Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Absence of Symptoms with Carboxyhemoglobin Levels of 16-23%. 1987
Analysis of Relationships between Symptoms and Environmental Factors Over Time. 1984
Approaches to Assessing the Validity of a Functional Observational Battery. 1990
Association of Personal and Workplace Characteristics with Reported Health Symptoms of 6771 Government Employees in Washington, DC. 1992
Behavioral Toxicity of Acute and Subacute Exposure to Triethyltin in the Rat. 1981
Case of Parakeratosis in Piglets (Przypadek Parakeratozy u Prosiat). 1972
Cholinesterase Response and Symptomatology from Exposure to Organic Phosphorus Insecticides. 1953
Classification of Subjective Symptoms of Junior High School Students Affected by Photochemical Air Pollution (Kokagaku Sumoggu ni Yoru Jikaku Shojo no Bunrui). 1975
Clinical Study of the Effect of Air Pollution Upon Asthmatic Patients (Zensoku Hossa ni Oyobosu Taiki Osen no Eikyo. 1972
Comparison of Biochemical Findings and Clinical Pictures on Subacute or Chronic Arsenic Poisoning of Infants Due to Arsenic-Containing Powdered Milk (Hiso Konnyu Funnyu ni Yoru Nyuji Akyusei Naishi Mansei Hiso Chudoku no Seikagakuteki Shoken to Rinshozo Tono Taihi). 1956
Concentration of DDT in Brain and Other Tissues in Relation to Symptomatology. 1964
Contribution to the Study of the Immunological Aspects of Chronic Berylliosis (Contribution a letude des Aspects Immunologiques de la Berylliose Chronique). 1971
Correlation Between Asthmatic Symptoms in Children and Air Pollution Levels in Kyoto City (3-8) (Kyoto Shi ni Okeru Taiki Osendo to Shoni Zenshokuyo Shojo to no Kankei (3-8)). 1971
Cumulative Chlorine Poisoning on Board a Submarine (Intossicazione Collecttiva da Gas Cloro a Bordo di un Sommergibile). 1973
Diagnosing Vegetation Injury Caused by Air Pollution (Slide/Tape Program). 1977
Diagnosing vegetation injury caused by air pollution / 1978
Diagnosis and Treatment of Organophosphate Insecticide Poisoning. 1972
Diagnostic Problems in Toxicology (Agriculture). 1961
Differences in Inflammatory Responses to Exposures of Concentrated Ambient Particles in Susceptible Volunteers. 2010
Dilatation of the Pupils in Parathion Poisoning. 1957
Dioxin-like Toxic Potency in Forster's Tern Eggs from Green Bay, Lake Michigan, North America. 1994
Effect of Aerially Applied Malathion on an Urban Population. 1967
Effect of Chlordimeform (A Formamidine Pesticide) on Schedule-Controlled Responding of Pigeons. 1981
Effects of DDVP Aerosols on Blood Cholinesterase of Fogging Machine Operators. 1959
Effects of Dieldrin or DDT in vivo on Alpha-Alanine, Gamma-Amino-Butyrate, Glutamine, and Glutamate in Rat Brain. 1964
Effects of nitrogen dioxide on pulmonary function in human subjects : an environmental chamber study / 1978
Effects of Sulfur Oxides in the Atmosphere on Vegetation; Revised Chapter 5 for 'Air Quality Criteria for Sulfur Oxides'. 1973
Effects of Sulfuric Acid Mist Exposure on Pulmonary Function. 1981
Environmental Protection Agency indoor air quality and work environmental study: health symptoms and comfort concerns. {microfiche} 1990
Epidemiological Notes and Reports: Pentachlorophenol Poisoning in Newborn Infants. 1967
Exposure of Humans to a Volatile Organic Mixture. 2. Sensory. 1992
Exposure of Humans to a Volatile Organic Mixture. 3. Inflammatory Response. 1992
Exposure to Organic Phosphorus Sprays and Occurrence of Selected Symptoms. 1957
Exposure to Parathion, Effect on General Population and Asthmatics. 1964
Exposure to Parathion, Measurement by Blood Cholinesterase Level and Urinary p-Nitrophenol Excretion. 1961
Eye Irritation as an Effect of Photochemical Air Pollution. 1977
Harvard's Indoor Air Pollution/Health Study. 1986
Health assessment document for hydrogen sulfide. 1986
Health assessment for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and related compounds. 1992
Health effects criteria for marine recreational waters / 1983
Health Effects of Swimming in Lake Pontchartrain at New Orleans. 1981
Health Survey of Workers in a 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T Plant: With Special Attention to Chloracne, Porphyria Cutanea Tarda, and Psychologic Parameters. 1970
Human Upper Respiratory Tract Responses to Inhaled Pollutants with Emphasis on Nasal Lavage. 1992
Indoor air hazards every homeowner should know about. 1998
Information Regarding Exposure Symptoms Experienced by Two Employees and Which Symptoms are Alleged to be Associated with Manufacturing Operations Involving the Production of the Sponsored Chemical. 2009
Insecticide Activity in Man: Urinary Excretion of Paranitrophenol by Volunteers Following Dermal Exposure to Parathion at Different Ambient Temperatures. 1962
Letter from Velcisol Chemical Corportation to US EPA regarding 8E Submission for Benzoic Acid with Attachments. 1977
Letter from Velsicol Chemical Corporation to US EPA regarding 8E Submission on Dicyclopentadiene Acrylate with Attachments. 1977
Life-Saving Suggestions on Handling Parathion or TEPP or, What can Parathion or TEPP Do to You. 1956
Mercury in the environment : a toxicological and epidemiological appraisal. / 1971
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