Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Tissue Culture)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Age-Related Alterations in the Stimulated Release In vitro of Catecholamines and Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone from the Male Rat Hypothalamus. 1987
Alternatives to laboratory animals : ATLA. 1981
Analysis of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites and Platelet Activating Factor Production. 1991
Animal cell culture : a practical approach / 1986
Animal cell culture and virology / 1974
Bioaccumulation of contaminants in crabs and clams in Bellingham Bay / 1991
Bioassay of Water Pollutants with Cultured Mammalian Cells: Part II. 1970
Cell and tissue culture 1975
Cell and tissue culture in biology and medicine. 1970
Cell culture for biochemists 1990
Cell Growth in Plant Cultures: An Interpretation of the Influence of Initial Weight in Cadmium and Copper Toxicity Tests. 1994
Chemical contamination of harbor seal pups in Puget Sound 1991
Contamination in tissue culture, 1973
Culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique / 1994
Culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique / 1983
Culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique / 1987
Culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique / 2000
Dioxin and furan concentrations in Puget Sound crabs / 1991
DNA Binding and Adduct Formation of Aflatoxin B1 in Cultured Human and Animal Tracheobronchial and Bladder Tissues. 1982
Draft survey and evaluation of in vitro toxicity test methods / 1976
Effects of selected asbestos fibers on cellular and molecular parameters / 1979
Evaluation of selected pesticides as chemical mutagens 'in vitro' and 'in vivo' studies / 1977
Experience of Sanitary-Virological Sewage Tests. 1974
Freshney's culture of animal cells : a manual of basic technique and specialized applications / 2021
Identification, isolation and characterization of the infectious hepatitis (hepatitis A) agent / 1977
Immunologic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (1981-1983). 1984
In vitro biological systems 1993
In vitro cellular & developmental biology Animal. 1993
In vitro cellular & developmental biology journal of the Tissue Culture Association. 1985
In vitro cellular & developmental biology. journal of the Tissue Culture Association Plant : 1991
In vitro Culture of Postimplantation Hamster Embryos. 1988
In vitro epithelia and birth defects : proceedings of the workshop "Study of human birth defects using cultured epithelium" held at the Johns Hopkins Turner Auditorium in Baltimore, Maryland 1980
In vitro Screening Batteries for Neurotoxicants (Journal Article). 1992
In vitro Screening Batteries for Neurotoxicants. 1991
In vitro. 1965
Infectivity and pathogenicity of enteroviruses ingested with drinking water / 1980
Invertebrate tissue culture / 1971
Invertebrate tissue culture : research applications / 1976
Invertebrate tissue culture applications in medicine, biology, and agriculture / 1976
Metabolism of 2-Chlorobiphenyl by Suspension Cultures of Paul's Scarlet Rose. 1987
Method for Measuring Bacterial Resistance to Metals Employing Epifluorescent Microscopy. 1987
Methods of tissue culture. 1961
Plant tissue culture 1976
Plant tissue culture : methods and applications in agriculture / 1981
Plaquing and Immunological Methods for Detection and Identification of Enteroviruses. 1970
Procedures for control of mycoplasma contamination of tissue cultures 1969
Production of mutant plants conducive to salt tolerance : completion report : submitted to Office of Water Research and Technology, U.S. Department of Interior / 1976
Readings in mammalian cell culture 1981
Region V fish tissue report 1986
Report of the Workshop on Biological Screening Tests, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 12-14, 1977 / 1979
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