Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 89
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Statistiek)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A dictionary of statistical terms / 1990
A programmed text in statistics / 1975
An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis 1958
An introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics / 1976
An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis / 1988
An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis. 2001
An introduction to the bootstrap / 1994
Applied Bayesian modelling / 2003
Applied statistics : principles and examples / 1981
Approximation theorems of mathematical statistics / 1980
Basic practice of statistics 1995
Basic statistical computing / 1990
Biometry : the principles and practice of statistics in biological research / 1981
Biostatistics : a methodology for the health sciences / 2004
Bootstrap methods and their application / 1997
Computational methods for data analysis / 1977
Continuous univariate distributions / 1994
CRC handbook of tables for probability and statistics / 1968
Data analysis and regression : a second course in statistics / 1977
Discrete distributions 1969
Discrete multivariate distributions / 1997
Encyclopedia of biostatistics / 1998
Encyclopedia of statistical sciences / 1982
Environmental statistics, assessment, and forecasting / 1994
Experimental designs 1957
Foundations of physics 1957
Genetics and analysis of quantitative traits / 1998
Hands-on programming with R / 2014
Identification of outliers / 1980
In all likelihood : statistical modelling and inference using likelihood / 2001
International encyclopedia of statistics / 1978
Interpreting data : a first course in statistics / 1989
Introduction to mathematical statistics / 1995
Introduction to probability and statistics from a Bayesian viewpoint / 1965
Introduction to the practice of statistics / 1999
Introduction to the theory of statistics. 1963
Introductory statistics with R / 2008
Mathematical methods of statistics / 1946
Mathematical statistics : basic ideas and selected topics / 1977
Measurement error and misclassification in statistics and epidemiology : impacts and Bayesian adjustments / 2004
Multivariate statistical methods / 1976
Nonlinear parameter estimation / 1974
Nonlinear regression with R / 2008
Nonparametric methods in multivariate analysis 1971
Nonparametric statistical methods / 1973
Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences. 1956
Order statistics 1970
Order statistics / 1981
Permutation tests : a practical guide to resampling methods for testing hypotheses / 1994
Philosophical theories of probability / 2000
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