Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Travel patterns)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bibliography of Literature on Current Trends in Land-Use Transportation Interactions. Summary of Selected Literature on Land-Use Transportation Interactions and Alternatively Fueled Buses. Volume 1. Land Use and Transportation Interactions. 1992
Binary Recursive Partitioning Method for Modeling Hot-Stabilized Emissions from Motor Vehicles. 1997
Carpools, Vanpools, and High Occupancy Preference Lanes: Cost Effectiveness and Feasibility. 1977
COMMUTER v2.0 model coefficients. 2005
Critique of role of time allocation in River Basin Model / 1973
Data Collection and Modeling Requirements for Assessing Transportation Impacts of Micro-Scale Design. Travel Model Improvement Program. Executive Summary. 2000
Driving pattern variability and impacts on vehicle carbon monoxide emissions / 1995
Guidance for quantifying and using emission reductions from Best Workplaces for Commuter programs in state implementation plans and transportation conformity determinations. 2005
Heavy duty vehicle driving pattern and use survey : phase I final report part II Los Angeles basin. 1974
Heavy-duty vehicle cycle development / 1978
Integrating Travel Demand Forecasting Models with GIS to Estimate Hot Stabilized Mobile Source Emissions. 1997
Land use compendium / 1998
New Approaches to Travel Forecasting Models: A Synthesis of Four Research Proposals. 1994
Procedures manual for the COMMUTER model v2.0. 2005
Statistical analysis and generation of driving cycles from the St. Louis heavy duty chase car data / 1977
Summary travel characteristics, Michigan : 1995 American travel survey / 1997
Travel Model Improvement Program Conference Proceedings. Held in Fort Worth, Texas on August 14-17, 1994. 1995
Travel Model Improvement Program Land Use Modeling Conference Proceedings. Held on February 19-21, 1995. 1995
Travel Survey Manual, July 1996. Travel Model Improvement Program. 1996
Travel Survey Manual: Appendices, July 1996. Travel Model Improvement Program. 1996
TSM (Transportation System Management): An Assessment of Impacts. 1978
Vehicle Availability Modeling. Travel Model Improvement Program. 1998
Who Pays for Sprawl: The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Sprawl Development: A Literature Review. 1998
Would declaring Federal smog days reduce automobile travel in the Washington, D.C. area? : the results of a survey of travel by EPA employees on April 19, 1976 / 1976

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