration / 1978
Ultrafiltration : in-line recycling of multi-stage parts washer process fluids : preventing money from going down the drain. 2011
Ultrafiltration handbook 1986
Ultrafiltration-based extraction for biological agents in early warning systems / 2006
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